chapter 24

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

I was finally home, Zane was still upset with me about the whole thing. I still have no clue as to what happened on the ship because he wouldn't tell me. I sighed placing my bag down. Leaving my room I walked down the hall then down the stairs to the living room where everyone was.

"Mia" Caterina called and my face lit up.

"I missed you Cate" I hugged her and she squealed then pulled me into a corner.

"I want to tell you something" she said and I raised my eyebrows.

"Go head" I told her and she bit down on her lip. She looked really nervous and I wondered why.

"I'm pregnant" she whispered, my eyes widen and mouth was wide open.

"What your pregnant?!" I shouted and she placed her hand over my mouth. Everyone turned their gaze at us and I smiled at Caterina awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I was too excited " I wishered and she laughed.

"Are you pregnant?" Grandma asked and Caterina nodded. I hugged her then placed my hand on her stomach.

"Congratulations I can't wait to meet this little one" I told her and she nodded. Everyone crowded around her, congratulating her. I walked over to the couch then sat down.

I picked up a bottle soda that was on the table then placed it towards my mouth. My mom walked over to me then sat down beside me.

"So Mia when are planning on having kids?" Mom asked and I almost choked on my drink it came through my nose and her eyes widen.

"Moooom" I whined and Amelia laughed at me. I glared at her then turned towards mom.

"Are you not planning on having kids?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Well yeah but not until I'm..... I don't know" I said and she looked at me with sad eyes.

"So are you with anyone" she asked and I shook my head quickly. Usually I tell my mom everything but I'm scared that she would tell dad about Zane. She eyed me suspiciously and I looked down at the floor. "Okay" she simply said then stood up. I knew she knew that I was lieing but still she didn't prolong the conversation. I think she's up to something.

As soon as everyone went back to what they were doing I walked outside to the backyard to get some fresh air. I haven't been back here in a very long time. I sat down on the chair then looked at the pool. It was quiet outside until Melia broke it.

"Mia what are you doing out here" she grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"I was hoping for some peace and quite" I whispered and she sat down beside me.

"Finally you and Zane are together, I can't wait you guys get married and have ki-" she was about to say when I cut her off.

"You're going to far Amelia, how do you know we are going to be together that long to get married and have kids, we always fight" I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"You guys are in a relationship ofcourse they are going to be disagreement" she said and I shrugged then looked around. There was a guy standing in suit while walking around with a gun across his chest.

"Who is that?" I asked and Melia looked up then giggled.

"That's the new security that dad hired, he's hot right" she said and I nodded then licked my lip.

"When did dad hire him?" I asked, I couldn't avert my eyes from him.

"Yesterday when you where with ZANE!" She said and I rolled my eyes then turned towards her. "You know if Zane come here and catches you checking out that guy he would be pissed" she said.

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