Chapter 40

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I sat in my room reading a book when Zekel walked in. I glanced up at him then looked back down at my book. "You still haven't spoken to Mia?" Zekel asked and I ignored him. "Zane?" I placed my book down on the table then sat up.

"No, I haven't" I simply said and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't get why you are acting like this, Mia doesn't deserve the way you've been treating her. "You guys love each other and you are going to make one little stupid thing break you part" he paused "Amelia told me that Mia thinks you hate her" he said and I just stared at him.

"I don't hate her why would she think that?" I asked and he looked at me in frustration.

"Of course she would think that because you are ignoring her. You better make things right with her or she's not going to want you near her and I'm sure you wouldn't want that?" Zekel said and I sighed then glanced at my phone.

"Umm.... I should send her a text message" I whispered to myself.

"By the way your dad is calling you" he said and I nodded then slowly got off the bed.

"Did you tell dad about what happened?" I asked as I grabbed his arm.

"No" he simply said then pushed my hand away. Leaving my room I walked down the hall to his office. Before I could knock he told me to enter. Turning the knob of the door I opened it then walked in.

"Sit" he said with a serious look on his face. Placing both his elbows on the desk he intertwined his fingers, placing his chin between them. I sat down then waited for him to continue. "Is it true that Mia is pregnant?" He asked as if he was counting his words.

"Yes" I said and he leaned back in his chair.

"Her grandpa called me and told me everything, why the fuck are you ignoring her over a fucking stupid situation. He said you were being immature for that and he's right. You know she's sorry for not telling you, so what's the problem why are you ignoring her? Is it because of the baby?" He asked me and I shook my head "then what is it then?" He questioned.

"I spend sometime thinking about it and I give up if her father doesn't want me to be with her then so be it. I asked Mia when was her next appointment so I could go with her but she didn't reply so I guess she doesn't want me to be apart of the baby's life" I said and the vein in my dad's forehead looked like it was about to pop, he banged his fist against the wood angrily and I jumped.

"Are you hearing yourself right, who cares about what her father does or says you can't break someone apart from the person they love. You've been with her for almost two years and you are going to let her dad come between you two. You better get up off your ass and go see Mia!" He shouted.

"He said if I came to his house again he would kill me" I said and my dad rolled his eyes.

"He's bluffing and if he's not just kill who ever steps in your way" he said and I gulped. My dad is really serious, it kinda scares me. "I'm so disappointed in you Zane, I never expected you to do this, think about how Mia feels. She must be stressed out and you know that's being stressed and thinking about a lot of stuff is not good for her or the baby especially during the early stage of pregnancy" he said as he sat back down. He run his hand over his face in frustration. "Go see her Zane or you might regret it. I won't force you to go but I want you to do the right thing"

"What if she doesn't want to talk to me, I didn't even send her a message of call her" I said in a low voice.

"I don't know, you got yourself into this now find away to solve your own problem" he said and I nodded then stood up.

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