chapter 32

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"Oh we are here?" I asked with one eyebrow raised. Looking around I realised that it wasn't a place. All I saw was trees. "Wait! why are we here?" I asked in confusion and he chuckled then continued driving slowly.

"Close your eyes" he whispered and I did Just that. The car had finally stopped and I could hear him getting out. I would peek but I was like nah. Few minutes later, I heard the car door open again. "You can open them now" he whispered and I slowly opened my eyes then looked around. It was a bautiful garden. On the floor there was a blanket laid out on the grass.

"Well I didn't expect that from a guy like you" I smiled and he rolled his eyes then grabbed my hand. Pulling me towards the blanket he told me to sit down.

"Mia I brought you to this place because it's somewhere that I relax and take my mind off a few things. Whenever I feel stress I come here and relax. I've never brought anyone here before you are the first person to come here" he said and that made me feel so special. "I want to be with you forever, get married and maybe make some babies, in I don't know what years" he said while scratching the back of his head and I laughed.

"So you are saying no babies until hmmm..... I don't know?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah....... we are not ready for that" he said and I agreed. "Anyways I don't want us to fight, I want us to love each other forever, nothing and no one can't stop me from loving you. You're mine and will forever be" he said then leaned forward and pecked my lip. Placing his hand on my cheek he began caressing it while staring into my eyes "I love you Mia" he said and my heart started beating faster, I could feel the butterflies in my tummy and I was blushing really hard.

"I love you too Zane"  I said then kissed him. He placed his hand on the back of my head and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He deepen the kiss sliding his tongue into my mouth. "Mhmm" I hummed and he pulled back.

"Now let's eat" he said as he grabbed the basket.

"Oh like a picnic?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Look I brought your favourite chocolate" he said and I squealed then hugged him. Grabbing it from his hand I immediately pulled it then took a bite. My mouth felt like heaven. "There is sandwich, fruits and vegetables, ummm... wine and some snacks. I didn't really know what to pack so I just grabbed a few things" he blushed and I smiled.

"That's okay you did great" I assured him and he nodded then grabbed his wine glass.

"The best part about it is the liquor" he grinned.

"So whose going to take us home if both of us are drunk?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine I won't drink too much then" he pouted and I smiled then leaned forward. Whispering into his ear "You're cute when you pout" I said and he smirked.

After we had finished eating we just stared at the moon in the sky while laying down on the blanket. My head was laying on his chest, his hand behind his head and our legs intertwined. "I wish we could stay out here forever but unfortunately it's getting too late and it's getting chilly" he said and I snuggled into him more. He was right I was getting a little cold plus I wasn't really dressed for this occasion. I watched Zane as he got up, grabbing my hand he pulled me up.

"Let's go"  he said and I nodded, hand in hand we walked towards the car. Getting in I sighed when my butt touched the seat. He started the car then drove off. "Where are we going your place or mine?" He asked and I shrugged. I kept on staring at Zane while biting my lip. "What?" He asked as he looked over at me. My harmones were driving me crazy, I wanted him so bad. Mia you can do it as soon as you get home.

"Hmm....... I want you" I said in a low voice and he raised his eyebrows. You couldn't just shut up, you had to say it. I really couldn't help myself.

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