chapter 46

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

"Fuck" I groaned, my eyes flew opened and I started breathing fast. My eyes wondered everywhere and I saw that I was in a room with needles in my skin and gauze wrapped around my waist and both my legs. "Augh!" I shouted as I tried sitting up. The doctor came barging into the room with Logan and Lorenzo following behind.

"Where the fuck is she Zane? How could you let them take my daughter?" Lorenzo asked as he marched up to me.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect her, I'm so stupid" I said and Lorenzo grabbed my shoulders and I winced. I was in so much pain, I could barley move and he was making it worst.

"I can't believe you let them take her... I shouldn't have trusted you with my daughter, she's pregnant for fucks sake, you should've been protecting her with your life. Didn't she have a gun?" He asked me as he dug his finger into my skin.

"Go easy on him Lorenzo, I know you are hurt and so is he, it's not his fault you know" Logan said as he pushed Lorenzo back a little. I could see the frustration on his face, I know he was hurting and so was I.

"She didn't carry a gun. We were set up by the guy who was in the store. He was Mia's friend so she trusted him but it was all a trap... none of us were expecting that" I paused "Ever since Mia got pregnant she has changed, she's more soft and all she ever wanted to do was protect her baby, she didn't want anything dangerous around her and even if she did have a gun it wouldn't have made a difference. There were a lot of them and not matter how badass she was she wouldn't fight or lay a finger on any of those man because she didn't want the baby to get hurt we were set up!" I shouted and Lorenzo jaw clenched.

"He's right Lorenzo there was no way they were going to win and I couldn't get there fast in time to get her but I was able to save his ass from dying and we killed a couple of Rodolpho men" Logan added.

"Take these things off me I need to find her, I can't let them hurt her or the baby" I said as I tried removing the needles but the doctor stopped me. I looked up at him and he shook his head.

"Zane you'll have to stay here while we and some other men go looking for her. We'll try our best to track her down. We'll find her as soon as possible while dad tries to find the money that Rodolpho wants" Logan said and I shook my head.

"No I can't stay, I want to help" I insisted as tears filled my eyes.

"You can't you are in too much pain you got four shots you need to rest!" Logan shouted and Lorenzo agreed.

"He right" the doctor agreed and I rolled my eyes then laid back.

"Wait what money?" I asked and  Logan sighed.

"He wants money in exchange to get her back but I don't trust him. Dad is not thinking clearly, he's blaming himself for all of this and I qoute 'I shouldn't have let her do this, I should have listen to Lorenzo' he's losing his mind he really loves her as if she was his own daughter, so even though he knows Rodolpho is a lier he's still trying his best to gather all the money" Logan said and I nodded.

"Get some rest okay, we'll find her" Lorenzo said then left the room with Logan following behind him.

"Would you like anything to eat Zane" the doctor asked and I shook my head. I couldn't stop thinking about Mia, I didn't feel like eating not until she's back with us.


"Did you get her" Nikolai asked as he stared at the screen of a computer.

"No not as yet just give me a few more seconds" the guy said as he typed away on his computer. He was trying to track Mia down. Nikolai was glad that he planted a tracking device in Mia's skin. She didn't want to get it but nikoali insisted. Ofcourse he didn't remember that he had did it, Mia was 17 when he placed it in her hand and sometimes he forgets things. "Okay so she's at the old ice cream factory it's really far form where you guys live it will take 8 hours" the computer guy said and Nikoali nodded. "I sent the address to all of your men" he added and Nikolai nodded.

"Thank you" Nikoali said then sighed, turning towards Logan he walked up to him.

"Please go save her, protect her with your life and I want Rodolpho alive everyone else dies" Nikolai ordered and Logan nodded.

"This means war" Mason said as he ran towards Nikolai. Mason had on his soldier suit with his play gun in his hand and his fake grenade on his belt and to top it of he had two black stripes on both of his cheek.

"Where do you think you're going?" Aiden asked and Mason looked up at him.

"I'm going to save my sister" Mason said with his head tilted to the side.

"You can't save her with those fake stuff you have to be a real man like me" Aiden said and Mason pouted.

"Neither of you are coming" Logan said as he hit Aiden in the back of his head

"Why I know how to shoot a gun, Mia thought me" Aiden whined and Logan sighed.

"Fine you can come but you'll have to stick beside me okay? This is dangerous and I wouldn't want anything to happen to any of you" Logan assured him and Aiden nodded then smiled.

"Okay everyone gather around... Aiden count how many man are there" Logan paused "Rodolpho is a dangerous man and he's very tricky, so here's what we are going to do" Logan said as everyone gathered around him. He began telling them the plan as he showed each and everyone where they would go on the map.

"Uncle Logan they are 50 men, that's alot" Aiden said and Logan nodded.

"Yes and only the best, this will not be easy do not underestimate these guys"  Logan warned and they agreed.

"Okay let's go, 3 of you guys come with me, Aiden you and Lorenzo are with me that makes five of us... everyone take what you need and let's move out" Logan said and everyone started raking their things. Logan left the the warehouse with the others following behind him.

"Logan wait" Sapphire said as she ran towards him.

"I love you, come back to me okay... I love you" Sapphire said and Logan nodded then kissed her lips.

"I will... I love you too" he whispered against her lip. As Logan made his way over to the truck Aiden waved at him and he groaned.




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