Chapter 51 ✅

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Hadrian sat down at the long table which he and Tom shared for breakfast each morning. They usually walked down to breakfast together each morning, but today was different, Hadrian had apparently kept Tom from some very important papers that Lucius needed back early today so the older man had left bed early and wouldn't come back to bed no matter how much Hadrian begged.

So the teenager pouted and eventually fell back into a restless sleep, hugging one of Tom's worn shirts that smelt heavily of his darkness scented cologne. He made his way into the dining room and was greeted with his favourite; pancakes. He saw Tom sitting at the table, papers laying scattered around the table. His curly dark brown hair was the exact definition of bedhead. His partner had gotten changed into what would usually be his normal shirt and tie with neatly pressed trousers. Except they were the opposite of neat. Hadrian cracked a small smile, he loved Tom, especially when he looked this dishevelled, it just made him so... fuck-able.

Hadrian draped his arms around Tom's neck and leaned close to him, giving him a whisper of a kiss on his neck. Tom closed his blue eyes in peace and a ghost of a smile travelled over his face. "Morning pet." Tom opened his red eyes and turned to face his lover, craning his neck and using his arm to lightly push his head down so both their lips could meet for their good morning kiss, that they had yet to share this morning.

Hadrian opened his eyes as he broke the kiss for a gasp of air, only then did he realise how tired Tom looked. The black bags stood out bold on the alabaster colour of his skin. "Tommm you need to sleep more. Have you even looked in the mirror this morning?" Hadrian loved his boyfriend and could never stand to see him lacking sleep, especially when it was evident that the person needed it.

Tom just nodded, and Hadrian rolled his eyes, "Clearly not. I want you to go to bed right after this." He nodded again. Hadrian smiled and sat down opposite him, papers were pushed to the side and breakfast was served onto their plates, a stack of pancakes, crispy bacon, flooded in maple syrup.

The food was delicious and Hadrian couldn't help but let the blissful moan escape his mouth, causing his cheeks to burn red as Tom chuckled. "If you moan like that for me tonight, I might just let you come sooner." From that point on, Hadrian was basically a puddle.


Tom did not go to bed, even though Hadrian tried to tug on his shirt sleeve to make him go to their bedroom, it was no use. Tom was still physically stronger than him, he didn't even stand a chance. Hadrian finally gave in but did decide that he was going to settle down in his partner's study. He would never admit it but he was struggling to be apart from him. He could et absolutely nothing done, even If they were just a couple of doors apart.

He made himself comfy in a nest of pillows, a couple of blankets and a handheld desk that he positioned some papers on. there was a pot of ink floating in the air beside him, as he used his neatest writing on the paper. Since he had been getting a lot more practice with using calligraphy when using a quill, his writing had gotten astoundingly neater and easier to read. It still shocked Hadrian at how neat he could write, compared to his old school notes.

There was only the sound of scratching of quill nibs against thick parchment that echoed off the walls of the room. Tom was sitting at his desk, head bent close to the documents, still looking as scruffy as he did at breakfast time, he mustn't have any meetings today.

There was a knock at the door.

Well, at least not any expected meetings.

Tom answered with a 'come in,' obviously not realising how undignified he looked. Hadrian just sniggered quietly to himself as the regal, tall blond walked into the room. Lucius stopped and turned to look at Hadrian, his thick eyebrows furrowed as if to ask, 'who is this... it's not our lord.' Lucius indeed looked very confused. Hadrian just nodded towards Tom, who was still scribbling hurriedly on the paper. "Hurry up with it and stop dawdling."

Lucius cleared his throat, "My lord? I hate to rush you but have you finished those papers of laws that you want cleared at the Wizengamot." Tom raised his head, "Just about... and finished." Tom stacked the papers, and tapped them on the table, to make them sit straight before handing the stack to the blond.

Lucius gave his lord a weird look, one that Tom this time, managed to catch. "What!" he snapped at the blond, who shivered slightly. "My lord... forgive me incase I am overstepping my bounds, but are you sure you are feeling quite alright?"

Tom looked up at Lucius and from what Hadrian could tell, Tom was giving the pureblood evil eyes. "Yes. You are overstepping your bounds, but if you must know I am feeling quite alright." Lucius' lips thinned into a tight, small smile. "Apologies, my lord. I am... glad you are feeling just fine."

Lucius gave small bow, before shooting Hadrian an enquiring look, to which the teenburst out into silent laughter. Lucius just looked away, and left the room, the heavy door closing with a small click.

Hadrian shook his head, and lifted his quill out of the ink pot that was still floating beside him. He moved onto the next page, that he started to read, something about an upcoming law that was going to be introduced, in the coming months on further restricting dark holidays. Hadrian scowled and started inscribing reasons against angerly into the parchment.

The green-eyed teenager could feel eyes burning into his scalp. He looked up and was met with piercing red eyes. "Can I help you?" he asked playfully. Tom huffed, "Why is everyone looking at me differently today? It's starting to bother me."

Hadrian just let out a bellow of laughter, he couldn't take it anymore, this was too much. "Pet... Love... Had... Hadrian!" Tom had tried to get his loves attention for several minutes, and it wasn't working.

When the tawny haired boy finally started listening Tom looked to be in a right strop, his right eye twitching out of annoyance and a tad bit of anger. Hadrian was still smiling when he said. "Tom darling, tell me, did you even look in the mirror for the same length of time that you usually do every morning?"

Tom fumbled with his wand as he tried to conjure a mirror, Hadrian was laughing uncontrollably again. Tom's face dropped when he saw his reflection. "Hadrian! Why didn't you say something earlier?!" The smaller teen managed to stay silent for a few seconds as he blurted the words, "I tried to tell you," out.

Tom buried his face in his palms, and Hadrian just shook his head in disbelief.

A/n - I want to throw myself off a cliff. Because all in the span of 2 hours yesterday I got thrown into a metal fence post, rope burn because another horse spooked the one I was holding. I haven't got any sleep because of my back, so right now I am running on Wattpad, marvel movies and Lucozade.

Hope you all have had a good week :)


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