chapter 44

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

We were walking towards our car when I saw a bunch of men in suit and guns in their hands standing near the car. "Mia step back" I said as we slowly went to the back of the store.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I pulled my gun out.

"I don't know there are a bunch men standing by our car" I whispered to her and her eyes widen. "Shit" I cursed when I saw Rodolpho standing in the middle.

"What?" she asked as she tried looking over my shoulder.

"It's Rodolpho and his gang, I think we were set up either that or the guy that I bumped into earlier is apart of the gang.

"Zane" Mia whispered and I turned towards her. She had a worried look on her face "I'm scared" she whispered then placed her hand on her bump. She had a right to be scared and so was I because she was pregnant and I didn't want the baby to get hurt.

"It's okay Mia, I'll protect you and the baby" I said as I placed my forehead towards her. She stared into my eyes and I stared into hers. "Go hide behind the bin and stay there I won't move from here okay" I assured her and she nodded.

"I wish I could help Zane, we were both trained for this but I'm carrying a human being inside of me and if the slightest thing happens the baby is gone and I dont want that" she said and I could see the tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry babe I'll protect you okay" I didn't want her to worry. There was a lot of men out there and it was only two of us. There's no where we could go because the place is small I knew they would find us.  "Here call Logan and tell him to get here as quick as possible okay" I told her as I handed the phone over to her. She nodded and was about to walk away when I grabbed her hand. I kissed her and she kiss back. After a few seconds she pulled back then walked away.

"I know you are somewhere around here Zane search the place now!" Rodolpho shouted and my jaw clenched and unclenched. I attached the silencer to my pistol then  pointed it at one of the guards who was blocking  Rodolpho. I pressed the trigger and the bullet flew through his head, he fell to the ground and the blood splashed on their faces. "Fucking find that bastard or you all are dead!" He shouted as he wiped his face off. I started firing more shots and his men kept on falling.

"There he is" one them shouted when he spotted me behind the wall. A shot was fired at me and I quickly hid behind the wall.

"Fuck" I cursed, I wasn't prepared for this, this gun is all I got Logan needs to get here quick. His men were approaching me and I fired shots at them. I peaked my head out and more men were approaching. They really came prepared, sweat was trailing down my face and I was breathing fast, not sure if I'll be able to hold off that many guys until Logan gets here. They fired shots at me and I hid behind the wall. Holding my gun high I pointed at the the bulk man approaching me, headshot, none of these men were as good as me. If I had all the equipment they would lose big time.

"Mhmmm" I heard noises coming from behind me and my eyes widen when I saw men climbing over the wall. One of them held Mia and had his hand over her mouth. I started firing shot at them but is just wasn't enough my bullets were finishing.

"Miaaaa!" I shouted when the guy walked away with her. Before I could turn back around I got shot in the chest, arm and leg. Blood flew out of my mouth and I fell to my knees clutching my chest. I looked at my hand and it was covered in blood, tears fell from my eyes and the only thing I was thinking about is that I couldn't protect her. I fell face flat to the ground and my eyes slowly began to close "Mia I'm sorry" we the last think I said before my eyes closed.


"Fucking kill him" Rodolpho said as he approached Zane's body. "I've been waiting for this all my life Zane don't worry rest in peace, Mia will be in great hands. He laughed out loud then shot Zane in his other leg. "Finish him" he said to one of his men and he nodded. Blood was all over the concrete floor. Rodolpho got into his car and Mia's body was placed in the back of his car. Her hands and feet were tied. She was drugged and unconscious. Let's leave" Rodolpho said then left.

"That fucking prick thought that I wouldn't catch them, Logan you're next and the big boss nikolai he's definently mine, I will cancel out all of the Esposito family, starting with you Mia" he laughed sinisterly.

"Boss what are we going to do with her" the driver asked and Rodolpho looked over at him.

"I'm not sure, maybe torture her a little bit make her feel all the pain that my men felt when she killed them" Rodolpho smiled then took his cigarette from his pocket. He placed towards his mouth then lit it.

"I wouldn't have been able to pull this off if it wasn't for Dave, what is she even doing at a baby store?" He asked himself.

"She's pregnant" the driver said with an obvious tone and Rodolpho rolled his eyes.

"That's makes everything evermore interesting" he smirked as he turned his head to look at Mia. "Maybe we should let them pay for her 200 million or even more then when we get the money we just trick them. "This is going to be fucking fun"

"I love the way you think boss" the driver agreed with his idea.

"We can suck them dry until they have nothing" Rodolpho laughed "ahh  this is going to be a long drive they will never find us.




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