Chapter 18 ✅

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The man who looked to be just about eighteen turned round to face the person that had called him by his hateful muggle name. He had glossy charcoal hair with brown streaks through it, high, aristocratic cheekbones with white pale skin. Again he looked to be about 6.4 feet in height with recognisable ghostly pale blue eyes. Harry was in awe with how his friend looked now, it seemed like forever since he'd seen Tom.

Tom turned to look at him with a soft smirk playing on his lips, "Hello Harry."

Harry couldn't believe his eyes, Tom looked a bit older; though not by much, and quite hot if he could say so himself. Harry had to stamp down the blush that was creeping onto his face before anyone noticed. He's attention shot up to Tom as he shouted for Wormtail to bring him his wand, He watched on as the small, quivering, rat-like man sniffled and coward before the dark lord, it was rather amusing if he would say so himself. Wormtail handed over the dark lord's wand and gave a shaky bow.

Tom raised his wand to the rat-man's head and obliviated him, therefore knocking him out for a bit. Harry gave a curious look towards Tom but didn't think anything of it, Wormtail's presence was quite annoying anyways.

Tom turned to Harry and walked towards him, Harry looked up at the former Slytherin and smiled. It had been quite a while since he'd last gave a smile that looked that real.

Tom reached up and brushed his hand through Harry's raven coloured hair. Harry leaned into the touch causing Tom to chuckle quietly to himself. "How's my puppy been?"

Harry just hummed a pleased answer, he was tired from the maze and his ankle felt as if it was going to give out at any moment. He really could use a break from all of this rushing around; but that was neither here nor there. He was just so glad to feel his friend's touch again.

Harry let the taller man hold the weight from his overbearing ankle, to which caused Tom to frown. The man looked down to see the bloody looking bandages and his frown deepened. "How long were you planning to let your ankle bleed for?" Tom asked in an exasperated tone as he waved his wand, effectively healing the wound and redressing it in fresh bandages again. Harry just looked at him shyly and mumbled, "Thanks."

The must have stood there for about five minutes enjoying the silent company that one another gave the other, until Tom, regrettably had to break the peaceful silence. "Harry... You need to go back to school, you have to show people that your alright."

Harry growled quietly to himself, "Why? Do you want to get rid of me this early! It's been nearly two years since I last saw you."

Tom smiled gently down at his companion, "Don't you worry, I'm not trying to get rid of you, I simply want you to go back to school. I wanted to give you something first." Tom said as he handed Harry an acid green pendant necklace. Harry looked up at him expectantly, wondering what it would be for.

"I can't risk marking you, while you're still in school. So if I summon you, it will glow green and warm up." Harry nodded in understanding, "Thank you." 

Harry tied the pendant around his neck and gave Tom a hug, Tom hugged him back, albeit reluctantly. Harry soon let him go and walked back over to the tri-wizard cup, he smiled as he faced Tom and popped away to the start again.


Harry popped back into the starting area of the tournament, loud cheers echoed in his ears. He was the first one back with the cup and he'd won! That was the most important thing.

He smiled to the crowd as Madame Pomfrey ushered him towards the medical wing of the school to have a good look at any injuries that he got when he was in the maze. She took a look at his ankle and looked back up at him. "This is quite impressive, You healed this yourself, correct?"

Harry blushed slightly, "Yes I did." He lied and she smiled at him. "I would consider having you as an apprentice, with this skill level."

Harry wanted to kill himself there and then, he'd really landed himself in a hard spot. He laughed nervously, "Sure, I would love that." 'Tom your going to have to teach me some of that shit.' He thought as the medic continued to assess him.

She turned to look at him, "You won't be able to put weight on your ankle for a couple of days, and after that you will have a limp for a couple of weeks until the tissue heals. I would suggest that you get some rest."

Harry nodded and she left him alone shortly after that, and went over to Cedric who was brought in with a couple of deep looking scratches and wounds. Harry didn't bother saying anything else and just lay back on the bed. Madame Pomfrey had told him to get some rest and he planned to do just that.


It had been a couple of days after the final task and Dumbledore wanted to award the cup to the champion before the other schools left to go back to their own countries. Harry stood off to the side with a heavily bandaged Cedric, who had just been let out of the hospital wing. They had greeted each other earlier and congratulated each other, before standing beside each other and watched as Dumbledore stood up at his podium, in front of the students of Hogwarts and the students of the other schools.

Harry looked over at the there head teachers, Igor Karkaroff was looking on sourly while Madam Maxine was smiling, though there was a disappointed look in her eye.

"Well it is with great pleasure that I award the tri-wizard cup to the winner of the tornament." Dumbledore began. "Harry Potter please step forward."

Harry put on his bashful act as he walked towards the headmaster, who shook his hand and passed him the trophy. Harry smiled and thanked Dumbledore before heading back to where he was standing before.

Harry decided to look over at fake Moody while Dumbledore continued to talk. 'Moody' sent him a mischievous looking smirk and Harry just rolled his eyes at the man who acted more like a teenager than a man in his thirties, especially for a pureblood.


Well hello there my lovely reader's! :)

I just wanted to let you know that your all valued and that I love each and every one of you. I wanted to thank you all for voting on my chapters, commenting and reading my book, I'm glad that you are all enjoying it!

Anyways... I go back to school tomorrow, yay! (Sarcasm intended). I don't know how my updating schedule will come now, but I will try to stick to it as much as possible. Although don't be surprised if they are a bit late.

Anyways I hope your having a good morning/ afternoon or night, wherever you are in the world.


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