Chapter 24 ✅

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Harry choose to stand beside Barty as The Dark Lord organised them into teams that would attack Azkaban prison. Harry and Barty would lead a group that would seek out other death eaters that would search the higher up levels of the prison which were said to hold the Lestrange brothers and Bellatrix, Rodulphus' wife.

They would be taking Atticus Avery and Joel Vass, who was one of the lower-ranking death eaters, but knew the layout of the prison since Vass was one of the main guards that patrolled the prison site. Voldemort had mentioned that Lucius Malfoy would be coming for some of the other death eaters that had been trapped on the lower levels and were in charge of gathering new recruits. While Voldemort, Rookwood and some other lower-ranking death eaters would be focusing on bringing down the extensive wards that surrounded the prison.

The prison was poorly guarded since the ministry foolishly relied on the dementors as the main source of protection. Dementors were dark creatures and therefore were loyal to Voldemort first before the ministry, just with a little bit of bribery that just happened to be to do with souls. Who would guess?

Finally, after everyone was sure of what they were doing Voldemort decided that it was time for them to take their leave. making sure to bring a couple of muggles with them. Instead of announcing their return to the ministry immediately. They were going to take polyjuice potion that would disguise the muggles as the missing prisoners, but let the Dementors kill the fake witches and wizards.

They had sorted the detail out three hours beforehand and Voldemort had agreed that, if a taker of polyjuice potion died while still under its effects then they would remain in that form.  It was the perfect plan.


Harry smirked under his chrome mask as the wards around the prison fell. He knew that hadn't been kind on Voldemort's magical reserves, since the wards were absolutely ancient. Harry felt the other warder's put up their own anti-apparation wards and anti-portkey wards. So as Harry and Barty signalled for the rest of the Death Eaters to come on forward and attack the prison, they watched as the guards had run back inside urgent to make calls and try to get Aurors to come with backup, that wouldn't be able to reach them.

Harry rolled his eyes at their futile attempts to sent off spells, almost shocked when he cast the killing curse at one, who hadn't even tried to make an attempt to dodge, simply trying to fumble with his wand. He hadn't expected it to be this easy but nonetheless he ran on forward towards the direct entrance, knowing that there would be no guards apart from the dementors.

He thought that the ministry was especially weak-minded that they had decided to make the dementors the main guards of the prison, considering they were dark creatures with a dark magical pull to serve the current dark lord of magic.

Deciding to actually put a bit more effort into actually getting to the three Lestrange's prison cells, he focused on the task at hand. Even though the dementors were on their side it didn't stop the effects of them, so he pushed his mother pleads for her child's life as she was killed.  Snarling coming over his face he cast his Patronus, a silvery Crow flew out from the tip of his wand, circling the dementors who screeched out in pain from the light. He could tell that the other few people he was with were looking impressed, but as he pressed on they did too.

The prison was build quite a long time ago and Harry would admit that getting up the floors hadn't been easy. But once he and the others were finally there, they could start their work. With the hairs that they needed off the Lestrange brothers and Bellatrix, they were able to make the switch, before apparating them back to the dark lord's manor. Leaving the dementors to feast on the remaining prisoners. 


Rabastian, Rodolphus and Bellatrix were taken to the medical wing where Barty waited for any news on them.

Harry stepped through the door parchment and quill writing as he went. He came and stood beside Barty who was just staring at the three most notorious death eaters that existed. Harry had known they were friends when they were younger and another member of the group was Regulus Black. He went missing and was presumed dead a couple of years later.

"How are they doing?" Harry found himself asking, Barty was quiet for a moment before answering. Vaguely.

"Ok, as far as I can tell."

Harry could see Barty wasn't coping so well seeing his lifelong friends in magical comatose states, but nodded anyways. "Don't spend too much time here, staring, it'll do more harm than good." Harry said patting the slightly taller man's shoulder before leaving to talk to one of the nurses.


A/n - Again it's a short one. Hate me all you want but it should be longer next week. I honestly couldn't be bothered with this chapter but it's necessary for the plot.

Thank you for all of your good wishes for my exams. Your all so understanding and I've managed to get all over Grade B so far. Which is honestly amazing!

I was wondering if you ever wanted to read a Rise of the Guardians (ROTG) fanfic. It'll be Blackice. I just want to see how many of you would actually read it, but I'm still gonna write it anyways.

Hope you enjoyed~



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