Chapter 59

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This chapter contains complete smut. If you do not wish to read then skip this chapter to the end A/n. 

Sex, Conscencial, Choking, degrading, Swearing, bondage. If you do not feel comfortable with this then skip to the A/n at the bottom. 

Hadrian was bored. Too bored to be normal, he and Tom had finally finished most of the changing of the wizarding society but had barely any time for each other. There had been countless sleepless nights and times when they went to bed alone, constant rush and not even a minute of personal time. Hadrian would have been shocked if they even spent five minutes together in a day, which wasn't a lot. But since everything was settling down, Hadrian had been less busy, and Tom had started coming to bed more; which was a bonus. And Hadrian had a perfect way to spend the night together.

So when it came to 11 pm, Hadrian had checked that Tom would be up to bed soon, and once that had been confirmed, he basically stripped and had found some sort of male lingerie. He also had found Tom's secret stash of 'toys' and found a ball gag, Hadrian tightened it around his neck and forced it up into his mouth.

The next thing was a set of fluffy handcuffs. He managed, with great struggle to cuff his hands to the headboard, but not before spreading his legs out towards the cuffs at the end of the bed, so Tom could chain him.

Hadrian could hear footsteps coming closer to the door as he got comfortable laying face down on the mattress. He settled his breathing as the door slowly opened. The footsteps stopped and Hadrian's breath caught in his throat. He bit down on his lip hard, he wanted to see Tom's face but at the same time, he didn't want to look, he feared of the look on his lovers face, the look that would send shivers down his spine.

"My, my kitten, haven't you got yourself in a bit of pickle?" Hadrian whined unwillingly and closed his mouth as soon as he first heard the shocking sound. "Aww look at my poor little love, all chained up, I wonder how you got in this position, hmm?" Hadrian felt fingers under his chin, pushing his face up so his and Tom's eyes could meet. He saw the lustful haze in Tom's eyes and visibly shuddered, feeling that tense, excited tingle down his spine. He felt the gag leave his mouth, then saw a concerned look pass through Tom's eyes, one that Hadrian didn't miss. "How far am I allowed to take this-" "However far you want to" Hadrian panted while nodding "You know my safeword." Tom nodded sweetly and bent down, kissing him chastely on the lips, the green-eyed teenager moaned, he wanted more. But his begging was met with a slap round the face. Hadrian stared up longingly at Tom, the caring Tom was gone, this was a dominant, sex god standing over him. The ball gag was forced back into his mouth, and his moans were muffled down to just background noises. 

"You're a naughty, naughty kitten aren't you? Getting into my box of special toys, you know how much I like tying you up. It looks like I'll just have to punish you harder" a muffled moan escaped the teenager's mouth while Tom's back was turned to the box he kept, "Silence you filthy bitch," Hadrian felt his cock awaken at that moment, throbbing, Hadrian tried to ignore it, but when that didn't work he rubbed it up against the bed, but when Tom caught him, the man grabbed a fistful of his brown hair, pulling his face up, he complained and tried to swear, but was met with another slap, "You little slut, trying to get off without me. How dare you." he was slapped again, his cheek burned hot but he didn't care, he liked it. Tom smirked and Hadrian gulped, Tom produced a circular ring from his pocket. "Do you know what this is, my little bitch?" Hadrian shook his head, confused slightly, but Tom undid his handcuffs and roughly turns Hadrian onto his back. This is one of your punishments, Hadrian's eyes widened as Tom slid the ring onto his erect cock, it was a cock ring. "Now you can't get off," Tom's eyes glistened brightly as he grabbed Hadrian's wrist, the teenager let out a yelp of surprises he was once again chained to the bedposts, but time his ankles were chained too. He was once again on his stomach, face against the mattress. 

