Chapter 10 ✅

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~ "Parceltongue"


"I want you to tell him that this is the only way." The voice ordered Tom.

"I can't. I won't do this to him. He needs me here. His friends are using him, they want him to be the lights pawn. They are breaking him down, he isn't mentally stable. Please I can help him." Tom protested against the orders that were being forced upon him.

"I don't care, he trusts you enough and will remain loyal to you... to us. Give him the task and then I will be summoning you to me."

Tom swallowed at the intrusion of his mind before answering with his teeth gritting against each other with a forced, "Fine. I'll tell him but I want time with him afterwards. Don't be so heartless!"

The presence grudgingly agreed and left and caused Tom to fall to the ground through the loss of the powerful magic that was two times his amount of power.

Tom couldn't help but let loose a tear that he had been holding in through that entire conversation, he knew he had to do it but he couldn't bear to. He did't want to, especially not to Harry.


The next time Harry managed to come down to the chamber it had been two days after the unknown and mysterious intruder had came and had a rather disturbing conversation with Tom. Harry had just managed to escape his 'friends' who had been constantly bothering him for a while.

He ran into the chamber and jumped into Tom's slightly transparent arms, "Hello Tom."

Tom laughed slightly, although his smile didn't quite reach far enough to seem genuinely. Harry noticed this and stared up at Tom quizzically, and Tom bluntly ignored him, instead deciding to take him down to Salazar Slytherin's bed chambers so they could lie down.

When they got there Tom and Harry both removed their outer robes and lay them over the chair of the dresser that sat in the corner of the room. Tom grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him under the covers of the bed. Tom cuddled him and let him nuzzle into his chest, this went on for at least twenty minutes before Harry broke the silence, "What's wrong Tom? Did I do something wrong?"

Tom swallowed hard as he heard Harry blaming himself for his poor mood, "No, Harry, you've done nothing wrong. I just need to ask you to do something for me, something which I should not have to ask you for."

Harry looked up and met Tom's ghostly pale blue eyes and vacant expression that gave nothing away, Harry couldn't look away no matter how uncomfortable and tense he felt. After a few seconds of contemplating what to say and how to help; Harry opened his mouth to speak, "Tom... What do you need me to do?"

Tom didn't answer right away, instead he opted to card his fingers through Harry's raven locks, letting the tension that held the younger's muscles relax. Only after the smaller boy relax did Tom try to inform him of the task, "Harry, I hate to ask anything of you, but it is essential that you do this. I won't be here for much longer and in order for me to come back in a couple of years I need something from you."

Harry nodded his head as he continued to stare into Tom Riddle's ice blue eyes. "I need you to get me a vial of Dumbledore's blood, I cannot help you with this task as I will not be here in a few hours. However, to bring me back Dumbledore's blood will be most vital. Can you do that for me?"

Harry stared unblinkingly into the brunets eyes as he thought over his 'task'. Tom was asking something that could bring him a lot of trouble, but Tom would be leaving him and Harry wouldn't be able to bring him back without the blood. Harry gave a firm nod, "I'll get the blood, How much time do I have?"

Tom licked his lips sub-consciously, this was the part that he was most worried about telling Harry, "You have until I next year sometime, I will get in contact with you somehow. I'm sorry it can't be any sooner, I really am."

Harry swallowed the thick lump that had managed to gather in the back of his throat in the last seconds, he felt his throat constricting as he struggled to swallow. With great, pained effort he let out a whispered, "Okay." As he said this he pulled away from Tom's gaze and buried his head back into Tom's chest. He could feel the tears welling in his eyes as he tried to push them back, and successfully managed to, though Tom could sense the sadness and utter loss coming off the boy.

Tom continued to comb his fingers through the younger's raven locks as Harry fell into a light doze caused by overwhelmed emotions.


Harry found himself being nudged awake by a hand shaking his shoulder lightly, "T...Tom?"

Tom smiled slightly as he whispered into the bottled green-eyed boy, "Come on, Harry you need to go... I'm leaving in a few minutes."

Harry didn't waste much time and quickly scrambled off Tom's body and bringing him into a tight hug, were he couldn't hold back his overwhelming emotions anymore. Fresh tears stained Tom Riddle's shirt see-through as he hugged Harry back while telling him sweet nothings. Tom reluctantly lifted Harry off him as he got up and walked in front of Harry, he bent down and wiped the salty tear streaks from his face. Tom looked into the watery eyes of the small boy as he kissed his forehead, whispering, "Goodbye for now, pet. I'll see you soon, Don't worry about me."

"See you later, t..Tom." Harry gave a small wave as Tom and the diary left with a quiet pop. Harry couldn't help but notice that Tom had left his Slytherin green robes,

'If you ever feel lonely - Tom'.

Harry's watery smile broke as he felt the tears break again as he hugged the Slytherin coloured robes to his chest. He let of a cry of anguish, crying himself back to sleep.



~ A/N - First off, I want to say thank you to the people that read my book and that have voted and commented it means a lot to me. I know that some of you have read my first Tomarry and that is what has brought you here, so an extra thank you to you guys as well.

@Nalu877 has asked my permission to translate it into spanish so if any of you want to go and read her version, be my guest.

Now onto the more serious business.

Okay, i'm just going to put it bluntly. I update ONCE a week on a SUNDAY! And to be honest I have had at least 5 people message me to TELL me to update. The more you all force me to update the less motivation I have.

I'm sorry if I came off harsh but believe it or not I have a life outside Wattpad. I still have school and I still have to school my little brothers because both our parents are key workers. I am a 4th year GCSE student who has still not gotten any guidance from the Government about how we are going to be awarded for our GCSEs.

Thank You for coming to my Ted talk.

~ SandefurDaSlytherin

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