Chapter 49 ✅

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Dumbledore was pissed. Royally pissed. He'd just come back from an Order meeting that he had called for as soon as the death eaters vanished and the ministry had brought out a team of Obliviators to change the memories of the poor muggles that had been subjected to the death eaters undeserving wrath. He had found out who that bastard Hadrian Max actually was and he couldn't even share his name. This was evidence that he could've presented in the court of law, but now, he couldn't. He would lose his job over this senseless little boy.

God, he was about to murder someone. Everyone in that room had looked at him as if he had gone senile. He hated it. Molly Weasley had even asked if he needed to lie down. No, he didn't need to 'lie down', offered to call a healer even. It was preposterous! This was the only time that his followers had ever seen him 'weak', and he wouldn't stand for it. Not now, not ever. He was Albus Dumbledore and only he would win.


Tom nodded at what Hadrian told him from his perspective on what had happened. Even the part where he revealed his own identity, adding on that he cast a secretive spell. Tom grinned, maniacally. "So Dumbledore knows that you are Hadrian Max, but when he tries to tell someone by speech, memories, writing and in code, he will jumble all of his words up, as a baby would." Hadrian nodded, "Genious, right? He'll be in turmoil from the inside out. His followers will think that he's going anile."

Tom smirked and reached out to run his hand through Hadrian's hair. The younger leaned into the touch, craving it as a puppy would. Cute.

Tom pulled his little love to his lap so Hadrian was straddling him comfortably. Hadrian snuggled his head into the crook of Tom's neck, while Tom stared at his body, he knew that he got lucky, but with Hadrian. Merlin, he was perfect. Damn the scars that marred his skin, they didn't matter. His little love was just ravaging. Tom left trails of kisses up the green-eyed teenager's neck, they were slow and loving. Every now and then Tom would nibble at his neck, releasing delicate moans from Hadrian's mouth.

"Tom... T..tom, Tom. We still need to deal with Hulse." Tom growled, which startled Hadrian. "Later, pet. For now, I want you all to myself for a bit."

Tom pushed his lips hungrily against Hadrian's who gladly moaned back, Hadrian was just as glad to have this escape. He really couldn't be bothered to deal with Hulse, Merlin, those death eaters would be the death of him. As Hadrian moaned into his partner's mouth, they both lost themselves to each other, enjoying every moment of it.

(I couldn't be assed to write smut this week, sorry guys)

Hadrian had insisted that he got the mark, Tom was hesitant, and told his young lover that they would talk about it later, Hadrian had pouted cutely but once he saw that Tom wouldn't drop it, he stopped. Tom smiled and called for Wormtail, the snivelling wimp rushed into the room. Hadrian knew how much Tom loved using Wormtail's mark to call his followers, Hadrian loved his pathetic cries of pain just as much as Tom did.

Tom had called a death eater meeting after he and Hadrian had had their fun, It was inevitable, A good 200 other death eaters were standing in the big meeting hall. Tom and Hadrian were in the middle of the circle waiting for their 'special guest'. Hadrian smiled the biggest smile as the door closed for the last time.

Hadrian looked up at Tom, who was in his Voldemort form, smiled a very fake, yet, sinister smile that made even Tom's spine shiver. Not to mention the death eaters around them. Seemingly, the rumour that Hulse had been so kind to explain had been circulating around the death eater ranks, no one had bothered to inform them. Typical.

Hadrian walked towards Tagard Hulse, that was the man's full name according to the records and to what Voldemort knew about him. The man stopped dead in his tracks, like a deer in headlights, when he seen a smiling Hadrian coming towards him. Hadrian snaked an arm around the older man's shoulders, laughing at something.

Many of the death eater's believe that to this day that it was just a ploy to make Tom get really, really annoyed.

It was working anyways. The snapping and crackling of the magic whipped through the air like some form of lightning, but Hadrian didn't look one bit scared. If anything he was enjoying it. But the closer that the two got to the circle, the closer they got to Voldemort the more Hulse tried to scramble away, Hadrian suddenly leaned over and whispered something. Tagard Hulse's eyes widened in fear, his bottom lip quivered, his knees shook, all with fear.

Hadrain just laughed. A sweet, innocent laugh, something that you would never believe could come from a cold blooded killer.

The wolf-ish teenager skipped away from the unfortunate victim to the scaled half snake figure. The prancing teenager, morphed into a tawny wolf that lay at Voldemort's feet, that thankfully had shoes on this time. He may love Tom but he refused to lay beside his crusty, dusty Voldemort feet.

"Tagard Hulse. I see you have decided to show your face, I had believed that you would have gathered up all your belongings and fled the country. Perphaps not. After all, Insulting both Hadrian and myself was a very dangerous move." Voldemort had chosen his words carefully.  Hadrian wasn't that shocked, the man was all about self-preservation.

"M...My lord, I meant no harm, please, I beg your forgiveness. It wasn't my intention to embarrass you." The desperation in the man's voice was laughable.

"Embarrass me? No, you meant to piss of Hadrian which worked, by the way. You are lucky I don't let him rip your throat out right now." Tom's voice was menacing, but the growl that came from the wolf afterwards is what stole everyone's attention. It looked as if Tagard Hulse had soiled himself, Hadrian barked out a laugh, which caught most people off guard, but the growling soon returned, making people turn their heads towards the death eater that had now sank to the floor to start pleading for is safety.

"Please, lord. I have served you loyally, I will serve you loyally. Please just don't let that beast eat me," The man was pleading for his life, Hadrian was enjoying it emensely.

The dark lord seemed to ponder that thought for a moment. "Mhm... I suppose you're right... But it's a bit too late for that now."

"Dinner time Hadrian,"

The tawny wolf launched itself at the crying prey, That would be the last time that anyone within the death eater ranks crossed Hadrian if they valued their lives.

If you didn't... well that is your loss.

A/n -  I might not update for the next couple of weeks since ccea deem it important to dump three gcse exams on us, and I need to revise.

Hope your next couple of weeks go well,


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