Chapter 37 ✅

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It wasn't long before Hadrian found himself up in Tom's study, tight against the door, Tom's body grinding against his. Tom practically dragged Hadrian up to his study, eyes filled with an emotion that only Hadrian would ever see; lust.

Tom greedily attacked the smaller boy's mouth, forcing his tongue into the younger mouth causing him to moan.Tom pulled away to allow Hadrian to breathe, though didn't hold back while lavishing his neck with kisses, bites and sucking. Hadrian moaned, desperate in need as all the blood in his body ran south. He groaned again and leaned his head against the door for support.

Tom wove his fingers through the others hair and gave a sharp tug, getting a sinful moan of pleasure from the brunette. "Ahh... Tom~".

Tom shushed the boy, before going back and lapping, giving a soft nip in the neck. "Hush love. You're doing amazing." He praised. Hadrian put his arms around Tom's waist, trying to pull him closer to get some of that glorious friction that he felt was much needed.

Tom snarled, taking the hand that was positioned against the door and gripping the younger's upper neck, and pushing it to the side.

Hadrian stiffened, shrinking as far back to the door as possible, in turn making Tom freeze. Tom removed his rough grip and took a step back from the smaller brunette. "Hadrian... I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking."

Hadrian just shook his head, "No no it's my fault, I shouldn't have cringed away, it's my fault." Hadrian said, panicking a bit, running his fingers roughly through his hair.

Tom looked at his young lover, Hadrian was obviously in utter turmoil. Tom could feel his magic, he knew that the muggles were the responsible ones for how his small lover reacted so badly. But he should have been more cautious. "No love, it's not your fault. It will never be your fault, I took it too far and you weren't ready."

Tom opened his arms to Hadrian who looked up at him through glassy eyes before rushing into the elder's arms for the safety that they provided. Tom could feel the tears that soaked through his robes, the silent sobs that racked Hadrian's smaller body.

By now, Both Tom and Hadrian's painful erections had passed with the sudden turnoff. Tom shushed the younger brunette, "Shush shush, it's okay Love."

"What did those blasted muggles do to you?" He muttered into the small child's head of thick, brown locks.

Hadrian looked up at Tom startled by the accusations against the Dursley's, even though they were entirely true, he thought he covered up their mistreatment well enough. Apparently not. "Tom... I don't—" "Don't lie to me, Hadrian. I know what they did."

Hadrian tugged his eyes away from Tom's and leaned on his head on the other's shoulder, staring off into the distance. "How?"

Tom sighed. "While we were searching for you when you became missing, I had Lucius look up the muggle court systems. He reported back to me about the Dursley's trial for child abuse and negligence. Judging by the fact that you had winced the last time we were together I put two and two together." Hadrian didn't turn to face his lover, just replied with a short "oh." He didn't seem interested in the conversation.

Tom got off the love seat and came to kneel in front of Hadrian, he could see the tears that fell from his green eyes. The elder gently used his thumb to wipe the tears off of Hadrian's face before taking the smaller hands in his. "Love, don't cry. It's over now though I believe I would have liked to give them a piece of my mind." This made Hadrian giggle slightly, though he shut up straight away.

"You don't have to be afraid you know. I don't want to hurt you, love." Hadrian nodded, though mentally he didn't seem to be there. Tom sighed and got up, summoning a house-elf to bring up some tea.

Hadrian just looked at the tea that Tom had passed into his hand before he took a gulp. It was quite sweet but he didn't mind, he set the cup down and looked up at Tom. "I need to show you something before I back out of it. If you want nothing to do with me anymore I understand." Tom just gave Hadrian a look of confusion, but it quickly dawn on him as Hadrian started to disrobe.

Tom had known that the muggles had physically hurt Hadrian, but he would have never confronted the idea, not unless the boy was ready to share it with him. The elder man could see his lover fumbling nervously with the buttons of his shirt, he walked over to the younger. "Do you want any help?" Hadrian shook his head so Tom took a step back, he could see the tears welling in the tawny-haired boy's eyes.

As the silk shirt slid off Hadrian's shoulders, Tom swallowed at the sight of his lover's back. A cerated knife had been used to slice the word, 'FREAK' into his back. The ugly mar on Hadrian's pale back had scarred over but you could still clearly see the paler wording.

Tom couldn't help himself as he walked closer to Hadrian's and knelt down behind his back. He started planting soft kisses along the ragged words, he could feel the smaller boy shiver at the whisper of a touch.

"Hadrian. It doesn't matter what types of scars that those muggles left you with. I will never leave you because it wasn't your fault. And it will never be your fault." Tom turned Hadrian to face him. Hadrian smiled a watery grin and hugged Tom tightly. Tom just smiled and hugged his lover back.


Tom smiled at the prison guard as they let him have his entrance to the muggle prison. He was going to see a certain Mr Dursley to make sure that all of the other prisoners knew of his deeds. After all, it was well known that prison inmates despise child abusers.

Tom was certain he could make Vernon Dursley's life pathetic and worthless. Just like how he made Hadrian feel for years and years of his life.


Tom left the rowdy visitation room with a subtle smirk on his face as prison guards rushed by him to get to the fight that was going on in the middle of the room.

Tom had exposed him. While Vernon was a mix of looking scared and pissed off at Tom, the other inmates clenched their fists and started hammering the fat pig.

Tom left, truly satisfied that he had dealt out retribution for his love.


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