Chapter 42 ✅

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"Hadrian... let's go down and get our Followers, they will be wondering what it keeping us." Tom whispered to his lover whose head was resting on his knee.

Hadrian looked up tiredly at Tom but nodded anyway. Tom watched lovingly as Hadrian crawled out from under his desk. It was such a fitting look for the tawny teenager. Tom stood up from his chair and held out a hand for Hadrian to take, the smaller looked up and smiled before taking it, only to be yanked up and passionately kissed.

Tom could still taste himself in the youngest mouth. A sinful taste that he would only ever want to taste in Hadrian's equally sinful mouth.

Tom pulled away caressing Hadrian's cheek, "Come on Darling. We can't keep our followers any later." Hadrian nodded, donning his pitch-black cloak, but deciding to leave his mask off. As they left Tom changed into Voldemort.

They both walked into the hall where all the death eaters had gathered, Hadrian walking only a bit behind the now transformed Voldemort.

The hall fell to silence as they walked in. The chilling hiss that came from the end of Voldemort's words only made Hadrian want to melt into a puddle, though he managed to stay upright. "Friends. I am so glad that you have decided to join us. Behind me, show no doubt that this is Hadrian Max, His appearance was altered during a gone wrong runic ritual. However, your second in commands appearance has nothing to do with this meeting. We are attacking muggle London. Now." Cheers broke out from the crowds of masked Death Eaters, though he could clearly hear the crazed laughs of Bellatrix Lestrange.

Cracks of apparation started as cloaked figures disappeared from view and off into the depts of the muggle city. Hadrian left last, Voldemort just in front of him. As he landed, the chaos was already beginning the screams of terror were music to his ears, refreshing to hear over the talking of school children.

Hadrian made sure to stick close to Voldemort since he knew that when the Order of the KFC showed up they would all try to tackle him first. He blinked through his mask as he saw a muggle family running towards him. 'Perfect'. A sharp grin took over his face.

Hadrian caught the two children that were running ahead of their parents, putting them both in a chokehold, while their parents screamed out for their children. The father - Hadrian could only assume - ran forward to tackle them out of his grip, Hadrian trained his wand on him. As the mother pulled her husband back. "Please... please anything for my children. Ki..kill me i.insead." Hadrian sneered behind his mask. "How about no." Hadrian cast a killing curse each at both the children who fell back unconscious.

The mother fell to her knees and cried out in grief, the father trying to console her and get her up so they could run. Hadrian growled and sent a killing curse to the father. Before the mother even realised, Hadrian was on his knees in front of her. He gripped the woman's hair and whispered. "My parents were killed something like this by this exact group. And here I am because I was being used by their so-called friends. I enjoy killing." That was the last thing he said before he killed the mother.


Hadrian collapsed on his bed back in the Slytherin dorms, tired was a bit of an understatement. He was completely exhausted, from his amazing time with Tom and the raid. He had been tempted to stay at the manor and sleep there but he knew that somehow he would get distracted, so it was best he went back. This wouldn't be the last time that he would swear that the time turner would save him, so he could get at least twelve hours of sleep.

As Hadrian was just about asleep, the loud bang of the door against the wall made him shoot out of bed, wand pointed at the door.

It was just Draco.

Hadrian dropped his hand down beside him as he fell against his bed, rubbing his eyes trying to rub the sleepy stones from the corners of his eyes. "What do ya' want now Dray?"

The blond came and stood over him, turning his nose up at the overly tired-looking brown-haired teenager. "You look like you haven't slept in days."

Hadrian just groaned as Draco continued. "Well, at least you're still awake! I need you to hide me. I... uhhh pissed Blaise off again."

Hadrian sighed as he pushed Draco's head m down so you couldn't see him. Draco, true to his word was indeed being searched for by Blaise who came storming in only seconds later. "Have you see the blond rat!" Hadrian snorted. "We'll have you?"

Hadrian's green eye's glinted evilly, "yeah, he's right here." Draco jumped out from his hiding place and made a run for the door. Blaise caught him and they left, Draco screaming bloody murder.

Hadrian's head flopped back down on the pillows. 'I should've stayed with Tom.' Casting a wordless silencing charm before falling into a peaceful doze.


Classes went about as usual, except with the paper the next morning which caused whispers and cries of outrage.


Confusion and grief is surging through most of London following the attack launched by magical outlaws, Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort.

It started at 13:30 and the fighting lasted ten minutes before The Order of the Phoenix, a vigilante group lead by Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

The Order of the Phoenix managed to shut down the attack on the defenceless muggles in under ten minutes before Lord Voldemort called for a retreat. But not before casting the dark mark in the sky for everyone to see.

Minister Fudge is now speaking with the muggle prime minister. So far there have been around 1,000 confirmed deaths by the hands of the violent Death Eaters.

Is Lord Voldemort planning on trying to take back power? And what of Harry Potter? Is he truly missing for good?

Written by Rita Skeeter


Hadrian sneered at the lies of the paper, in reality, the fight had gone on for almost twenty-five minutes before the Order of the Kentucky Fried Chicken showed up. Not to mention that they took another thirty minutes until the Death Eaters backed off and left.

Hadrian took a sly glance up at the head table, Dumbledore was looking grim, but he held his shoulders high, which only made the tawny-haired teenager sneer. The old man looked too high and mighty sitting up there.

Hadrian had to retain himself from slapping the man.

He looked back to his copy of the paper and without reading any further, incendioed' it. Theo raise an eyebrow as Hadrian got up and walked off.

Sorry it took me so long to publish this. I badly sprained my wrist so I have been reduced down to one hand to type with.

How has your week been?


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