Chapter 58

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Tom slipped his hand into Hadrian's as they walked towards where Aedan would be getting buried. The funeral was a closed casket one, Hadrian couldn't bear to let anyone see his father the way that he had died. Neither could he. Tom tightened the grip on his love's hand, a sense of reassurance overcame Hadrian as he stood watching the casket be lowered into the ground, this would be the last time he would get to see his father, he squeezed Tom's hand tighter. 

Hadrian could feel tears coming to his eyes, as he slowly stood forward, throwing in a blue delphinium on top of the beautifully carved wooden coffin. Hadrian let a few tears slip, but no one said anything about it, some were stricken with their own grief. The funeral wasn't big, Hadrian knew there wouldn't be a big attendance as Aedan was a closed-off person, and didn't speak to people unless he had to, many people at the funeral were only acquaintances, they didn't truly know him. Not really. 

Hadrian stepped back, retaking Tom's hand in his own; he gripped it tightly, not wanting another person he loved to leave him. 

Tom's hand was about to fall off because of his Hadrian, but he didn't say anything, he couldn't bear to, so he just let his hand suffer the consequences. They watched as many other people came and paid their respects, Tom smiling slightly at them as they went back to their seats. Hadrian continued to stare at the hole in the ground as it was covered up. Many of the condolences had been given before the funeral, so as the hole was being filled in, only Hadrian and Tom stayed. Aedan had no living family as far as Hadrian knew, So Hadrian and Tom were left to bury him alone.

The funeral a was sad and quiet one, both of them concluded silently, as they left together after planting some more delphiniums; flowers that Aedan had always loved. Hadrian pulled out a tissue and dried his eyes, though the tears came rushing back. Hadrian buried his face in Tom's funeral wear, Tom immediately hugged him back swaying back and forth comfortingly, as Hadrian let out all of the pain that he'd been keeping inside of him. As soon as Hadrian stopped crying, they made their way into the Cousland House, from the burial grounds. Hadrian went straight to bed, crying, leaving Tom alone in the kitchen not knowing anything about where Hadrian was headed never mind where everything was. He settled himself down on a chair, the kitchen was quite close to the dining room, and a house-elf popped up in front of him, "Hello, My name is Cally, is there something you would like to eat, Sir?" Tom thought about it, but then shook his head, "No thank you, but could you tell me where everything in the house is, I'm afraid that I have never been here before." The house elf's face lit up, "Of course, follow me." 

Tom got up from his seat and followed the excited house-elf as she talked about the place in great detail, telling him when everything had been built and who's room was who's. The last room she stopped at was Hadrian's, and she left after that to go back to cleaning. Tom took himself over to the extensive library where he found a book to read. Tom then made his way over to Hadrian's room, there was a comfy armchair in the corner, where he sat down to read, After a little while he requested a cup of tea from the kitchens. It appeared only a couple of seconds later, he assumed it was prepared by Cally, but he didn't know how many house-elves there were in this house.

It was around two hours later when Hadrian woke up, he was confused for a second, but soon a dim look overtook his facial expressions, Tom noticed this and went to sit beside Hadrian, no words were shared,  but a comforting silence, so Hadrian knew he could talk to Tom about anything. They just sat there, not doing anything, relishing in each others company. 



A/n - I know this is shorter than usual, but I have exams coming up and need to revise, If I get time over the week I will release the other chapter early, but until then, Love you all. 

Chapter 58 of 60 


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