chapter 50

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"Uncle Logan" I whispered as I stared down at him. I hated seeing him like this.

"Mia" He said slowly as his eyes opened "you're okay" he said then smiled and I nodded.

"Will you be okay too, I want to see you happy again" I said to him and he chuckled then leaned forward to wipe my tears. I didn't even know I was crying.

"Hmmm" he hummed "at one point I was gonna let go and be free, but I remembered you guys, my family plus I have my 4 year old daughter, I don't want her to grow up without a father, well neither of my kids should" he paused "So live the fuck on, I've been through pain all my life this is nothing" he said and I knew he was only saying that to make me happy.

"Fine, just know that I love you" I told him then kissed his forehead and he smiled.

"How is the baby?" He asked and I stood up to show him my baby bump. A small smile came to his face then he sighed and then closed his eyes.
"Everyone is getting so big, look at you, already starting a family" he paused "I'm glad that I'm going to be there to watch the baby grow" he softly said and I nodded then kiss the top of his head.

"Get some rest uncle, I'll come back later to check on you" I assured him and he nodded then smiled.

Leaving the room I sighed to myself. Grandpa told me to meet him at his torture room and I know this was about Rodolpho.

"Hey, did you see Logan" Zane asked and I simply nod.

"Yeah, he's recovering, he'll be fine soon" Mia said and Zane nodded then placed his hand on the small of her back.

"Have you eaten as yet?" He asked and I shook my head. His lips parted as if he was about to say something, but he just stared at me, his eyes says it all. "I know, I know, I am going to eat right after I meet grandpa" I told him and he folded his arms up to his chest.

"Mia I don't think you should go down there" he paused "It's not safe for the baby to see" each word that he said irritates me.

"I will be fine and so will the baby, I think you are overreacting about this Zane" I said and he huffed.

"I'm not overreacting, it's disgusting down there and I don't want you to be down there so forget it, go eat something" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"You don't own me" I said then walked pass him. I knew he was angry, but who cares, I wanted to see Rodolpho in pain, make him suffer. I evilly laughed in my mind as I made my watch to the torture room with Zane following behind.

"Mia I still don't think you should go in there" Zane warned and I continued walking. He can say anything, I'm not listening. Zane catch up to me then grabbed my hand.

"Mia, you're pregnant, you won't get the same reaction as you did when you weren't" he told me but I ignored him.

"La la la, I'm not listening, cause I'm still going in" I shouted while covering my ears to drown him out.  I walked through the door then looked around.

"Mia finally, hurt him all you want, do anything, make him suffer in pain" Aiden said as he led me towards Rodolpho. Zane was right, Oh my god, it's smells in here. I was trying to hold my composure to prove Zane wrong, but I was sick to my stomach.

"Mia are you okay?" Zane asked and I nodded. Looking over at Rodolpho he was tied up in a chair with his head down, blood dripping from the cuts and bruise on his body. I had so many ways to torture him but I couldn't think of one, just the thought of it made me feel sick.

"Nope, I can't just do your thing cause I'm out" I told them as I placed my hand over my mouth.

"Mia! Wait, I thought you wanted to torture him yourself?" Aiden asked and I shook my head.

"Do what you please brother for I can't take the smell inside this room, blaaa" I said as I made my way to the door. Leaving the torture room I felt the urge to vomit and I did, on the grass. I could feel my hair being slowly pulled up by Zane. I soon as I finished vomiting I stood up and turned towards him. He was about to say something when I cut him off. "Fine you were right" I said and he grinned.

"I told you soooo" he said and I rolled my eyes then went back to the house. "Remember to eat something or do you want me to prepare something for you" he asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know" I said and he grabbed my hand pulling me towards his body.

"Mia you have to eat something" he said as he cupped my cheeks.

"I know, I'm just gonna eat some cereal" I said and he looked at me as if he didn't approved "ok then I want some tacos" I said and he nodded then smiled. He was about to kiss me but stopped  himself, instead he kissed me on the forehead then my cheek. I knew he didn't want to kiss me on the lip since I just vomited, so let me go get rid of that.

A few seconds later we left the house to go buy tacos. When we got there Zane told me to take a seat around the table while he goes and order tacos at the mini bus. Meanwhile, my eyes wondered around the place, why was it so calm. Everyone was minding their own business. "Hmmm..." I hummed then turned my gaze to Zane who was now at the front of the line. I was about to turn my head when my heart almost stopped beating. "What the fuck dude?" I said when a guy just stood right in front of me he was so close to me and he stared me dead in the eye.

"Mia it's me" he paused and I just stared at him, trying to figure out who he was, I gave up "Remi" he said and I just couldn't remember. He let out a sigh "from high school I was the nerd in your maths class" he said and I chuckled.

"Oh Remi" I said with a surprised face, he nodded then smiled.

"Can I take a seat?" He asked an I nodded.

"Oh my god I can't believe it's you" I said as I looked at him from head to toe, he looks more attractive than when he was at school, they used to tease him a lot, I was the one that stood up for him.

"Yeah I look different, I get that a lot" he said then looked down at the floor.

"So what brings you around these parts?" I asked and he looked straight into my eyes.

"It's nothing... I'm looking for my father, he wasn't there much for me but I still care for him but he is missing" he said and I gave him a sad smile.

"Sorry about that, wish I could help though" I told him, he was about to say something when Zane grabbed him by his shirt.

"Who the fuck are you?" Zane asked and my eyes widen.

"You're rude, you don't do that to people" Remi said as he tried removing Zanes fingers from his shirt. Zane's jaw clenched and unclenched.

"Zane let him go, he's my old friend from high school" I said and Zane let him go then placed the tacos down.

"I think you should go" Zane said as he stared at Remi with so much anger in his eyes. Remi cleared his throat then stood up.

"It was nice meeting you again Mia, hope to see you again sometime" he said then left. I folded my arms up to chest then stared at Zane as he sat down.

"What the fuck Zane" I said and he rolled his eyes "why did you have to behave like that with him, you don't even know the fucking guy!" I shouted at him.

"I don't trust that fucking man and you shouldn't either" he said and I grabbed the taco then stood up. "You don't trust anyone with me!" I shouted.

"That's not true, this is different" Zane said and I hugged.

"Where are you going?" He asked as I made my way to the car.

"Take me home Zane" I said and I could hear his footsteps behind me.
This book is coming to an end



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