Chapter 41 ✅

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*this chapter contains smut

Hadrian took a quick check around his dorm room that he shared with the Slytherin boys. Though he was pretty certain that he could trust them with something like being in the loop with death eaters, he didn't want to risk it.

Only once he was sure that the room was completely empty and scanning charms cast to be thorough, did he take out his death eater robes and mask. Hadrian threw them in a bag that he had disillusioned.

He made his way out of the dorm, through the common room and down one of the dungeon corridors that lead to a fault in the wards. He had found it during one of his searches for new passageways since he believed that the others were way too far up the school to make it seem normal that he would be out at this time on a Saturday.

The fault in the wards wasn't a big space, just at the end of the corridor. Hadrian made his way to the spot and threw on his black cloak and mask. While he didn't really need it yet, it was better to be safe than sorry. Hadrian activated his set of glamours as he activated the pendent since they were wired into each other.

Hadrian disappeared with nothing more than a pop.


Hadrian landed in the entrance hall of Tom's manor. He would be lying if he said he wasn't excited, it had been forever since he had been on a raid, much less a muggle one.

There wasn't anyone here yet, he didn't expect there to be since he had come forty minutes early. He'd missed the place, even though he had only just been here around a week ago. Hadrian took off his chrome mask, now that he had seen that there was no one there he didn't recognise. Tucking the chrome full-face mask away into his cloak he headed up towards Tom's study.

Hadrian didn't bother knocking, he knew that Tom wouldn't mind him coming in unannounced. Hadrian opened the heavy door to the study that was in pristine order as per usual. Tom never let it get messy. The messy thing was more or less his thing, though the mess would annoy him after a while if left too long. To him, Tom's study was just too perfect, to him it needed a bit more of a lived-in feel but it wasn't his space so he wouldn't change it.

Hadrian's eyes met Tom's concentrated face, The man was too busy looking over papers to even acknowledge him standing in the doorway. He smiled slightly, walking over to his tense-looking lover who was hunched over his papers, writing away. As he stepped further into the room, Tom's eyes flicked up to him and then back down to his papers,  Hadrian smirked, sinking onto his knees right beside the man.

He didn't get the reaction he wanted, so he shuffled closer and leaned his chin on his older lover's knee. At this, he saw Tom's quill falter for only a second before he went back to writing whatever he was writing. A scowl made its way across Hadrian's face. He didn't like being ignored, especially by Tom. He was aware that this was incredibly sexual, and that he was either going to piss Tom the fuck off or get exactly what this was going to lead to.

Hadrian shifted to the point where he was under the desk, his head right between Tom's legs. He had his eyes set on the bludge that was between his lover's legs. At least some part of Tom was paying his actions a bit of attention. He looked up at Tom whose eyes were still on his work though he wasn't writing anymore.

—— ⚠️Smut ahead⚠️——

Hadrian smirked, trailing his hands up the man's legs, he could hear the sharp intake of breath but kept going. He wanted the reaction. It wasn't until Hadrian's fingers had made their way up to Tom's black trouser buttons and started to undo them did the man look at him. There was a dark glint to those piercing red eyes, the smaller boy hummed, while still undoing the buttons, deliberately watching Tom's reactions with an impish smile.

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