Chapter 57

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Tom stepped into the ministry, it was in tatters of course. The place was trashed with mini fires all around the place, as well as a couple of bodies. Tom rolled his eyes and stepped over then gracefully, he had left Hadrian at home, his little love was distraught with grief and didn't want to be around anyone, including him. It broke his heart truly, but no matter how much he was hurting, he was busy planning the funeral. Tom had insisted that he or some of his death eaters would help, but the teenager would have none of it. Instead, he told Tom to get out.

Tom had brought Bellatrix out with him, as well as Rodolphus and Lucius. The most shocking death that had been displayed wonderfully had been that of Fudge. The man had been strung up by his guts, hanging off the statue in the middle of the foyer. He had to admire the handiwork of whoever had orchestrated this.

Tom walked towards the minister's office, followed by Lucius, Bella and Rodolphus. He had to get this country back into shape, including its failing economy, because of all the laws against creatures working. Something that Fudge would never admit to the public because the population would boot him out of office.

That would be the first thing that he would change when it came to taking down old laws and rewriting them. At least this way it would get done properly.

The light bias was so strong until now, and he would get rid of it, or at least even it out so the dark would have more hold on society. And after that, he would focus on international relations between other countries. Something that was only brought up in the Quidditch Cup every four years. No other time, it needed to change; how Fudge managed to survive in office for so long he doubted that he would ever know.

Tom swept into the minister of magic's office, only to be met with scattered papers that were all around the place. Tom's mouth parted slightly before he regained his momentarily lost composure, he swore to himself that no one caught the look on his face. Instead, he flicked a hand in the direction of the papers, having them organise themselves into neat piles on which were most important to the least. Almost all of them made their way to the 'most important' section, many of which were written to Fudge just over a year ago. It was clear the man had quite literally never done a day's work for the last eighteen years of his life. What a waste.

Tom let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding, he sighed; something that seemed so human for him. He turned to the other death eaters, "Bellatrix, I want you to chase out any remaining light members, in fact, chain them. I would assume you know where the holding cells are?" The crazy-haired woman just smirked and went off down the corridor, skipping; you could hear her heels from miles away.  He turned sympathetically to Rodophus, "Gather the bodies and transfer them down to the dungeons, cover them with a sheet, if families want to claim the bodies, they can. We will send out contact later," Rodolphus gave a brief nod and left.

He and Lucius were the last in the room, "Help me go through these bills and petitions. I knew Fudge was bad, but I never expected this." Lucius shook his head, "I did too, my lord, but I never thought this would be what has become of now. With that, both of them set into the bill and petition work, which was well overdue."

In just a couple of hours, there was minimal evidence that there had ever been bloodshed here, Rodophlus had done a good job. Bellatrix had filled the holding cells with key members of the light that had not been killed at Hogwarts. She even took the liberty of torturing then for him. The papers that had once littered the office, were put away in filing cabinets organised by bills. They also had to make sure that more papers hadn't been stuffed in there. He was thankful that there hadn't been any.

Tom sighed, it had been a long day and yet there was still so much to do, including the swearing-in of new lords and ladies to the courts; he knew that was going to take forever, but he couldn't care less. Bills needed to be passed, he needed to get the economy back up and running again, if he didn't; the damage would be catastrophic.

He stayed late at the office and had told Lucius and the others to go home early. What he didn't expect to be waiting up for him was Hadrian. He looked to be extremely tired and Tom thought he was going to have all of the air squeezed out of his lungs. "Hello darling, are you feeling any better now?" The boy didn't answer him, just nodded his head once. "Shush, pet, you're about to fall off your feet, let's get you to bed. Com on now," Tom managed to coax Hadrian up to his room, and into his jammies, before laying down beside Hadrian. It was rare nowadays for him to sleep beside Hadrian without having a war to win, one of them were always up, even at three in the morning. It felt nice to sleep beside someone again.

A/n - So this is chapter 57 out of 60. We're so close to the end guys, it's unreal.

I've been updating this book since last year and we've came a long way. Thank you to whoever has stuck with me from the start, and those who have joined more recently. I love each and every one of you


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