Chapter 1 ✅

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DISCLAIMER: As much as I would love Harry Potter to belong to me it belongs to JK Rowling.

Although the plot is mine. Please do not take it from me without permission.

Third person PoV:

Harry was standing on the other side of the landslide of boulders while Ron was shouting nonsense at him. Something about Lockhart and bone breaking. The raven haired boy wasn't really listening and couldn't care less about whatever Lockhart or Ron has done to themselves. Harry just wanted to get Ginny and get out before having to face the monster of the chamber.

Harry shouted to Ron who was on the other side of the landslide with Lockhart, that he was going to get Ginny and that he would be back soon.

Harry stumbled while trying to make his way across on the floor made of brittle bones to the entrance with snakes carved into it. The green eyed boy guessed it was also in parceltongue he said "open" and it opened. 'I thought it might have had more of a better security that just open in parceltongue.'

He was so lost in thought and wonder of how beautiful the chamber was he didn't realise the chamber door had opened. Harry stepped through the entrance only to see Ginny laying on the stone ground unconscious. Harry ran to her not realising he had dropped his wand in the process. He checked her pulse, She was barely alive as Harry went to lift her up when He was faced with a sixteen year old boy.

"She won't wake." That was all he said.

Harry looked at him in confusion before remembering the Slytherin's name. "Tom...Tom Riddle?" The raven haired boy asked, and Tom nodded his head slightly to show he was right.

"We need to help her! There's a basilisk down here, we need to leave." Harry said with an urgently in his voice.

"Do not worry about Dabria, she will only come when she is called." Tom replied with a calmness in his voice.

"W..what do you mean, Tom?" Harry knew this was a stupid question to ask. After all he had read about all the chamber of secrets and that it only obeyed Salazar slytherin and his descendants.

Harry placed Ginny's limp body back on the cracked stone ground and looked Tom over.
He had charcoal black hair with dark brown streaks through it. His skin was a pale colour although it didn't look sickly pale. His skin tone stood out against his slytherin green school robes. His stood about 6.4 feet in height. His ghostly pale blue eyes stared into Harry's soul judging his every move.

Harry shook himself out of his thoughts while Tom smirked at him. Harry felt his pocket around for his wand checking the floor as well, at this Tom frowned. "Give me my wand, Tom." Harry said.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, Harry." The boy in the slytherin robes retorted. "You see, as Ginny Weasley gets weaker as I grow stronger." The Slytherin continued on. Tom walked over to Harry who had turned to face him. "I am going to show you some memories." "May I?" He asked as he looked at Harry's wand that was In his hand. Harry pondered the question before cautiously nodded his head giving Tom permission.

Tom summoned something called a pensieve, and press Harry's wand to his head and pulls out a silvery strand and places it in the shallow bowl filled with water. He grabbed Harry's head and forced it into the bowl, before placing his head in as well.


One Tom Marvolo Riddle was walking towards the Potter resistance which was said to be home to the child who was supposed to be the saviour of the Wizarding world. Tom applied a glamour to his body forming who was known as Lord Voldemort. The snake-faced man walked towards the door of the potters' and broke the door down. He could hear footsteps running up the stairs he turned to James and stunned him. Walking calmly up the stairs where Lily Potter stood defending the young boy who was sitting in the cot which was set up in the middle of the room. "Please don't hurt him." Lily begged. "Harry be strong, mummy loves you, daddy loves you." Suddenly a flash of green light narrowly escaped Tom and hit the the mother of the boy. Young Harry was now crying hysterically as his mother fell to the ground. The 'dark' Lord drew his wand turning to face the wizard who had just killed the ginger haired mother. "What do you want, Albus." Voldemort sneered. "Just getting rid of the evidence." With that Albus casted an imperious curse on Voldemort."Avada Kedavra." This was the last words heard before the memory flashed with a blinding green light.


Word count: 818

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