chapter 28

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

We were finally at Liana's house. My heart started beating faster. I wasn't sure if we were able to pull this off. Getting out of the car I picked up Maya's diaper bag. "Zane go get Maya" I told him as he got out of the car. I looked over at her house and it was a two story. There were other cars which means that other parents were here. This gave me anxiety. "Zane I can't do this, I'm not ready" I told him and he chuckled.

"Mia calm down everything will be okay" he said and as he walked up to me with Maya. He held my hand in his and I sighed. We walked up to the front door then knocked on it. The door slowly opened and Liana peeked her head out. A big smile came on her face when she saw the both of us.

"Oh my god you guys are here" she said and we smiled then nodded. She shared a glance with Zane then her eyes fell on Maya. "Is this your little one she's so cute" Liana giggled then moved to the side. "Come on in" she welcomed us inside. I looked around and sighed when I saw the other parents with their kids. I'm not supposed to be doing this. I'm supposed to be fighting and killing bad guys. Walking into the room eyes were on both of us.

"You guys remember Mia and Zane from the first class, they stop coming for reasons but anyways can I get you guys anything?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I'll have a beer thank you" Zane said and she nodded. Zane and I had a seat. The other babies were seated on the play mat in the middle of the room.

"Do you want to play with the others" Zane asked Maya and she just stared up at Zane with one eyebrow raised. He was about to place her down when she started crying. "Oh so you rather stay with me?" He asked and she looked at me then back Zane and back at me. With her arms out stretched she leaned towards me. I wanted to laugh so hard right now. I took her from Zane and she laid her head on my chest while staring at Zane as if he was a stranger even though he was.

"Okay so we were sharing our experiences with our little one" Liana said as she walked back into the room with with Zane's best and snacks.

"You guys could go first" she said while staring at us. This didn't feel like a playdate it felt like one of those parenting classes.

"Oh, Maya is my little gem. For the first couple of months it was hard for me and Zane. She cried a lot and she would always wake up in the early mornings. But I love her so much, she's my yummy baby. Oh yes she's teething too so she cries" I said and Zane looked at me.

"How do you know so much I don't know shit about babies" Zane whispered to me and I smiled.

"I have siblings and I would always take care of them" I said while brushing Maya's hair with my hand.

"How about you Zane, how does it feel to become a dad for the first time?" She asked and he froze the relaxed.

"It's great actually, when I held her for the first time, she was so little and fragile. On that same day I promised to protect her. I don't like changing diapers though" he said and everyone laughed.

"Aww we love to see it, how about you Veronica?" She asked and we both sighed in relief when she moved on to someone else.

When everyone had finished sharing, most of the babies fell asleep. Maya was still in my arms wide awake. Looking around while chewing on her teething ring. All the guys gathered together while drinking deer and chattering away. All the women gave their babies to the father's but I was still with Maya because Zane refused to take her. I was so upset.

"Mia" someone called. I blink a few times before turning my attention to Liana. "Go give Maya to Zane, we always have the baby just give yourself a break for a little while" she suggested and I smiled then nodded. Taking slow steps towards Zane he looked up at me and smiled. Rolling my eyes I stopped infront of him.

"Here's Maya" I told him and he excused himself, pulling me into a corner.

"I can't take her she hates me" he whispered in my ear.

"Well you'll have to get along, I've been holding her for the whole day, try putting her to sleep" I said and he sighed the took her. I quickly walked back over to the others. We began talking and laughing. I glanced over at Zane and Maya was crying. He tried to calm her down but it didn't work. I was about to walk over to him when I saw him turn her upside down. He held both her legs in his hands and my eyes widen.

I was over there by the blink of an eye. Maya stopped crying and she began smiling. "Zane what are you doing?" I asked and he chuckled.

"She likes it" he said then turned back. Maya laid her head on Zane's chest then smiled up at him. "Having a baby is a lot of work though" he said while scratching the back of his head.

"You know what, let's go" I told him and he smiled widely.

"Thank god" he said and we both walked over to Liana.

"We've got to go now" Zane said and her face sadden.

"Okay I wish you guys could stay longer. There will be another playdate are you guys coming?" She asked and before I could say something Zane replied.

"No" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry we're really busy so we won't be able to make it" I told her and she nodded.

"Okay I'll text you guys, bye" she said and I nodded then walked off. Zane and I got into the car and he drove off.

Taking a look back at Maya in her carseat she was fast asleep. I sighed then looked over at Zane. "Give me your phone" he said and I raised my eyebrows but handed it to him anyways. He did something real quick then handed it back to me.

"What did you do?" I asked as he started the car.

"I blocked and deleted her number now she won't contact us" he said in serious tone.

"We are really petty" I said and he chuckled.

"We can't handle a baby it's too much, I wondered what those other parents thought of us" he grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just go" I said and he nodded.

"So are we dropping her off?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I said that I would spend time with her for the rest of the day so were going to your place" I told him and he groaned.
Sorry for the late update guys




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