chapter 16

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

"Emilio what are you doing, let me go" I said and and he chuckled.

"Now why would I do that Mia?" Emilio asked as he walked up to me. Grabbing my hand he held me up against the car. "I heard you like to kick guys in the balls" he smiled and I glared at him.

"What do you want Emilio?" I asked and he smirked.

"I want you Mia" he replied and I balled my hand in a fist.

"That's someone that you can never have" I told him.

"What do you see in Zane Mia? I'm way better than him and I can give you anything you want" he said and I laughed in his face.

"You are nothing like Zane, he's more sweet and caring while you are an asshole who spends his father's money" I said and he smiled.

"Feisty just how I like it, now come on Mia we can sort something out" he said while trailing his hand up my skin. I was disgusted by his touch.

"Get your fucking hands off me Emilio or you're going to regret this" I spat at him and he closed his eyes for a sec.

"What are you going to do run home to your boyfriend, Zane and tell him what Emilio did to you" he said then step back. "Hold her" he said to one of his guards and I wondered what he was about to do. One of his guards placed a tape over my mouth. I tried moving but he was too strong. I felt something stick me in my arm and I looked down. The guard was holding a needle in his hand. I felt alittle weak.

"Stop moving bitch" the guard shouted at me. I can't believe this parking lot is empty. I watched Emilio pull down his pants a little and my eyes widen. What was he about to do, was he going to rape me.

"Mia this is for making me spend so much money, for rejecting me for that idiot Zane and when I'm done with you I'll let my guys have fun then we'll kidnap you and keep you as my sex slave. "When he said this tears filled my eyes. "Shhh baby don't cry everything will soon be alright. I really hope my sister doesn't come looking for me wouldn't want them to hurt her. "Go I'll call you when it's your turn" he said to his bodyguards and they walked away.

As soon as Emilio was about to hold me I slapped in face and he got angry and punched me in the eye. I whimpered and he laughed. "Mia no one touches my face" he said then began to pull my shirt up. Why do I feel so weak. As soon as my foot was free I kicked him in the balls and he fell to the ground in pain.

I ripped the tape off my mouth and I cried out in pain. I placed it over his mouth then began hitting and kicking him. "Emilio you know nothing about me you think I'm one of those weak girls" I said then stepped in his crotch. Tears were running down his cheek. "You are lucky that I didn't carry my gun or else you would be dead by now" I said then grabbed his phone. "Open it" I told him and he typed in his password.

You guys can go home, I'm taking her home with me don't worry your still going have fun as soon as I'm done

Ok boss, don't have too much fun

I send the message then threw the phone at him. "Mia what took you so long" Amelia said as she walked up to me. "What happen to you Mia" she ran up to me with a worried look on her face. She gasped when she saw Emilio laying on the floor in pain with my foot on his crotch.

"I'll explain everything let's just go" I said and she nodded. I walked up to the car then got in. "You drive I'm not feeling so w-" I was about say when I fell into darkness.

My eyes fluttered open and I realised that I was in my room. I groaned then sat up. "Mia are you okay" Amelia asked as she walked up to me with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah I'm fine, what happened after I went into the car?" I asked as she sat down beside me.

"You fainted, you slept for hours now it's almost 9pm" she said and I sighed. Emilio inject me with something, I'm not sure what it was.

"Oh" I said then picked up me phone.

"I'm just glad you're okay Mia" she smiled then hugged me. "I would want you to explain everything to me but I'm just going to let it go since you had a ruff day" she was about to stand up when I held on to her hand.

"Did dad see me?" I asked while biting down on my lip.

"No he was at work, one of the bodyguards helped me carry you up" she said then stood up and left. I sighed then stood up. I went into the bathroom had a really long shower then got dressed. I went downstairs to get something to eat and after I was finished I went back upstairs to my room then locked the door. I wasn't in the mood after what happened today and I should probably tell grandpa about it but I won't. I looked in the mirror and my eye was swollen and red. I got hit in the face a lot of times but this was different. Emilio hit me for stupid reasons, he wanted to rape me and use me as his sex slave, what if his guards didn't leave. He would of raped me and all my innocence would be gone.

I laid down on my bed then closed my eyes, even though I just got up, I just wanted to sleep. I heard something making noise and my eyes flew open. I was about to get up when I heard his voice. "Kitty" he said and I closed my eyes.
Sorry for the late update guys




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