Chapter 12 ✅

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The hall was cleared of tables and benches lay up and down the halls in rows. It was enough to sit everybody, even those from the other schools. The goblet of fire sat by itself in the centre of the room, the teachers and staff members table still sat in its normal place. All the teachers and head teachers from the other schools were sitting there patiently waiting for the names to be called out, Ron and Hermione were both leaning forward in anticipation while Harry leaned back in his seat. For course he knew his name was going to come out of the goblet as fake Moody had told him since it was a major part of the dark lord's plans. Harry really wanted to enjoy his peace and quiet while he still could, the goblet of fire was going to draw a lot of attention to him this year. Unlike last year where Sirius Black had been caught trying to break into the school and had been given the dementors kiss, not that Harry cared overly much, he didn't hold any relation to the man after all so what was there to worry about?

Dumbledore stepped up to the podium and cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the students sitting on the benches. "Sit down, please" the students that were still standing sat down and the old man continued, "Now the moment you have all been waiting for, the champion selection!" Dumbledore suddenly held his hand out and travelled it along the hall, dimming the lights of the fire-lit torches.

Dumbledore left his place from the podium and travelled to the golden goblet that was glowing with blue flames. Harry didn't know when his name would be called and raised his head to look over his peers. The colour of the blue flames of the infamous goblet turned a blaring red and a piece of paper came flying out, "The Durmstrang champion is; Viktor Krum!"

The champion who wore red robes was slapped on the back as he stood up and strutted over to the headteachers from all different schools and shook their hands briefly before being directed into the back room. The boy was arrogant in the way he walked, he was so used to winning because of his quidditch player status.

Dumbledore held his hands out and the cheering subsided so he could get ready to call out the next name. As the goblet's flames turned red again another piece of paper flew out and into the headmaster's hands, "The champion from beauxbatons is, Fleur Delacour!"

The girls around her clapped and congratulated her as she stood up and walked towards the head table where the old headmaster shook her hand and guided her to the open door behind to the teachers table. The woman in blue quickly walked through the door and out of sight, the crowds immediately quietened themselves in anticipation of the last champion being called.

The goblet glowed red yet again for the 'last' time and another piece of paper flew out of the flames and into Dumbledores hands, "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!"

The boy in the Hufflepuff robes stood up while being clapped of the back by his housemates and cheered on by the rest of Hogwarts, although while clapping, Harry sighed, there would be two Hogwarts champions and even though he was prepared to get a lot of attention for being the youngest he didn't know that he was going to be the second champion as well! Harry couldn't bare to look up as Dumbledore congratulated the Hogwarts champion, the old bearded man clapped the brown haired Hufflepuff boy on the back as he made his way through the door where the chosen people went. "We now have our three champions, but in the end, only one will go down in history..." Dumbledore continued to talk and Harry couldn't help but look up at their Defence teacher of this year who only smirked slyly back at him.

Soon the talking of the old man stopped mid-sentence and the Goblets fire started sparking and lashing out, Harry inwardly groaned as the darn goblets fire turned red once again and a shred of paper flew out with it. Dumbledore stared at the paper once again, his eyes scrunched up as he read it to himself "Harry Potter..." Harry Potter!"

Even thought the Gryffindor boy had expected this he felt frozen in place, that was until Hermione Granger pushed him out of his seat and towards the center of the room, towards the old man. He wanted nothing more than to sink into the ground and never be seen again. Walking over to the headmaster everyone was whispering, no one congratulated him, only talking in hushed voices among themselves. Harry bit his lip as he faced the headmaster who just gave him a look, his paper and gestured to the door behind the teachers table, deciding that it would only serve him better to leave quickly he done so, as he disappeared behind the door he looked down at the paper that was trusted into his hands by Dumbledore, 'Harry Potter' with a bunch of squiggles after it, although the more he looked at them the more they looked like actual words, 'Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort's loyal puppy.'

Harry couldn't help but feel a tingle in his chest, but quickly stomped it down as he made his way down into the room filled with trinkets and cups. He was about to head over to join the other champions when a ruckus was heard from the stairs that he had come down from, Dumbledore was shouting his student's name and aggressively grabbed his shoulders, "Did you put your name in the goblet of fire, Harry!" Dumbledore asked calmly (AKA. Like an agressive nutter)


"Did you ask one of the older students to do it for you?"

"No sir." All the other headteacher's scoffed and accused him of lying.

"Are you sure?"


Dumbledore let go of Harry's shoulders and he rubbed them, trying to ease the pain from the grip. Harry didn't really listen to the others accusations and whatever it was until he was snapped out of whatever daze he was in. "Harry, we need to see your piece of paper again." Dumbledore said, Harry handed the paper and looked at his feet that seemed so very interesting.

"Dis just a bunch of 'quiggles!" Karkaroff exclaimed to which Harry countered it with a quiet murmur, "it isn't."

"Speak up, boy!" The man growled.

"It's parceltongue, the snake language, I can read it." The youngest in the room said. People from the other schools gasped and started whispering about how he was the son of the devil, since the last parceltongue was a mass murderer.

Dumbledore's curiosity must have gotten the better of him since the next thing he asked was what it said, Harry just said It was his name in the tongue of snakes.

Soon enough he, and all the other champions where dismissed to their dormitories, Harry of course walked to the tower by himself where he was greeted with an angry Ron Weasley, "When were you gonna tell me?"

Harry tried to look confused but he knew this was going to happen, Ron was a jealous prick after all. He decided it would be better to approach this as if acting dumbly. "I'm sorry, what?"

Ron jumped off his bed and got in the shorter boys face, "About how you got your name in the goblet, you dirty cheat."

Harry scrunched his nose up, "I didn't put my name in or get anyone else to put it in, if that's what your implying."

Ron just huffed and murmured something that Harry couldn't hear, not that he really cared. He decided it would just be better to go to bed and consult Barty Crouch jr tomorrow in defence.


*This chapter contains direct text from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
A/N - sorry this is out so late into the night, it's 11:35 where I live, I hadn't actually started this chapter until today since I was caught up in a new book idea which will be released sometime during the next week. It will be a crossover between Harry Potter and Black Butler's Grim Reapers, if you do wish to read it, check out my profile through the next week, or if you are too lazy to I will put the link on next weekends chapter.

That's all for now, SandefurdaSlytherin

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