Chapter 2 ✅

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• Parceltongue

Third person PoV:

Harry was sucked out of the pensieve after a sudden darkness overcame the projected memory. He was enraged at Dumbledore and what he put him through. The murder of his parents, the abuse, the fame but most importantly the pain. He could have had a real family but Dumbledore made sure that didn't happen. That memory sparked something in Harry; it fuelled his anger like spreading fiendfyre.

Harry looked over to see the sixteen year old boy sitting beside him, his eyes were fixed on the ginger girl laying on the chamber floor; who was now breathing so shallowly you could now tell she was living only on a prayer. Harry lifted himself weakly off the cold stone floor of the chamber and walked over to the youngest Weasley.

"Please Tom; don't kill her." Harry pleaded while checking her shallow pulse. 

Tom grimaced at the mention of his name. It showed his relationship to his filthy, now deceased muggle father. Tom looked at Harry's desperate expression. It ached at his heart. The more Tom thought about coming back now the more he realised it would be too soon.

"Ok." These were the words that came out of Tom's mouth. "But I need you to do something for me." He finished.

Harry knew there would be a catch; Tom was a Slytherin after all, but he wanted to save his friends sister; otherwise Ron might not want to be his friend anymore. He wouldn't risk that. "Deal. What do you want me to do?" Harry replied.

"I will explain it to you over the summer. Until then I want you to do exactly what I tell you." Tom instructed.

Harry nodded and looked over at Ginny's sickly pale complexion.

"Speak to me, Slytherin, Greatest of Hogwarts four." Tom called out in parceltongue.

Harry looked up from where he was sitting only to see a 60ft basilisk slither out of the mouth of a statue. Harry quickly looked away. "Since you are a parcelmouth you can look a basilisk in the eye and not die or become petrified." Tom said while looking at the poison green snake that stood before him. Tom then used Harry's wand to magic up a replica of his diary.

"Can you bite down on this, Dabria?" Tom asked in parceltongue.

"Of course, snakeling." The huge reptile took the fake diary in her mouth and bit down.

She dropped the book in Tom's hands and looked over at Harry who was laughing uncontrollably. Tom scowled at him and said "He is also a parcelmouth."

"Hello Dabria, it is nice to meet you." Harry manages to speak out while still giggling to himself.

"I like you. I am going to call you hatchling." Dabria hissed to Harry. Harry blushed scarlet while Tom smirked and chuckled to himself.

"We have to go Dabria but we will visit you soon." Tom hissed to the large snake.

"Goodbye my snakeling and hatchling." Dabria hissed sadly and she slithered back into the mouth of the statue and it closed behind her.

Just then Dumbledore's bird faux appeared flying into the chamber. At this Tom rolled his eyes at the bird as it gave a trill, he then turned his attention back to Harry. "I want you to give this diary to Dumbledore." Tom said holding out the fang torn diary to Harry. Harry slipped it into his outside pocket. "Harry, I want you to close the original diary and put it somewhere no one will find it." Tom said. "We will talk when you get to your muggle house." He continued.

"Tom, that might be a problem. You see my relatives lock all my school stuff up as soon as I get home." After saying this Harry looked down at the ground.

"Well then as soon as you get the chance sneak it out of your trunk." Tom said not talking no for an answer. Tom gave Harry back his wand. With that Harry closed the diary and Tom's nearly solid body disappeared from view and Ginny woke up gasping for air. All the colour quickly returned to her face and her heartbeat back to a steady rate. Ginny bounces up and hugged Harry and they walked out of the chamber.

They walked out of the chamber entrance and across the bone riddled floor. Once the two emerged from the chamber Ginny was reunited with her brother who was waiting with an unconscious Lockhart. Harry whispered something to the entrance to the chamber in parceltongue.


They walked up the stairs together; Ginny was leaning against her older brother for support while Harry trudged behind them; levitating an featherlight, unconscious Lockhart.

When they got to the entrance of the chamber an unimpressed Professor Snape and Madame Pomfrey were waiting for them.

Professor Snape escorted one Harry James Potter to the headmasters office. They walked in silence until they reached the gargoyle statue. "Why did you go into the chamber?" Snape asked before saying the password to the gargoyle.

"I couldn't let my best friends sister be slaughtered by a madman, could I, Professor."

Snape grimaced at the answer the young boy gave but said nothing. Harry started walking up the stairs and knocked the headmasters office door. Harry walked into the bright office and was met with Lucius Malfoy and Dumbledore. They looked to be having a heated conversation before Harry entered.

Harry threw the destroyed diary down on Dumbledore's desk before explaining the fake story he had created. While avoiding looking at the headmasters eyes. He didn't know why but something felt wrong about it. Harry was then sent off to bed and he left with a smirk plastered on his face.


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