chapter 9

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"Yes we got it" she squealed then hugged me. I nodded then smiled. "Can we go now I'm a little tired" she said.

"Wait it's almost over" I said and she raised her eyebrows.

"Our last and best item of the night are these diamond earrings" the speaker said and Mia looked up.

"Oh" she said and I smiled Okay I'll buy these for her then.

"Starting at 36,000" the speaker said and I raised my card. Mia knitted her eyebrows together in confusion.

"I thought you were here for one thing?" She asked and I shook my head.

"100,000!" Emilio shouted.

"500,000" I said and Emilio looked over at me then smirked.

"5 million" Emilio said then raised his card.

"10 million" I said, the others didn't even get a chance to bid because me Emilio kept on bidding.

"100 million" he said then turned to look at me.

"For you Mia" he said to her and my jaw clenched.

"150 million" I said and Mia's eyes widen. I didn't really want to spend so much money but I'll do anything for Mia to get those earrings.

"200 million" he said and I was about to raise my card when Mia held on to my hand. I looked over at her and she smiled.

"200 million going once, going twice, sold to number 20" the speaker said. Emilio laughed at me and I ignored him. Everything was over and We were about to leave.

"Why did you do that?" I asked her.

"Because we only came here for one thing why are you spending so much money on the earrings?" She asked.

"I was buying it for you" I told her then scratched the back of my head while looking down at the floor.

"You a-" she was about to say when Emilio called her.

"Mia I bought something for you" he said and I balled my hand in a fist. I was about to step forward when Mia placed her hand on my chest.

"Thank you but I can't accept that, if I wanted it I would've let Zane bid higher but I didn't because I would've preferred something simpler plus I already have one of those" Mia said and my eyes widen.

"Shit I spend so much money for those my dad is going to kill me" he said and Mia laughed then turned towards me. She looked so cute when she laughs.

"Let's go" she whispered and I nodded. I placed my hand on her exposed back then led her outside. We walked over to my car and I run my finger along her soft smooth skin. I saw her shivered and she turned towards me. "Well thank you for the night and I think it was both sweet and stupid that you tried to spend more than 200 million for a pair of earring for me" she said and I chuckled.

"Yeah I just wanted to get something pretty for you" he said  and she giggled. "Um..... I will drop you home" I whispered and she nodded. I'm surprised she nodded because she's so stubborn.

"Zekel are you coming?" I shouted and he shook his head.

"No, I'll see you tomorrow" Zekel said then smirked. We got into the car then drove off.

"He's about to get some" I said and Mia slapped me on the leg. "What?" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"That's the problem with you men always thinking that you can get whoever you want" she said.

"I don't think I can get whoever I want, but if I see you and I know you are the one for me I'm going after you and I'm not going to stop until I get you" I told her "I'm not one of those guys that fucks every girl they lay there eyes on" I sighed then looked at her through the rearview mirror.

"Well what if that person doesn't feel the same way" she asked with her head tilted to the side.

"Then I'll leave her alone and go for someone else. Just like someone I know. They play hard to get but I know deep down they have feelings that they trap inside because they don't want to get hurt" I said and she stared into my eyes.

"We are here" I said and she looked outside and smiled.

"Wait! How do you know where I live?" She asked with one eyebrow raised and I smirked.

"I have my ways plus my father is a friend of your grandfather and uncle" I said and she rolled her eyes then got out. I got out with her and she stood infront of me. "Bye" I said.

"Bye" she whispered and she just stared into my eyes. I leaned forward then kissed the side of her lip and her eyes widen. She waved at me then walked away. Getting back into car I drove off.


When Zane kissed me I felt butterflies in my stomach. My heart was beating faster. I don't know why but every time I see him he makes me feel different. I never felt this way towards any guy because I thought all of them are crap and they only want one thing. I'm not sure about Zane if he only want that thing from me. I've seen many girls get their hearts broken and they cry and it happened to my sister. I wouldn't want that to be me so I try to lock my feelings away but Zane is bringing them out.

"Mia remember that we can't let Zane win" I whispered to myself as I walked up the stairs and I heard someone cleared their throat. I looked up and I saw dad. I sighed then stopped infront of him.

"Hey dad" I smiled.

"Mia what mission did you go on this time?" He asked.

"Um... it was an auction we were getting something special for someone" I said and he nodded.

"Wait, who did you go with?" He questioned.

"Zane was my date, dad guess what someone almost spend 20- I was about to say when he interrupted me.

"Zane, Zane, where have I heard that name?" He asked himself, his eye lit up as if something clicked in his head "Mia stay away from that guy he's nothing but trouble" he said and I raise my eyebrows.

"But he does mission just like me dad" I told him and he gave me a stern look.

"Mia stay away from Zane, he takes any girls that he see then brakes their heart. I don't want to see him near you, wouldn't want my little girl's heart to be broken" my dad was serious he had that look that uncle Logan and grandpa does when they will kill someone if they try to hurt the family.

"Okay dad" I said then kissed his cheek. I walked into my room then took off my clothes.

"I don't know who to believe, my dad or Zane" I said as I walked into my closet. Zane told me that he didn't take any girl he sees now my dad says he does. What if Zane wants one thing and when I give it to him he breaks my heart. Wouldn't want that to happen. I'll try my best to avoid him until our mission is finished.




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