chapter 20

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours


It's been two weeks since I have last spoken to Mia. She hadn't call me and neither did I. Should I call her?, I really miss her. I wanted to hold her, give her kisses and call her kitty to annoy her. But, my dad told me to give her some space and that's what I'm doing.

"Zane your dad wants to speak to you" Zekel said as he walked over to me. I placed my book down then looked up at him lazily.

"I'll be there in a sec" I whispered then slowly got up. Dragging my feet towards the door I placed my hand on the door knob then slowly turned it. The door opened and I walked down the hall to my dad's office. Knocking on the door I hear him say 'come in' I opened the door then walked inside.

"Good morning dad" I said and he answered with a nod.

"Zane it's only been two weeks and it looks like someone drained the energy from your body" dad said then sat up in his chair.

"Dad I'm fine" I assured him and he raised his eyebrows.

"You miss her?" He simply asked and I nodded. She's so angry with me and I miss torturing her.

"I know what will solve your problems a trip on a cruise ship" he said and I shook my head.

"No, dad I don't want to go on a trip" I said and he sighed.

"Come on son it will be fun, you and Zekel can get any girl. There will be everything you could think of now please go enjoy yourself" he said in a cheerful voice and I shook my head.

"I don't know dad, I rather stay home" I told him and he stood up.

"You are going and that's final, go enjoy yourself, relax and stop thinking about Mia for a while" he said and I sighed once again. Placing my finger on my nose bridge I squeezed my eyes shut. As if I was frustrated.

"Okay dad I'll go" I said and he nodded then clapped his hands.

"Alright that's my boy, now your suitcase is already packed all you need to do is get yourself ready and Zekel will take you there" he smiled and I nodded then stood up.

"Looks like you guys had it all planned out" I chuckled then walked over to the door.

"Yeah just relax and enjoy yourself, stop thinking about Mia for a while, party and have fun with the girls" dad said and I nodded then left the room. As I walked down the hall to my room, I began thinking about Mia.

"I wonder what she was doing right now" I whispered to myself, maybe she's eating dinner because it's 6pm, or maybe she's having a bath. I shake the thought from my head then walked into my room. "Remember dad said I should stop thinking about her for awhile" I reminded myself. Removing all my clothes I walked into the bathroom. I had a really long bath, trying to clear my mind. Maybe a little cruise won't be so bad.

After getting dressed in my suit I left my room. "Zane are you ready?" Zekel asked as he walked up to me. I slowly turned on my heel then smirked.

"Let the party begin" I said and he smiled then gave my a high five.

"Oh yeah! Let's go have some fun, get drunk and have sex!" Zekel shouted then ran down the stairs. I chuckled then followed behind him. As soon as I reached the end of the stairs, I stood there for a minute then run my hand over my suit.

"Have fun son" dad said from upstairs, then waved at me. I simply nodded then left the house. I walked over to the car then got in.

"Let's go Zekel, it's going to be a long night" I whispered and he drove off.

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