chapter 27

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

When Zane dropped me home he said that he's coming over tonight. I  walked inside the house then took of my shoes. Today has been an awful day so far. As soon as I stepped into the living room I saw my dad seating on the couch. "Mia" he called and I groaned. "Where have you been" he asked then stood up.

"Dad I was with a friend" I whined and he sighed.

"Mia you don't have any friends, who was that guy that dropped you off" he asked calmly.

"He's my friend dad" I said then sat down. "Dad I'm a woman now why can't I do things, I've only left for 2 days that's it" I told him.

"Mia I know that you are a woman but you are doing a dangerous work. I worry about you everyday anything can happen and I won't be there to save you. So many bad guys are after you, I don't want to lose you" he said with sad eyes and relaxed shoulders. I walked over to him then hugged him.

"I'm sorry dad but I promise I'll be okay and more cautious just for you okay dad" I told him while pulling back, he smiled then nodded.

"Are you seeing anyone" he asked and I bit down on my lip. I was battling with my self whether to tell him or not. But then I remembered the reasons I shouldn't tell him. First he's worried about me getting hurt And I'm with Zane whose just like me and second he hates Zane for some weird reason.

"No dad I'm not seeing anyone" I whispered and he nodded. I left the living room then walked into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple then leaned against the island. I took a bite then sighed. After taking a few bites of my Apple I felt an unfamiliar presence behind me. With a quick reflex I turned around really quick then pushed the person up against the  island grabbing a fork I placed it towards his neck.

"A fork really" Jax said and I rolled my eyes.

"This fork could stab you in the throat, what are you doing in here?" I asked him.

"I came in to have a snack, your dad has made me his chauffeur" he said and I mouthed oh then stepped back. I placed the fork down then sat on the stool.

"Sorry about that I have to be alert" I said and he nodded then smiled.

"Only at night I'm working as security when your dad doesn't need me, I need to make money so I can get my own house" he told me and I nodded. "So are you still seeing that guy" he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, why? He's my boyfriend why would I stop seeing him" I asked and he shrugged.

"I just really like you that's it he's a lucky guy Mia" he told me and I blushed.

"Don't worry they're a lot of girls out there" I told him and he nodded.

"But they are not like you" he smirked and I shrugged then stood up.

"I have to talk to my grandpa see you later" I said and he nodded then walked over to the sink. I ran up the stairs to grandpa's office. Knocking on the door I patiently waited.

"Come in Mia" he said and I raised one eyebrow then turned the knob. How did he know it's me.

"How do you kn-" I was about to say when he cut me off.

"I know how everyone knocks and then again I could smell your cologne" he said and I nodded then sat down. "Where have you been?" He asked while looking up at me through his glasses.

"I was at Zane's house" I simply said and he smiled. "Grandpa how could you and Zanes dad tell Liana that we should have a playdate if we meet again" I whined and his eyes widen.

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