Chapter 55

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Hadrian and Barty's polyjuice potion that had concealed their identities had worn off by now, just in time for the arrival of the death eaters, though they still wore the Hufflepuff robes. Rabastian and Rodolphus had come as Voldemort and the warding teams protection if they so needed it. Tom threw Barty and Hadrian's wands at them which they caught, and continued after the group.

All eight of the death eaters managed to make it through the castle, without being seen when they arrived at the entrance hall, they looked up at the Hogwarts emblem, "There," Tom as the snake-faced man said pointing to it. The group nodded and started to remove the rock from its place, which had been made a lot easier by their contacts within the grounds. 

The rock was set to the side and a blue intermittent glowing warding stone was floating in the middle, however, instead of it being smooth and stable, it was ragged and vibrating quickly in the air. This showed just how much it had been tampered with. Voldemort nodded towards them, Hadrian had been given instructions on what they should try to accomplish first, and that would be to take the stone out of where it was and rewrite the few runes that should be imprinted on the ward stone. 

Removing it was a difficult job in itself, as it had been warped so much. Once they managed that however, it was like everything stopped. The candles went out and the movement of the stairs stopped. All was dead silent for a moment before Voldemort signalled for them to work on. 

They worked tirelessly, trying to unravel the wards, even though they had strategies this, it was taking far longer than they wanted. Suddenly, hurried footsteps were heard coming down the unmoving stairs. "Fuck," Tom as Voldemort swore to himself, "Let's keep going, even if we stopped the stairs, we don't have long."

Hadrian nodded and worked on a couple more runes for the protection of most of the group, that way if anyone gets past Barty, Rodolphus and Rabastian it should hold them off for a couple of minutes. With all of the wards taken off the ward stone, it started to become less unstable, and bright blue colour that wasn't intermittently flashing anymore. 

Tom was quite happy with the result as he started casting symbols that Hadrian didn't fully understand, but added his own power to Tom's when it was needed. The other death eaters had stopped helping for a couple of moments, this was a very old and powerful ward stone that needed a lot of power to support it. With Tom and Hadrian's power reserves they could easily continue, the other death eaters would need breaks but they could take them whenever Tom didn't need their help. 

Hadrian took his eyes off the stone for a moment to look around himself, there was noise from all places starting to gather around them, coming closer and closer. Hadrian took in a sharp breath, "How much longer my lord?" Tom screwed his face up, "It should only be about another five minutes." Hadrian nodded and continued to inscribe the minor runes into the ward stone. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked on to see Dumbledore and a couple of other staff members coming down the stairs from the main school building. Hadrian hurried up with his runes casting just as Voldemort did, their wands moving quickly in time with each other's casting. "My Lord, what about the other death eaters, where are they?" Voldemort didn't answer straight away. "They should be able to get in over the bridge once the ward stone is in place and reset." Hadrian gave him a grim smile, "right... and that's helpful, how?" Voldemort just rolled his eyes, which looked very creepy. 

"Where is Bella when you need her," Hadrian mumbled in frustration as he sped up his runes, making them join together like a perfect jigsaw. Hadrian had just started another protective rune circle when he was hit with a spell, the spell hit off the previous protection circle, and Hadrian was glad he was building his and Tom's protection, he sent a wandless unclotting spell to the idiot who tried to attack him, and then sent a cutting curse. The extra protection was coming in handy, as Tom needed his help again, "Hadrian, we need to put it back." Hadrian gave a curt nod to Tom as they used their magic to lift it back into place, once it was they sealed it with the rock that had been there before. 

"Alright, so the death eaters will be able to get in now?" Hadrian said as he approached Dumbledore with Tom, "Yes. It may take a minute but they should be able to." Hadrian nodded and sent a mild stinging hex towards Dumbledore, who had his back turned to them. The man turned to the two wizards. Voldemort smiled widely, Hadrian just grinned wolfishly at the old man, whose smile seemed strained. "Tom, why don't we call this all off, you could be hurting innocent children's lives." Voldemort raised an eyebrow, and Hadrian barked out a reply while laughing. "Wait... You care about children? What about Harry Potter, he never came back, you never protected your 'saviour'." Hadrian finished, sneering at the old man. 

Dumbledore's eyebrows furrowed, "Hadrian Max, so your Tom's main underling." Hadrian looked at Tom who just smiled sweetly, "Actually Albus, he's my partner," 

Dumbledore stood there, dumbfounded, he had no idea that these pair would be in a relationship, besides, Tom couldn't love. he plastered a sorrowful look on his face, "Hadrian, you do know that Tom cannot love, don't you?" Hadrian smiled innocently, "Well, I'll be damned. If he can't love then why the hell is he so good in bed?" Dumbledore turned a shade of he hadn't seen since he left his relatives house. 

Tom smiled, planting a loving kiss on Hadrian's neck, "Well Dumbledore, I think it's time we left, give you a bit of time to prepare, hmm? See you in an hour." 

Tom clicked his fingers and Hadrian sed a Weasley smoke bomb that he bought, he would admit that they were epic. 

When the smoke cleared all of the death eaters were gone, including Tom and Hadrian, leaving the staff in confusion. He had to get the Order here and fast. Then Pomona spoke up, "If that was death eaters in the Hufflepuff robes, who were they impersonating?" Shit, another fucking problem. Dumbledore just sighed as Pomona and Minerva rushed up to the Hufflepuff common room. 



A/n - so... I'm almost finished, and I cannot wait to. I hope you like this chapter, it was fun to write, I'm hoping that my next chapter will be close to 2000 words so get ready...


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