Chapter 9 ✅

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Harry's PoV:

I walked into the great hall at eight this morning. Ron was trailing behind me still pissed off that I wasn't talking. Hermione was already sitting at the Gryffindor table reading while eating her breakfast. She didn't acknowledge me when I sat down so I just continued serving myself some breakfast. Just my usual; a slice of buttered toast, although I knew I wouldn't eat it all.

I took a bite of the toast I was eating and Professor McGonagall came and passed out my timetable.

I stared at my timetable while taking another bit of my toast, well today wasn't too bad though I did have quite a few classes with Slytherin this year

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I stared at my timetable while taking another bit of my toast, well today wasn't too bad though I did have quite a few classes with Slytherin this year. That didn't matter too much, I hadn't had any problems with Malfoy so far this year and I wanted to keep it that way.

A dour voice drew me out of my thinking and I turned around to meet the man in black. "Mr Potter, I have that potion that Madame Pomfrey requested me to make for you. You will take one after every mealtime for two weeks before going back to Madame Pomfrey for a checkup. She will decide from there what will happen."

I smiled and nodded at him before writing on a spare bit of parchment, 'Thank you, sir.'

The man nodded slightly before making his way up to the head table to sit down for his own breakfast.

"What the ruddy hell was that about?" Ron asked through a mouthful of food, making sure that crumbs spilt from his mouth.

"Ronald! Don't speak with your mouth full." Hermione chastised before going back to whatever book she had been reading beforehand.

I rolled my eyes before going back to looking over my schedule and eating my slice of toast.

I looked down at the box with the potions that were needed to help my vocal cords. I picked up one of the vials and chugged the slushy liquid down my throat.

It didn't taste as bad as skele-grow so I could live with it.


(A/N - Nothing happened to Buckbeak since no one Volunteered to approach him.)

It was time for DADA with yet again another professor, though he couldn't be any worse as the last two we've had. I huffed a sigh as I walked into the classroom only to see that the the tables had been moved to the side and in the middle of the stood a large wardrobe.

The wardrobe rattled violently and it made me jump a bit. I felt my eyes narrow as I looked at it for a but longer. I was puzzled but walked off to the side to stand with the rest of my classmates while we waited for out new teacher. A couple moments later the teachers office door opened and Professor Lupin walked out. He wore old scruffy looking, brown robes and his eyes looked a lot younger than his his body language was.

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