Chapter 54

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"Hadrian! Could you grab the purple vials while you are going into the potion room?" Hadrian nodded, Tom sounded stressed, but the was happening in less than three days, and he was taking the burden of it. The Malfoy heir, Draco hadn't managed to complete the vanishing cabinet yet, which was the plan to use to get into Hogwarts in the first place. 

Tom was just about at his wit's end. He no longer could continue to allow Draco to work by himself, so he would have to send in Barty and Hadrian to fix the mistakes that the idiot child had caused. Or else what he has planned cannot go ahead, someone would pay that price with their head. 

Hadrian came from the potions room to find Tom pacing, "relax love", Tom gave him a deadpan look which made the wolf teen reconsider his choice of words. "Okay, I won't tell you to calm down... but please, calm down". Hadrian shook his head as he reached forward to kiss Tom on the cheek. "Tommy, you will be okay, besides their your minions, they wouldn't listen properly to me even if you threatened them with death. You won't trust anyone besides me and Barty to even attempt this task, so please, stop panicking. Everything will be just fine." "Mhmm". Hadrian could tell that Tom wasn't paying him any attention anymore, as he placed his calloused hands on the smaller boy's waist. Looking him up and down like a slice of meat. 

Hadrian blushed bright red, "Tom.. me and Barty have to go if we don't then someone will notice those two Hufflepuff students you took, missing, and we don't want that." Tom mumbled back, "I suppose not" before he grinned and bent down, taking the teenagers lips in his own, kissing him. 

Hadrian rolled his eyes and swiped the vials off polyjuice potion of the table closest. He smiled at Tom, "I'll see you soon." 

Tom smiled and kissed Hadrian cheek delicately, "Stay safe Pet." Hadrian just smiled as he walked outside the door to the entrance hall, Barty was standing, waiting for him. 

"So what do you think, you have to be my boyfriend for two full days." Barty teased, Tom, who was still in the meeting room snarled back at him, "don't push your luck, Crouch, he's mine." Hadrian glowed red, as Barty winked at him, "Kinky," Hadrian gave Barty a wack on the arm, "Owww." 


Hadrian rubbed his face in disappointment, the person he was playing was called Finnian Kirk. The one thing he'd asked Tom not to do was make him portray someone who had black hair, it reminded him too much like his old self, but he did. Finnian Grady was a fifth-year Hufflepuff, who had a boyfriend called Tony Trenton, who was a sixth-year Hufflepuff. At least, they could easily sneak into each other's dorm rooms. but with only two days to complete the vanishing cabinet, they didn't think that they would be getting much sleep. Another thing to note was that both these boys were avid light supporters and decent fighters; which was probably why Tom choose them. 

They were in their common room with a secrecy bubble around them, so that none of the other Hufflepuffs could hear their plans. Barty knew everything about the Hufflepuff common room since he had a girlfriend once who had basically ranted on and on about the Hufflepuff culture. So he knew the entrance and where all the dorms are. Both of them were quite open about their relationship as they would have held hands in the corridors, sat beside each other in the great hall and cuddled in the common room. Tom had kindly given them both files on the person that they were supposed to play. Now, all they had to do was find Draco and tell him that they had been sent to help him with the vanishing cabinet. 

The two left the common room after telling their friends not to wait up for them since they were going to go around for some 'alone time'. One of Tony's friends had even said, "Are you going to pull the moves on Finny?" When Barty told him this he blushed bright red and whispered, "Tom and me are in a relationship, he will kill you." 

Barty just rolled his eyes as they went to the entrance of the room of requirement, there, they found the blond Malfoy boy trying to fix the cabinet, though failing enormously, taking his frustration out on it. Hadrian groaned and Barty just stared, If Draco had been taking his frustration out on it, they were going to have to skip classes, just to even attempt to have this completely finished. Barty was the one to announce their presence to the pureblood with daddy issues, "Malfoy! What are you doing." The Slytherin turned to see the two boys in Hufflepuff robes, he whipped out his wand, pointing it at them. "Trenton, Grady. You are both out of bounds." 

Hadrian just rolled his eyes at the teenager, even though Draco was older than him, he was older mentally. "Drop your wand Draco-Kun. You know exactly who I am." The blond's wand fell a little bit, "Hadrian?" Hadrian took that as the perfect chance to teach him a lesson, He swiped his wand at him, causing a gust of purple smoke. It was just an effect, it didn't have any real meaning except for distraction. "Don't put your guard down for anything, but yes it's me." Hadrian took Draco's hand and shook it. "I assume your father told you that you would be receiving help." Draco nodded. "Well, it's not going to help if you keep taking your frustration out on it." Barty intervened, Draco turned to the polyjuiced Barty and snapped, "Who the hell are you?" 

Hadrian laughed nervously, "That's Barty Crouch Jr. Let's not start a fight, but we do have to fix this quickly." motioning to the cabinet. "I'm just warning you that it's temperamental." Barty rolled his eyes at mini-Malfoy's statement, it couldn't be that hard to fix. 


Barty was once again proven wrong, these things were very hard to fix indeed. For the man being a former Ravenclaw, he got a lot of stuff wrong. But for being under the imperius curse for so long, it was explainable. Hadrian and Barty sent Draco to his bed at 1:30 that morning, it didn't make sense for one of them to lose sleep on something that two people could accomplish.  

But by 5 that morning they gave up. They still had another full day and part of the night to work on it anyway, and they were way ahead of time. So when they went to their beds, only to be woken up two hours later, they were still overly tired. Hadrian found Barty and they made their way to the great hall together, only to be greeted by Pomona Sprout, a kind woman, Hufflepuff's house head. They knew someone must've snitched on them. "Mr Trenton and Mr Grady, would it be possible to speak to you in my office after breakfast?" Hadrian disguised as Finnian nodded, with a strained smile, "Of course professor." The woman smiled at them and walked back to her breakfast. 

Barty casted a privacy ward. "What did we do?" Hadrian shrugged his shoulders, "You're the one that had a Hufflepuff girlfriend. Did she ever say anything about detection wards?" "No... How should I know, I didn't half-listen to her. She got boring." Hadrian facepalmed, "Of course." Hadrian dismissed the charm, "let's just eat."


Hadrian and Barty didn't talk on their way to Professor Sprouts office, "Come in boys, you can take a seat too." She motioned to the two seats in front of her. The two hufflepuff boys sat down on the chairs offered to them. "Now, I noticed you both were out of bounds last night, and I know you are both together. But if you are both going to come together in a sexual way-" Barty cut her off, "Professor, that's not what we were doing, we were just star gazing"


Both Barty and Hadrian came out of Professor Sprouts office bright red in the face. They really didn't need that conversation, now they really had to go and finish the vanishing cabinet. 

When they got there, Draco was waiting for them, what took you two so long. "Just people," Hadrian murmured, as they set to work on it. 

After about skipping lunch and it only being thirty minutes to dinner, they finished the cabinet, thank god, they would be able to get a bit of sleep. "Draco, send your father an owl, tell him the cabinet is finished. Then go and enjoy yourself for the rest of the night." The blond nodded and left to go do that and have a good night. Hadrian and Barty gave each other a high five and stared at the vanishing cabinet, they may have lied to Draco but that didn't matter, not now at least. The attack was tonight in five hours, time to get a bit of shut eye, before the big event.



Chapter 54 of 60 Complete.


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