chapter 2

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

The lights shone through the window and I groaned covering my face with the sheet. "Mia" someone called and I sat up the ran my hand over my face a couple of times.

"Coming!" I shouted, standing up I walked over to the door. I stubbed my toe on the wood and I whimpered "fuck" I whispered before opening the door. Amelia was standing at the door with a smile on her face, rolling my eyes I walked over to my bed then sat down.

"Good morning," she said then walked up to me.

"Yeah great the one day I get to sleep in you ruin it" I grumbled and Amelia rolled her eyes. "Whatever you want just take it and go," I told her and she squealed then ran into my closet.

"I'm going out tonight and I want to wear one of your dresses sis," she said and I cocked one eyebrow up.

"Are you sure dad will allow you?" I asked her and she peeked her head outside.

"Excuse you I'm old enough to go out with my friends," she said and Mia shrugged.

"Fine with me can't say I didn't tell you plus my clothes are way too sexy and badass for you to wear Amelia" standing up I walked into the bathroom to get myself ready for the day.

"I don't care what you want to say, anyways thanks maybe I'll bring it back" Amelia smirked then ran out of the room. My sister always takes my clothes, sometimes she brings them back, sometimes she won't, it really annoys the fuck out of me. After brushing my teeth I tied my hair into a messy bun.

Leaving my bathroom my little sister Valentina and my brother Mason came running into the room. They were using their fingers like a gun.

"Mia tell Mason that I'm the baddest shooter," Valentina said then ran over to me. I never get any privacy I can't wait to live on my own these kids are annoying.

"Why did it have to be summer, I love it when you guys are at school," I said with a fake smile and they sat down on my bed. "I don't care," I said clearly annoyed.

"It's breakfast time dad said you should come downstairs before it gets cold," Mason said and I nodded then stood up.

"Okay let go," I said then held on to both their hands. I locked the door on my way out because I didn't want them messing around with my stuff. We walked down the stairs and went into the dining where everyone was seated eating.

"Good morning," I said then sat down. Everyone turned their heads then nod. Letting go of their hand I walked over to my chair. "Pancake and Nutella yum" I licked my lips then sat down.

"Announcement guys my boyfriend proposed to me last night over a romantic dinner," Caterina said and they started squealing while congratulating her. I smiled then looked over at her.

"Congratulation Caterina I'm happy for you," I said then leaned over to my left to hug her. I continued eating my breakfast. I could feel someone staring me down and my mind told me that it was my dad. Looking up my eyes met with my dad's. He gave me a small smile and I rolled my eyes. I knew what he was thinking about and it annoys me.

"Dad don't give me that look" I whined and he cocked one eyebrow up.

"What look?" He asked and I slouch in my chair then folded my arms up to my chest.

"Dad I'm not ready to get married," I said.

"I didn't say anything," he said.

"You didn't say it but you were thinking it, I'm young I want to live my life, I don't want to be entangled in a relationship" I argued and his jaw clenched and unclenched.

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