Chapter 13 ✅

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It has been a week and three days after the choosing ceremony and Harry was sitting alone in Defence. Since Ron had expressed his hate and jealousy towards him, he nor Hermione sat with him anymore. This triggered more people to try and get back at the boy-who-lived for stealing Cedric Diggory's spotlight. Not that he honestly cared, if anything it felt a bit refreshing not being followed around all day by two tag along's. Ron still came up to him no matter where or who was about and harassing him, it was irritating but, he was just jealous and didn't have anything better to do with his pathetic life.

Harry watched as people left the classroom once they had been dismissed for lunch, he decided that he needed to talk to fake Moody to see what the task was going to be. He was four years younger than the rest of the champions anyways so he really did deserve a heads up about the task.

"Potter. I assume this is about the task?" The gruff man said, to which Harry just nodded. The man got out of his seat and limped towards a door in the back. "Let's take this to my office then." Harry got up, swung his bag over his back and followed the polyjuiced man to what was presumably the office.

As soon as Harry closed the door the teacher waved his wand to erect privacy wards and to do a quick check to make sure that there were no 'bugs' in his office before he sat down. Harry stood there awkwardly before his teacher invited him to sit down.

"So, what do you want to know about the task?" The man said, allowing him to relax his overly gruff voice into a voice that sounds quite like an older teen.

"Have they told you what the first task is?" Harry asked, he really need to know what it was supposed to be, I mean, how were they supposed to prepare for the tasks if they didn't know what they were? He was sure that the other champions head teacher's had told them what they were to expect, even if it was cheating they wouldn't care, if it would help their champion win then they didn't care.

"Actually, we were told a couple of nights ago, it's dragons." Harry gave the polyjuiced man a deadpanning look that said, and-you-only-thought-to-tell-me-now. Barty raised one eyebrow as if daring Harry to question him, Fake Moody coughed, "You have to get a golden egg that is sitting in a nest, guarded by a nesting mother."

Harry's jaw almost dropped to the floor as the silence prevailed, before he got out through his dry throat, "You mean to say that, wehavetogetpastnestingfirebreathingdragons." Barty just looked at the fourteen year old, as if trying to decipher his panicked words before nodding.

Harry wanted to go and climb the stairs to the astronomy tower and throw himself off it, he buried his head in his hands. He wanted to scream or do something that would let him take his anger out on.

Barty or rather, fake Moody, just wanted to laugh. He could feel the boy's anger and fear radiating off of him. Rather than laughing he decided it would be best if he threw a pillow that he had laying around at the boy. It hit the teens head and he looked up. Boy, if looks could kill, he'd be dead and six feet under in a matter of seconds. Though the boy did pick snatch the pillow up off the ground and buried his head in it and yelled for a solid minute and a half.

Harry looked up after yelling and cursing repetitively into a pillow for what felt like for quite some time. His throat was hoarse, Barty being the most incredible, caring person ever, conjured him a glass of water which the raven haired boy drunk gratefully. "Thanks."

Barty smiled and done his little tongue tick thing (A/N - Please don't hate me for that, I don't know what to call it) "Do you have a plan, Potter?" Barty asked and Harry shook his head dejectedly.

"Let me go and spend some time in my super secret chamber of secrets and talk to the all knowing snake, or I could spend some time in Slytherin's private library." Barty nodded and shoo'd his hand at Harry as if telling him to leave, not that Harry overly cared about being told to get out. As he opened the door to walk out Barty called after him, "If you don't come up anything by next week, talk to me and we can come up with something together!"

Harry didn't say anything as he left the man's office to go down and visit Dabria and Hydrath in the chamber. When he got there the two snakes were lounging on the floor, Dabria's body was half laying in the water, they were hissing between themselves, talking about random gossip that they had heard from the pipes. "Harry?" Hydrath hissed.

"Yes, it's me. I came to ask a question, Dabria." Harry hissed in the almost dead language.

"Of course, Hatchling. What is it you need?" The sixty foot snake asked as she slithered over to lightly wrap the teen in a coil of a hug.

"Dragons. I have to get an egg away from a nesting mother, and I have no clue how do do it." Harry hissed dejectedly to the basalisk.

"Do you want me to kill the dragon? I can look it in the eye and kill it." Dabria hissed menacingly to which Harry hissed a sharp 'no' back.

"You can't, I mean why would a dragon drop dead on it's own accord, plus you don't have anywhere to hide and everyone would notice a sixty foot snake." The chamber stayed silent before Harry added, "No offence."

The snake hissed something that Harry couldn't make out and Hydrath interrupted, "Aren't all scaled animals related?"

"What are you getting at, hydrath?" Harry hissed back curiously.

"So they should be able to speak a variant of our language." Dabria hissed back excitedly. "You can convince the dragon that the 'egg' is bad and get it without getting burnt to a crisp."

Harry smiled gleefully, so now that he had a plan he could relax. "Thank you, both of you, this helps a lot! Though I should go so I can at least catch the tail end of lunch."

Harry waved the two snakes farewell and walked up to lunch practically rubbing his hands like an evil genius would when they came up with the master plan.

It was HIS master plan.


A/N - I just published my new fanfic 'Harry Potter the Grim Reaper' yesterday. It is a black butler x Harry Potter crossover. If you want to check it out you can find it on my profile.

That's all to want to say, thank you for voting and commenting so far it is much appreciated.


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