Chapter 27 ✅

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—— 3 Days before ——

Harry sunk down against the wall, he had just portkeyed back from Tom's manor. His legs were weak from all the walking and hiding he had done when he was with Tom. His legs could barely hold his weight, he was so weak. His knees were brought up against his chest as he lay his head up against the wall of the alleyway he had landed in, he knew he would have to get up to go back to his awful Aunt and Uncle though he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He must've acted so weirdly with Tom, every time he flinched or hissed in pain the elder looked at him in a face of concern, an expression which Harry found his eyes couldn't meet.

After sitting with his eyes closed and head against the wall for five minutes he finally found the strength to pick himself up off the ground. As he struggled to keep himself upright while walking with the help of the wall, he could hear shouting in the distance. It was distant and muffled to him, but it got closer really quickly, and soon he realised exactly who it was.

Dudley and his goons.

⚠️Warning: Abuse ⚠️

"Hold him down, I want to get a good few punches in." The obese baby whale ordered his mates, Harry braced himself for the worst as he felt hands snatch his wrists and hold them in a harsh, firm grip above his head. Harry squeezed his eyes shut as he felt a huge meaty fist collide with his face, he could hear the sickening crack of his nose being broken, as he howled out in pain.

He wasn't usually one to give anyone the satisfaction of hearing him in pain but he just felt too weak to hold back the cries that he made, hoping someone would save him, he always did hope but he knew that no one would ever pay him any attention even if he was lying, broken and bloody on the ground.

He felt a hand clasp over his mouth, effectively shutting him up, while Dudley kept punching him with his friends joining in kicking and hitting him as they went. When Dudley had finished with Harry around ten minutes later, the younger one slumped to the ground, with fading consciousness. An aggravating pain shot through his leg, making him see stars before he finally fell into the unconscious daze he had been pleading for, for the last ten or so minutes.

⚠️ Abuse Over ⚠️

Harry was bloody, bruised, broken and swollen when a member of the public found him, and they quickly called an ambulance. The rest of the crowds and crew technicians gave him Sorrowful and pitiful looks as they loaded him into the back of the neon yellow van with the blue flashing lights, quickly rushing him to the hospital.


Harry was surrounded in the darkness of his own mind for hours, maybe even days on end. He couldn't tell how long it was nor did he know exactly where he was. He knew something back must've happened but what? he didn't know. His mind seemed awake but his body wasn't. All he knew was that Vernon would be pissed off because he didn't get home to dry the dishes, that was all he was overly concerned about.

He had figured that someone would come and wake him up quite soon, get him out of his daze but nothing came, no one came.

Not Petunia.

Not Vernon.

Not even Dudley, who would jump on the stairs just to shake the dust down on top of his face and chest.

So when he finally came around a couple of days later he was surprised by the smell of bleach and bright white lights, or was it the ceiling? He couldn't see because he mustn't have his glasses on but it was so bright that he shut his eyes almost immediately.

It was a few seconds later he tried to open his eyes again, cautiously. His surroundings were blurry but he could tell he was in a hospital, and judging on the sound of the heart monitor and the IV needle that was in his wrist, it was a muggle hospital.

Harry squinted as he tried to find his glasses that weren't there. Even though they were too weak for his eyes his aunt could never be bothered to actually take him to get his eyes tested. He figured that Dudley must've broken them when he punched his nose, which still hurt by the way.

Harry winced as he tried to pull himself into a sitting position but found he couldn't move that far, looking down, still squinting, he saw a cast. It was around his left leg, and his ribs really hurt.

He slumped down, giving up and just taking to staring at the roof of the hospital ward until someone came - which hopefully would be sometime soon.


It was about an hour before someone came to check on him, and they were shocked to see him awake but called the doctor in to talk to him. After his conversation with the doctor, he found out that he, or more specifically, Dudley had broken his leg. he had multiple broken ribs and a displaced fracture of his left wrist; which he had to get surgery and pins to repair.

The next visitor for him was somebody that he would definitely not expect to have any involvement in his life, but he couldn't help but feel a tiny bit relieved.

A social worker.

Her name was Remi, and Harry was told by him that apparently the doctors and nurses had some concerns over how many badly healed, formerly broken bones he had, some of which had to be rebroken and reset, including his left ankle, broken only a couple of years ago. Another thing was the fact that he didn't have a muggle hospital record. Though he did, it was a fake one set up by the Dursleys years ago. but that wasn't something that he would tell anyone.

Harry denied that anything was wrong, even though he desperately wanted someone to see that he was lying. He was very thankful that Remi didn't buy it and he eventually broke down and told Remi everything, well everything he could since he couldn't say anything about magic.

She just hugged him and let him cry, gently rubbing his back in a comforting way. Asking him questions that she thought she would need to clarify. She left after that, but said that she would be back, she just needed to report a case of child abuse to the police.

Harry just swallowed and nodded but on the inside, he knew that Vernon would kill him. Literally.

A/n - So I have my DofE expedition tomorrow and Tuesday... God help me and my poor legs! Anyways how have you all been today? I hope your day is going good and if no ones told you this today:

I appreciate you!


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