chapter 7

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

I had a weekday off from the missions. I'm not sure why grandpa told me to take some rest instead he let Logan and his men handle it. I have been in my room the whole day working on some important things. I heard a knock on my door and I looked up then closed my book and place it in my drawer. "Who is it?" I asked as I walked over to the door. No one answered so I opened the door.

"Boo!" Amelia shouted and I almost punched her in the face but she moved.

"Don't do that Amelia I could've hurt you" I said then rolled my eyes. I walked over to my bed and she closed the door.

"I'm fine" she giggled then sat down.

"What do you want now Amelia?" I asked and she pouted.

"Why do you think that I'm here for something?" She asked and I eyed her suspiciously.

"Because you always come in here for something," I told her and she chuckled.

"Fine, I want to use your makeup and borrow one of your dresses. But other from that I came in here to tell you that we are going out" she squealed and I shook my head no. "But why you always stay at home or do mission and you never do fun stuff with me" she whined.

"Missions are fun not only do I get to kill bad people but I also have fun while I'm doing it," I said and she raised her eyebrows then pursed her lips.

"Please Mia you are so boring you haven't done any missions since the week started. You've been in here all day, now we are going to the club with my friends to have a little fun" she told me and I rolled my eyes.

"No way," I said then picked up my phone. Amelia grabbed it from my hands then ran across the room.

"No Mia! You are coming and that's final" she said and I sighed.

"Fine, okay okay I'm coming, wait why am I taking orders from my little sister?" I asked myself and she squealed.

"Okay now go get dressed. By the way, if dad asks tell him we went to my friend's house or whatever. I hope we can sneak out without him knowing" she said then left my room. I sighed then walked into the bathroom. Since I already had a bath a while ago and was about to go to my bed when my sister came in to annoy me. I began putting on natural makeup. Pulling out my scrunchy from my hair. I let it fall on my shoulder. Grabbing my brush I began brushing through it. Then I picked up my curling iron.

After I finished doing my hair I got dressed into something simple since I wasn't interested in going. Walking out of the room I waited on my sister to come. The door flew open and Amelia walked in.

"What are you wearing Mia?" She asked and I looked down at myself.

"Something simple and comfortable, I'm not going to impress anyone," I said and she rolled her eyes then walked into my closet.

"Here," she said then walked out with two dresses the other one must be for her.

"I'm not wearing that," I told her and she groaned. She handed the dress to me.

"Mia don't let me force you" she warned and I got undressed then put on the new clothes that she gave me.

"This black dress is so short Mia and it's a little too tight. It has way too many cuts in the back and front" I whined and she raised her eyebrows.

"Mia that's what you are wearing, you look super hot and sexy," she said with a smirk while moving her eyebrows up and down. I laughed then shook my head. I can't believe I'm letting my sister order me around.

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