chapter 30

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

Mia why didn't you pick up the phone, did you just wake?

"Yeah I just got up sorry, my phone was on silent and yes I forgot to text you last night" I told him while biting down on my lip. I heard him sigh through the phone.

Okay, I was coming over be there in a couple of minutes.

As soon as those words left his lips my heart started throbbing faster.

"Um....... I thought I was coming over to your place" I gulped as nervousness washed over me. I lied to Zane and I know he'll get mad at me if he found out.

If you had answered your phone I wouldn't have to come over to spank you, I've already left my house so I'm heading over to yours. Sit tight cause daddy's coming.

"Okay bye" I ended the call quickly then sped up I hope I could get home before he gets home. My GPS was a big help. As soon as I got home I literally jumped out of the car and ran up to the front door opening it. I looked around then sighed when I saw that no one was wake as yet.

Running up the stairs I quickly removed my dirty clothes throwing them into the basket. I got into the tub then began having a bath. Removing the scrunchie from my hair I placed it down then let the water beat on top of my head. A knock sounded on my door and my eyes widen. Is that Zane? How did he get here so quick?. I'm glad I reached before him.

"Mia" I heard him call as the door slowly opened. I could hear his footsteps getting closer.  "Kitty" he said as he opened the shower curtain. My back was turned towards him. He got into the tub then pressed his front against my back.

"Why are you getting into the tub with me didn't you already have a bath at your home?" I asked as he buried his head into my neck.

"Yes I did have a bath but why not have a second one with you plus you still have a spanking to get after not sending me a message when I specifically told you that you should" he paused as he trailed his hands down my side. Turning me around to face him so that his front was towards my front, I wrapped my arms around his waist then buried my head into his neck.

"Then you placed your phone on silent when I told you many times not to because when I call or text, I want you to answer" he whispered into my ear, his hand came into contact with my ass and I screamed out. He placed his hand over my mouth telling me to be quiet.

"I didn't remember I was so tired" I said against his skin and he hummed.

"I messaged your phone so may times I was starting to worry because normally you answer Mia" he said then slapped my ass really hard. I bit down on my lip to stop myself from screaming. "You know I don't like worrying about you I want you to be safe and when you didn't answer after being out so late I was so scared I would've came looking for you but then again I said to myself maybe she fell asleep" he slapped my ass twice and I started digging my nails into his skin. "Were you lying to me Mia?" he asked out of now where and my body froze.

"No I'm not Zane" I said and he slapped me again.

"Ahhh" I screamed then bit down on his skin. He hissed in pain then slapped my ass again.

"Zane please stop I'm sorry" I cried and he placed his hands on my ass then began rubbing them. He kissed the top of my head.

"Ok" he simply said then pecked my lip. Stepping out of the tub he grabbed a towel then walked back over to me. Turning the shower off he wrapped the towel around me then left me off the floor. Walking back into my room he placed me down on the bed and I winced. Wiping my tears he kissed me. "Make sure you're not lieing to me because if I find out that you are lieing your punishment will be even worst" he said and I nodded then gulped. I was so scared and I hope he never finds out.

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