chapter 37

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It's been a month and so many things had happened. It was hard trying to hide my pregnancy from my family especially my dad. He was still upset with me and so was I upset with him. I barely left my room like always. I'm really glad that my baby bump wasn't all that big. I still can't believe I'm 3 months pregnant, oh my god that's crazy.

Zane was finally coming home and I am a little scared because we weren't ready for a baby but I guess it's okay. He didn't tell me what date though he said he wanted to surprise me. Well, the shock of his life is gonna come. I don't know why but I am calm about the pregnancy. I'm not freaking out or whatever. This is going to be a big hold back for me but I don't really care all I want to do is protect my baby.

Standing up I sluggishly walked into the bathroom. "Ugh being pregnant is not fun" I whined to myself, walking over to the mirror slowly lifting my top a small smile came to my face.

 "Ugh being pregnant is not fun" I whined to myself, walking over to the mirror slowly lifting my top a small smile came to my face

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Pulling my shirt back down I sighed then run my fingers through my hair. "I'm so bored and hungry, I could eat anything, maybe some hot ribs or Mexican food" the more I talked about it the more my mouth watered. "Maybe I could read a book since I'm not able to do any missions," I said to myself as I walked back into my room

"Boo," Zane said and I screamed placing my hands towards my chest. He scared the shit out of me, he really needs to stop doing that before he gives me a heart attack.

"Zane" I giggled as I jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "I missed you," I told him and he smiled then kissed my lips. Walking over to my bed he laid me down and I sat up.

"I missed you too kitty, the one person I've been thinking about the whole time," he said then sat down. I looked over at him and he looked sad, wasn't happy at all.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded while staring down at his hands. "So..... how did everything go?" I asked.

"It went well everything is taken care of" he assured me and I nodded then smiled. I bit down on my lip then grabbed his hand.

"Zane I'm pregnant," I told him and his eyes widen. He quickly shot up then began pacing around the room. A chuckle left his lips as he turned towards me.

"Mia, you're kidding right?" He asked and I just stared at him for a while then shook my head.

"I'm serious Zane" I whispered and he runs his hands through his hair. Placing his hands on his hips he stared at me.

"Mia we are not ready for a baby, too many things are happening right now. We are not ready for this" he said and I began playing with my fingers. Not the reaction that I expected but I knew Zane wasn't ready and he was also right this is not the time but what's done is done.

"How could you let this happen? Weren't you on pills?" He asked me but I didn't say anything. "Mia talk to me," he said and I looked up at him.

"I didn't remember to take my pill," I said and he sighed. "You're not happy?" I asked with my head tilted to the side.

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