chapter 31

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I wondered where Zane was going to take me today. I was curious for the whole week and finally it was Saturday. I didn't want to over dress so I just put on a cute simple dress. My hair into a messy bun and I had this cute little red purse that I was going to take with me. Leaving my room I ran down the stairs and into the living room. I stopped in my tracks when I saw dad sitting down in the couch while watching TV all by himself. I bit down on my lip as I nervously walked over to him. I wanted to tell him about Zane but I was a little scared. I'll just ask him if we could be friends at first then see what he says.

Taking a deep breath I sighed, clearing my throat my dad looked up and smiled. "Where are you going princess?" He asked as I took a seat beside him.

"I'm going to the movies" I lied, I hated lieing to my dad. "Um.... dad can I ask you something?" I asked and he nodded as he continued watching the TV. "Can Zane and I be friends?" I asked hoping that he would say yes. His head snap towards my direction and he stared into my eyes.

"No" he simply said and my heart started beating a little fast.

"Why dad I don't get why you hate him so much, I did missions with him and he seems okay to me" I told him and he kept staring into my eyes as if he was searching for something.

"Mia I told you already I don't want you to do any missions with him he's bad influence, I don't want you to get hurt either" he told me and I felt like crying. I really loved Zane and I wanted to let dad know but I just didn't have the courage to tell him.

"What has he ever done to you dad?" I asked as he turned his attention back to the TV.

"Nothing really" he paused then turned towards me. "Look Mia this mission thing that you are doing worries me everyday, I never wanted my little girl to do that stuff anyways but dad insisted. You leave almost everyday, sometimes you are in your room or you'll leave for 2 days then come back. I know you are an adult but I'm scared if anything were to happen to you I wouldn't forgive myself. I-" he was about say but I cut him off.

"But I can protect myself dad" I told him and he sighed.

"Mia it's not about that, you can't always protect yourself. I've went through many stuff and heard a lot of things. I choose to not follow my dad's path because I didn't want you guys to be in danger. Yes I'm apart of the family and they might try to kill me but I know how to protect myself. Being friends with Zane puts you in more danger. People may want to kill or kidnap you and I don't want that. Yes I can be over protective sometimes but that's because I'm scared" he said and I sighed. Turning the TV off he stood up, kissed my forehead then left. I just sat there in the couch staring down at my fingers.

My phone started ringing and I looked down at the screen. Zane was calling me, after everything that dad said I didn't feel like going anywhere. Standing up I walked over to the door.

Mia are you ready?

■ um.... yeah

□ Why do you sound like that is everything okay?

■ Yeah, I'm fine I'll be out there in a sec.

□ okay I'm outside so come quickly.

Leaving the house I walk up to the front gate, where Jax was standing. Walking up to the gate I opened it then went through. "Mia, wait!" He said as he walked up to me.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I pointed towards Zane's car.

"I'm going out with him" I told Jax and he nodded then scratched the back of his head.

"Okay, so does you're dad know that you are going out with him?" He asked and I didn't feel like answering him.

"Mia what's the hold up let's go" Zane said he walked up to us. When did he even leave his car. Zane held on to me then began pulling me forward.

"Hey! I was talking to her" Jax said and Zane stopped in his tracks then turned around. Walking up to Jax he gave him an angry look.

"I don't want you talking to her nor do I want to see you near her, she mine and you can't have her as long as I live, even when I'm dead you still can't have her" Zane told him and Jax hand balled in a fist.

"I don't know why a pretty woman like Mia would ever choose to be with you, you don't deserve her" Jax said and Zane pushed him up against the gate.

"You have a fucking problem with that mate. You know nothing about me, and what makes you think you're good enough for her?" Zabe asked and Jax placed his hand on his gun. Zane laughed then said "you think I'm scared of the little gun you got there" Zane said as Jax pushed him back.

"Get your fucking hands off me" Jax said through gritted teeth.

"Stop it guys I'm not in the mood for this right now. Zane let's go now" I said while pulling him towards the car.

"I bet I could be a better boyfriend than this loser" Jax said and Zane turned on his heel.

"What the fuck did you just say" Zane pulled his hands away from mine and my eyes widen.

"Zane! no let's go, just ignore him" I grabbed his hands once again then pulled him forward. "Get into the car" I told him as he stared at me.

"Fine, but if I ever catch you speaking to him again or even come near you. I'm going fuck him up then punish you later" Zane said as he angrily got into the car. I looked back at Jax then rolled my eyes.

"You need to fucking chill out" I mouthed to him and he just stared at me with his hands folded up to his chest and his lips in a thin line. He shook his head then walked off. Getting into the car I sighed. Zane angrily drove off and I looked threw the window.

"I fucking hate that guy, I c-" he was about to say but then he stop and started at me. He shoften then looked at me. "What's wrong Mia?" Zane asked. I looked over at him then sighed.

"I was talking to dad before I left the house. I was trying to tell him about us being together so first I asked him if we could be friends" she paused.

"Friends?" Zane asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah I asked him if we could be friends first then if he had said yes I would've told him that we are dating" I told him and he mouthed 'Oh'.

"So what did he say?" He asked as he turned the steering wheel.

"He said no, he doesn't want us to be friends he thinks I'll get into more danger when I'm with you" I said.

"But I can protect you Mia, I wouldn't let anyone hurt you" he said in a low voice.

"I know but my dad...... I hate lying to my family, the only five people know about us. I didnt even tell my mom and I tell her everything" I hated keeping secrets and I really want to tell by dad but how can I, when I'm scared.

"You're not lieing you're just not telling them" he chuckled and I looked at him serious.

"I'm serious Zane" I told him and she sighed.

"Let me tell him then, I want to be with you and I'm not letting your dad stop me from seeing you" Zane said in a low voice and I looked over at him then gave him a small smile. "Now let's forget about all that and enjoy the night" he added and I sighed but nodded.




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