Chapter 34 ✅

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"Harry." The younger boy looked up from his position against the door of the red-eyed man's study. Tom was looking down at him, an expecting eyebrow raised, while his eyes looked down towards the white cast that covered most of his left leg and foot.

The smaller boy swallowed, looking away from his lover. Only to have his head forced back by a couple of forceful fingers. "My... my cousin and his mates jumped me, and broke my leg and a couple of ribs." Tom nodded. He knew that Harry wasn't telling the whole truth considering that his foot was wrapped in the hard cast, but decided not to push the issue too much.

Harry was glad that Tom didn't push the things that didn't add up since he really didn't want anything else to be known. He did trust Tom. He really did! But the fear of the man leaving him really was too great, so he swore to himself that no matter what, he would do as much as possible for as long as possible not to tell anyone.

Tom bent down and handed Harry back his crutches before turning to his desk and pulling out his faithful Holly and Phoenix feather wand and death eater mask from one of the drawers. Harry could feel the spark that passed through him as those wand came into contact with his hand. He put it away quickly and held his mask in his hand ."Thank you so much."

Tom smiled down at the shorter teenager. "You're very welcome, Harry. Now what do you say we go down and have this meeting? Or would you prefer to rest?" Tom said, nodding towards his currently injured leg.

Harry looked down at his leg, the numbing spell was starting wear off and he could feel the complaining ache of his still broken leg and foot. "I think I would like to go down to the meeting, but I would need to be able to sit the entire time and probably have a foot rest."

Tom thought about it... and eventually agreed. "Though as soon as the meeting is finished I want to heal your leg and foot properly that way you don't have to have that ugly muggle cast on."

Harry nodded, he was glad that he wouldn't have to worry about the muggle therapy that the doctor said he would need after it was finished healing. "Sure. Shall we go down then?"

"Of course, Love." Tom gave him a smile that made Harry want to melt right on that spot into a puddle. Instead he fitted his mask to his face and gripped his crutches in his hands and used them to get to the door that Tom was holding open for him. He smiled gratefully up at his boyfriend before leaving and making his way down the stairs of the manor and down to the meeting room. He figured that Tom would catch up with him soon enough.

Surely enough, Tom did catch up with him in his not so charming form. He really did hate the serpentine look that the man insisted on wearing. There was no one waiting in the entrance hall meaning that Bella most likely forced them all into the meeting room. The muggle crutches he had to use were now becoming a pain, it almost felt wrong to go to a meeting looking as weak as he did. He had half a mind to turn back and wait in Tom's study.

"You can go back you know. I won't judge you." Tom really was a mind reader. Harry wanted to agree and go back but he knew that he would never live it down. He reassured himself before answering, "No. I'll be fine. Your people need to know that I'm still here."

Tom nodded and then corrected, "Our people, love."

Harry felt the reawakening of the butterflies that buzzed around his stomach.

They continued along their way towards the conference room that Tom was using to meet all of his death eaters in. The only sound that could hear was the clicking of the crutches anytime that Harry put his weight on them. Tom quickly found them quite annoying.

They finally got to the door to the conference room. Tom flicked his wand to open the doors wide, and he walked through the open door in front of Harry.

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