Chapter 43 ✅

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Dumbledore has written to me recently, expressing his concerns about who you are friends with. In all honesty, I could not care less who you choose as friends, however, I want to warn you of a particular power that the old man possesses.

Legilimency is a rare skill set that a person can perform. It involves the entry of a person into the mind of another, through the eyes. It can also be used to plan subconscious thoughts and ideas.

I must advise you never to look into Dumbledore's eyes. I will start to teach you occlumency during Easter break, this will make sure you are able to block any of these subconscious mind entries.

Until then, I have a book attached that I want you to read. It involves Legilimency and Occlumency.

Until next time,

Aedan Cousland.

Hadrian sighed at the letter. bringing his free hand up to run his fingers through his hair. He was currently sitting at the Slytherin table, it being Sunday, not a lot of people were up. There was only around twenty people there, mostly from Ravenclaw house.

He had already known about Dumbledore's concerning mind-reading planting subconscious thoughts trick. Tom had told him this months ago, he had just never had time to start learning Occlumency - now however would be a good time to start.

He grabbed the book off the table and flicked his wand, wordlessly incinerating the letter sent to him, he pushed himself off his set, leaving the Slytherin table and his half-eaten breakfast behind. He wasn't that hungry anyway.


The library nook was one that not many knew about, even the Ravenclaw house didn't really know of it. Probably because they have their own library with comfortable beanbags, settees and cushions. What more could they ask for.

Hadrian had found it, along with Theodore - Slytherin's resident bookworm. If anyone wanted to find him all they had to do was get Theo to show them. It was the perfect place to settle down with a good book and some peace and quiet, this time it was a Legilimency and Occlumency book for beginners.


Theo found him about two-ish hours later, halfway through the book. Theodore didn't say anything, instead just sat down opposite the tawny-haired Slytherin opened his book at his last marked page and started reading.


Theodore was jolted out of his calmness by a violent hiss of pain coming from his friend who had dropped his book in shock. He was clutching his left wrist, something he had always seen his father and grandfather do before rushing off - leaving him in the care of the family house-elves.

He had come to realise that after the dark lord had been killed, those incidents had stopped. Theodore Nott didn't like to jump to conclusions, but when Hadrian excused himself quickly before rushing off. He was almost certain.

His best friend, Hadrian Max-Cousland, was indeed, a Death Eater.


Hadrian had never taken a reaction like this to the strip of leather, or even the pendant. It came as a shock - even going as far as to let out a gasp, what an idiot he was. Hadrian sprinted down to the common room to grab the necessary materials that he needed, his mask, death eater cloak and his invisibility cloak. Whatever the fuck Tom wanted right now, he hoped that the man knew that he might have just blown his cover.

He pulled on his cloak over his normal clothes and hurried out of the common room with the invisibility pulled over him. Quickly, he got to the point in the dungeons where the wards broke off and activated his portkey to Tom's manor.


Hadrian landed in his lover's office. "Tom! What the hell were you thinking? You've just blown my cover!" ... "Tom?" Hadrian had expected a reaction from the man who was just sitting at his desk, his head leaning on his hands, which were interlocked.

"You are to no longer remain at Hogwarts. Dumbledore has already called the Aurors to arrest you, as a suspected death eater."

Hadrian stood in shock, "What? ... I was careful though, I made sure no one saw me as I was leaving or arriving. How?"

A grim look took over Tom's face, "I believe that may have been my fault. I accidentally sent a letter to you, for a raid date today. When you didn't show up. It made me think, I didn't put the normal charms on the letter. One of my followers in the Auror department came, not even ten minutes ago and notified me that, they would be going to arrest a Hogwarts student on suspicion that they were a death eater." Tom took in a long breath. " He said your name, so I reacted and called you here."

Hadrian furrowed his eyebrows, then smiled slightly. "This technically means that I'm on the run from the law. I always wondered what it was like."

Tom smiled, as he stood up from his desk and came over to Hadrian's side, slipping one of his slightly calloused hands under Hadrian's cloak, snaking it around his waist, dragging him until their bodies met. He brought his other hand up to Hadrian's chin, lifting it so vibrant green met striking red. "You really do like to see the bright side of any situation," Tom commented teasingly, dipping his head down so both their lips could meet. They stayed pressed together for a bit before Hadrian pulled away. "Damn right I do."



A/n - Not gonna lie, it's kinda short but I suppose this is the start of the war.

Stay tuned.


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