Chapter 48 ✅

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Hadrian joined the group of three after a couple of minutes. Belllatrix turned to him as he closed the door, "What the fucking hell was that?! You didn't think to tell me- or us about your change!" Hadrian just gave a confused look...before it clicked, "Wait. You think I'm a werewolf?"

The crazed woman nodded blankly, Barty brought his head to his hands in sheer disappointment. "No I'm not. Werewolves only change on the full moon, at night. As you can see, it's not a full moon and it's not completely dark out."

"Then what are you?" Bellatrix snapped, she was so fed up with the guessing games. "I'm a shifter." Hadrian shrugged, Bellatrix gave a deadpanned look. And the younger boy let out a defeated sigh of agitation. "I'm a wolf shifter, it basically means that when I was adopted into the Cousland family by a blood adoption I got the power of the Cousland family. Being a wolf shifter. What you seen is what happens when on the odd, and first occasion my wolf overpowered my control over him, and came out to hurt Hulse."

Bellatrix nodded slowly, Hadrian turned to Tom. "Can I kill him?" Tom shrugged, "if you want to, but let's make an example out of him. Wait a little, Hadrian."

Hadrian reluctantly nodded, scowling all the while. "Right. Let's get this show on the road, we've already lost quiet a bit of time." Hadrian left, nodding Tom and taking Bellatrix and Barty with him.

Once they all returned to the conference room people stared, Hadrian rolled his eyes dramatically. "Yes, you've all seen what will happen if you anger me." The younger teenager turned to the older man that he had just tackled to the ground in a fit of rage, "If I didn't have a shred of control left, I can guarantee that you would have lost your life in a most undignified way." Hulse shuddered, and Hadrian nodded, pleased. "Now let's move on."

"Don't touch the neighbourhoods I specified before." Hadrian looked around, most of the death eaters bowed their heads, Hadrian smiled widely. "We leave for Kerch Drive."

With that, apparation cracks and pops sounded out through the room, leaving nothing but the room itself.


Tom had felt Hadrian and his other death eaters leave the wards of the manor, which he had disabled momentarily to allow quick passage for everyone. Tom had already made sure everyone knew what they had been doing, including organising a follow-up meeting with some of the high ranking ministry roles in the different departments, to make sure that all the reactions went as expected.

He would have to inform many others of this required meeting as they come back, luckily, he would only require Lucius' help for damage control with the minister of magic. He could swear that that man was schizophrenic, but it only took some very carefully thought out words to soothe the minister's ruffled feathers.

With the last orders given to Lucius, Tom ordered the rest of his crew of death eaters to leave for the houses of the muggleborn children.


Hadrian was very much enjoying his fun with the pretentious muggles, but of course, all fun must come to an end. The Order of the Fried Flying Turkey showed up. Hadrian wasn't surprised about Dumbledore showing up, not one bit surprised. What he was surprised about was the fact that he saw McGonagall and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Hadrian hadn't expected to see many Aurors there, but with at least three, it wasn't going to be a walk in the park. A Black blood traitor, Tonks, Alastor Moody - retired Auror and Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Hadrian didn't wait around for Dumbledore to go looking for Tom, who was expected to be here. He repositioned his mask over his face and sprinted towards the old man. He had noticed that many of his other death eaters had already found themselves in a battle, Hadrian made sure that while he was going around and passing to make sure that none of the death eaters was caught badly, killing or stunning quite a few of the enemies.

Once Hadrian met Dumbledore, he shot a cutting curse at the man, whose back was turned towards him. He was quite pleased as he heard the man gasp for breath as the curse hit him, the force knocking him forward. "You really should watch what you're doing, Dumbledore." The old man gave Hadrian a strained smile, "I don't believe we've met. Aren't you awfully young to be part of a war? Should you not be in school?"

Hadrian face contorted at the questions, "Is that supposed to be any of your business? No, so kindly shut up." Dumbledore frowned, but Hadrian could tell he was deeply angered, he had seen the flash in his eyes.

Hadrian flicked his wand carelessly, sending out dark purple spells after spells. He wasn't overly caring about where the spells landed, as long as they hit an Order member or Dumbledore, both of those situations pleased him either way.

Dumbledore was being rather reliant on those shields of his, not very practical, and it would put a drain on the man's magic sources. In the long term, helping Hadrian greatly. However, the old man was insistent on keeping him talking. "So what's your name then, my boy?" Hadrian scowled at Dumbledore, who smiled sweetly. Ugh, he couldn't be bothered with the small talk, that his former headmaster insisted on using, but... he could play this to his advantage... Hadrian, finally overpowered the old man, using a spell that he was quite fond of, something called potentia exhauriunt. Which literally meant 'power drain'.

Hadrian stood over the man, eyes gleaming gold, Dumbledore could have sworn that it was something else rather than just the light. An evil smirk took over Hadrian's facial expressions as he took off his mask, "The name's Hadrian Max. Surely you remember your former student?" Of course, for safety precautions, he used a slight bit of mind magic, no one outside of this conversation would ever speak, write or communicate in any form, his name, in this context. Dumbledore would forever know who he was, but no one else ever would. Trapped in his own mind forever. How sad.

Hadrian could hear the pops of apparition into the site, he saw the uniforms of the Aurors and yelled the retreat to the death eaters, they were outnumbered, Hadrian slipped his mask back on his face, and gave a mocking bow to the lord of the light. "See you later, Albus."

The young teenager that had once stood there was gone, Albus couldn't find himself able to get up, he should have dodged that spell. But he couldn't wait to tell Aedan that his son was working with the dark lord, this was absolute gold.

A/n - Hope everyone had a good week!

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