Hadrian felt his spine tingle as he heard the rustling of clothes coming off, there was a floaty feeling in his stomach, and it went silent. Hadrian didn't know what was happening but then he felt the stinging feeling of Tom's hand slapping his arse, he let out a quiet sound but nothing more, Tom just smirked as he grabbed a collar that had a leash attached to it. He clipped it comfortably around Hadrian's neck, and quickly put it to good use, using the leash to pull the teenager's head up. "I'm going to fuck you until you can't move until you beg me to stop," Hadrian shuddered in response and Tom let Hadrian's head fall, back to the mattress. 

The next thing that Hadrian felt was a warm, wet feeling on his asshole, then a slap on the backside, "Spread your ass for me you little slut. Hadrian whined in reply and was slapped again, Tom once again dragged his head up to meet his lips. "You're going to keep your bitchy mouth shut right now, or I swear I will leave you here tonight, unfinished and by yourself, Do you understand?" Hadrian nodded frantically, but Tom only held the leash up further making him choke more. There was now saliva dripping from Hadrian's gagged mouth, "I want a verbal answer kitten." Tom said and he bit down on Hadrian's ear lightly, tugging it a bit before pulling the soaking wet gag out of his little submissive's mouth. "Yess," Hadrian panted, Tom smiled, "Good. Keep your pretty little mouth shut... Unless" Tom moved round to the front of Hadrian so he was face to face with Tom's very erect cock, "Suck it." 

Hadrian put his mouth around it sucking up and down systematically, Tom got fed up in the end, and pushed his head fully down making Hadrain cough andsplutter before letting him up for air. "Ahh keep going my little bitch, keep your fucking mouth on my dick. That's a good whore." Tom forced his head right down to the base again, and then gripped a fistful of his hair tightly and dragging  his mouth off it, slapping him. "Yess, you're my slut aren't you? You're going to fill all of my wishes." "Yes Master." Tom felt his heart in his chest beat more, "Thats my bitch. You're going to please your master aren't you kitten?" Hadrin nodded frantically. "Good because I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk tomorrow."


Tom used his spit as lube as he stretched his kitten's asshole "Do you want to please your master, dog?" Hadrian nodded, "Yesss master whatever you want so you can fuck me." Tom smiled, "Such a dirty mouth my little bitch has, I want you on your back so I can look into your eyes as I cum in your asshole. I want to see your eyes roll into the back of your head as I pump you full of my semen." Tom watched as Hadrian nodded, his face turned to disgust as he dug his nails into the tawny aired boy face, leaving half moon marks on his face. 

"Y..Yess Ahhhh.. Master." Tom waved his hand and the cuffs came off allowing Hadrian to move to the position Tom told him to. "Like this, master?" Tom smile "Of course pet." Hadrian sucked in a breath and he felt Tom's cock at his entrance. Suddently Tom thrusted himself in, not leaving Hadrian anytime to think. Tom put his hands on Hadrians throat giving him a look that said 'if you want me to stop, say.' but nothing came of it, Tom pressed his hands down on his throat choking him as he roughly fucked him, Hadrian's body twitched and he made choking sounds, Tom let go, and Hadrian coughed. Tom gripped his hair, pulling his head up so their eyes could meet, while choking him out, soft, spluttering sounds came from the teenager. He removed his hands and leaned down to kiss him, It was heated and as Tom thrusted he could feel himself coming closer and closer to completion. For the first time he looked down at Hadrian's cock which still had the cock ring on it. It was swollen with cum and Tom knew as soon as he removed it, cum wasgoing to cum shooting out everywhere. 

Tom's breath became more laboured as he felt he was about to cum He gripped onto Hadrian's hair making the boy scream out of pain and pleasure, "I'm going to cum you bitch, look what you've done to me. I've came undone because of you and your filthy body." Tom felt himself coming undone and he watched as Hadrian's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he took the cock ring off, it was painful and Hadrian cried out as they both orgasmed together. Tom collapsed on Hadrian's abused body. "You done good my little kitten." 



A/n - I'm so sorry this took so long. I was in the middle of a writers block, I know this isn't the best smut I've wrote but I hope it's okay for all of you guys. 

The last chapter will be posted tomorrow, as it is the epilogue it will be a bit shorter than most. Thank you for all sticking with me. Hasta la vista


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