Chapter 50 ✅

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Hadrian paced the room, he felt different, as if a switch had clicked in his head, he couldn't shake the feeling. He was extra aware of his surroundings, in some way that he hadn't been before.

Maybe it was the wolf talent shining through? Pfft, as iff.

Hadrian shrugged his shoulders and swung his arms around aimlessly. He needed to settle himself, it was no good for him not to be focused enough to do his work.

He sat down and reached for his quill, but he couldn't bring himself to lift it. Ugh, he hated procrastination. He looked at the small stack of papers that he had to fill out and sighed. 'I'll do it later.' He thought as he headed towards the door. He wanted cuddles.

He edged Tom's study door open slightly before looking around, after seeing that there was no one there, changed into his wolf form. Once he changed, the tawny wolf nudged the door open, Tom was sitting there, his quill scratching on the parchment paper. Tom didn't look at him, he whined.

Hadrian didn't know why he whined, it was unlike his personality. However, it certainly got Tom attention, "Hadrian?"

The wolfish face looked up at Tom, who was looking down at him concerned. "Are you alright?"

The wolf didn't make any noise, instead deciding to pad over towards the older man. Hadrian rested the wolf's head on his boyfriend's lap. Tom's eyebrows furrowed but he placed his left hand on Hadrian's head and petted it while continuing to write.

The tawny wolf didn't seem happy with that though, he wanted all the attention and would not settle for any less of it. He knew that normally he would never act like this but put it down to some crazy wolf hormones. He was very vocal about his requests. It even got to the point where you could see Tom getting annoyed. He couldn't do his work with his very needy partner whining and barking at him every few minutes. All of a sudden after yet another whine did Tom grip, Hadrian, by the back of his neck. "Hadrian if you so much as make another sound, I will force you to change back just so I can fuck you well and good, so you will scream my name until you're hoarse."

Hadrian looked Tom straight in the eye, an almost gleeful smile took over his face as he backed back in response to Tom. You could see Tom's eye twitch slightly as he punched his chair back as it scraped painfully loud against the real dark wood floor, Hadrian changed back to his human form, as he was pressed tightly up against the wall by his partner, who looked ready to ravish him, like a dog that had waited years and years for his next juicy meal.

Hadrian wanted to shrink back against the wall and melt into a puddle. The thing was Hadrian hadn't been in total control of his actions and here he was pinned to a wall. Tom leaned hungrily in and kissed him, Hadrian could feel the palms of his hands become sweaty, as Toms' hands found his to hold. Tom's tongue tried to enter the smaller boys mouth, Hadrian's lips parted willingly and the hungry tongue found its way into Hadrian's mouth, mapping it out as it usually does anytime they have makeout sessions. Except this time, Tom knew what he wanted, and Hadrian did too.

Hadrian started with the formal blood-red tie that he was pulling on. He didn't get to finish taking it off as Tom slapped his hand away, tutting, "now now, pet. I think it's time that I was in full control. Don't you?" Hadrian seemed to get a bit smaller, he couldn't deny that he didn't like it, since his manhood hardened, tightening his jeans. "Make up a safeword, so if it gets too much for you I will stop," Tom whispered into Hadrian's ear. "Blue," Hadrian whispered back.

Tom nodded and took off his tie, placing the red fabric around the teenager's neck, tieing it loosely and giving it a small tug, causing Hadrian to lightly moan. Tom grinned. "Trust me, pet, we're going to have a lot of fun together."



It's been a hot minute... Anyways I want to say thank you all for your patience, its much appreciated. I won't lie, this is a lot shorter than I was hoping for but you'll just have to make do, apologies. Im praying that I done good in my exams, but one can only hope.

Again thankyou for all your good wishes in my last A/n.


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