chapter 11

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

"I'm going to fuck you" he evilly smirked and my heart sank. He started laughing then placed his clothes down on my chair. "I'm kidding Mia I like sleeping with my clothes off. Normally I would sleep naked but since I don't want to be rude I'll sleep with my boxers on" he said and I sighed in relief.

"That's not funny" I said and he chuckled.

"You should have seen your face it's like the blood drained from your body" he laughed. I observed his body quickly and I bit my lip. He was so muscular and well built, I wanted to run my hand over his abs. Trace his v line going all the way down. My eyes stopped at his boxers and I wondered how big he was.

"What am I thinking" I whispered to myself. I looked up and his eyes met mine. A smirk was plastered on his face.

"Are you done staring at me Mia?" He asked and I blushed then looked away. I can't believe he caught me staring at him.

"You are so annoying, I catch you checking me out all the time" I said then turned on my side. Closing my eyes I felt the bed sink a little. He placed his arm on my stomach then pulled closer to his naked chest. My breathing started to increase and I bit my lip. Mia you have to relax or he'll know the effect that he has on you. I relaxed and he nuzzled his head into my neck. I moved around a little and he grip around my waist tightened.

"Stop moving" he groaned.

"I'm just trying to get comfortable I'm not used cuddling with someone" I told him.

"But you're giving me a boner" he said and I raised my eyebrows.

"A boner? I'm sorry" I said not knowing what that means.

"Oh Mia you act so bad but you are an innocent little one, go look up what boner means" he said and I blushed. "Good night" he whispered.

"Good night" I closed my eyes then fall asleep.

My eyes fluttered open and the light was shining in my face. I groaned snuggling more into Zane. Wait Zane, oh my god I forgot that Zane was here. My head was laying on his shoulder and my hand on his chest. I trailed my finger along his chest going all the way down to his abs then stopped at his eye popping V line.

I slowly traced it going all the way down and I could see the veins popping up. Fuck he's so well built I could tell he works out a lot. I looked back up at him and his eyes were still closed. I placed my hand on the line of his boxers then slowly lift it. I was so tempted to do it, I really wanted to see how big he was. I was about to lift it a little more when he grabbed my hand. My eyes widen and I jumped.

"Don't touch if you don't want to be touched" he said and I pulled my hand away.

"You're at my house in my bed I can do whatever I want" I told him and he smiled then climbed on top of me holding both my hands above my head.

"That's the thing with you women, you think you can do anything you want and get away with it but as soon a the man does something they gets argued and shouted at" he said then leaned forward.

"Hmm" I hummed then looked down at the floor, he was talking the truth.

"Look at me Mia" he said and I ignored him. "Look at me" he demand and I looked up "Why do you wanna know what's in there so bad?" He asked me and I blushed then looked away. "Do you want me to show you but if I do I want to do something back to you" he said and I thought about it. He could do anything after he showed me. Just the thought of it made me wet.

"No" I said and he got off me.

"Then you'll just have to stay curious innocent one" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine" I said and he stood up then stretched. "So are you going to leave now?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Not without breakfast bellisima" he said and I stood up.

"This isn't a restaurant now you need to go before someone comes up here" I told him and he shook his head.

"No can do princess I have to eat" he cockily said and I folded my arms up to my chest.

"Fine I'll give you breakfast then you should leave" I said and he nodded. "What do you like?" I asked.

"I'll just have some cocoa puffs cereal mixed with fruit loops" he said and I cocked one eyebrow up. "What I like to mix my cereal" he said and I giggled.

"I didn't say anything, I like mixing my cereal too" I said and he smiled. "Okay I'm leaving to go get the bowls and milk now lock the door as soon as I'm out and don't touch anything" I said then eyed him suspiciously.

"Whatever" he said. "Wait here, how will I know it's you and not someone else" he said then hand me the walkie talkie. I took it, rolled my eyes then left my room. I tip toed pass my brothers room and went down the stairs. Walking into the kitchen I opened the fridge and took out the milk. I grabbed two bowls then ran out of the kitchen and tip toed up the stairs. I knocked on my door while turning the knob but Zane didn't open the door.

"What's the password?" He asked on the walkie talkie and I just wanted to kill him.

"Stop playing around someone might catch us" I whined. I can't wait until he leaves. I'll make sure to lock my window incase he wants to come back.

"Wrong answer" he said and I groaned out loudly.

"I don't know the fucking password Zane" I almost shout at the walkie talkie.

"It's I love you Zane and I'll give you a kiss, now you say it" he said, I could tell he was smirking behind the door.

"I'm not saying that, now open t-" I was about to say when my bother Mason walked out of his room.

"What are you doing Mia" Mason asked and I just wanted the floor to open up and swallow me.

"Nothing I'm just going to have some breakfast" I told him and he looked at the bowls, the walkie talkie then back at me. He knitted his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Then why do you need two bowls?" He asked and I sighed.

"I keeping this one in my pantry incase I need a clean one" I told him, hoping that he bought it.

"Oh okay" he shrugged then walked down the stairs.

"Fine I'll say it then, I love you Zane and I'll give you a kiss" I said quickly before anyone else wakes up.

"And I mean it, I want a kiss" he said then opened the door. I walked inside then locked the door. Placing the milk and bowls down. Zane walked over to me and I pecked his lips.

"There" I said and he pouted.

"No I want a better one" he said then leaned forward. I smirked then leaned forward, his lips was about to touch mine and I kneed him in the balls. His mouth fell opened and he placed his hands on his crotch then fell to the ground in pain.

"That's for taking so long to open the door" I said and he groaned. I walked into the pantry then took out the cereal. I made some for me and Zane.

"Fuck Mia why would you do that I want kids in the future you know" he said then stood up. "If you want kids and I can't have any it's your fault" he said and I rolled my eyes. Now he's talking about kids, he's really planning our fake future together.

"Here" I said then gave him the cereal, he sat down on the floor and I sat beside him.

"Now you want to sit beside me" he said as he eats his cereal.

"I can get up, normally I eat around that table" I told him and he shook his telling me to stay. As soon as I finished eating my cereal I had a bath. When I came out back Zane was gone.

"Finally" I said then walked over to my bed. "Now I miss his company" I whispered to myself after realising that I didn't have anyone to torture.




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