Chapter 44 ✅

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Heir Kidnapped From Hogwarts!

Public outrage continues as a new incident comes to light. The kidnapping of the heir to the Cousland house. Aedan Cousland sent his child to Hogwarts for his fifth year, now, the fifteen-year-old from Slytherin is missing! And has been for a believed week and a half. Hogwarts is supposed to be "the safest place on earth" according to the esteemed Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore.

Dumbledore has requested that he will not be taking any questions, the other staff, however, have kindly said a few words. "He was a bright, intelligent student that was always polite from the moment he met anyone. I can not understand who might do something like this." Deputy Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall, commented.

Severus Snape was also asked for a statement, "Mr Cousland is a diligent, hardworking student who has been kind to his housemates from his first day."

There are supposedly death eater attacks, what if this was another one of them? and what could they possibly want with the Cousland heir? But with a child gone missing right under the old headmaster's nose can we really trust him to keep our children safe?

Written by Rita Skeeter.

Aedan threw the newspaper to the ground. He had realised something was off when Theodore Nott had owled him to ask where Hadrian was, leading to him sending a letter to his son, which came back unopened. Now it was time to gather up his support, and storm Hogwarts. Albus Dumbledore has a lot to answer for.

Aedan stepped out of the blazing floo network first, followed by five Aurors, Lucius Malfoy and Amelia Bones. "Albus. Where is my son?!"

Amelia stepped forward, "Yes Albus. This isn't a keep calm matter. A Child has been kidnapped from your care. Mr Cousland and the rest of the public deserve answers, and if you cannot supply adequate answers you will have to stand up in court."

Albus gave a strained smile to the group, "Now, Aedan, Amelia I'm sure we can work something out. I am searching for him with all the power that I possess. Are you quite sure young Hadrian hasn't just run off? Teenagers, his age can be antsy if you know what I mean."

Lucius Malfoy was the next to speak. "Forgive me for interrupting, However, my son and heir Cousland have been friends for a long time. The child is not antsy, and for you to assume so was a bold move, Albus." His voice was cold. "The board of Governors will be holding a meeting next week. Expect a decision on your place as headmaster here at Hogwarts."

Aedan could see the old man grit his teeth but accepted. "I understand." However, when Dumbledore turned his attention to Aedan again, "Aedan, surely you advised young Hadrian on the company he keeps around? Perhaps you should be looking into them." The snarky comment did it for Aedan. He could feel his wolf getting restless, it didn't happen often but when it did, it was serious. The tawny-haired man stalked up to the desk that the Headmaster stood behind, and leaned close to the grey man's face. The growl in his voice almost sounded animalistic. "Watch the way you talk about my son Dumbledore, find him, or you will find that I can be very... dangerous." Aedan took a step back, suppressing the wolf. "I do hope you understand, Dumbledore."

The old man had went paste white, "Y...Yes, I understand completely."

Aedan smiled a sickly sweet smile that promised pain at the old man. "I'm glad, we've come to an understanding. Now, I best be off, searching for my son." With that, Aedan stepped into the floo and back to his home, he needed to let his wolf out for a bit, to at least calm down and blow off so steam.


Hadrian didn't realise how much free time he had until he wasn't at school. He still tried to keep up with his school stuff, well what he could. Tom was insistent that he did, on top of his other 'duties'.

He wouldn't lie when he said that he was enjoying his time off. Raids every other week, one upcoming which he was in the middle of planning. There was a knock on the door to his study, which was just a couple of doors before Tom's. No one apart from Barty, Rodophus, Rabastian, Bellatrix, Lucius or Tom really came to bother him, and as far as he was aware it was only Tom that was here at the moment.

"Come in." His voice was distracted as he scratched away on the paper, reading from a wizarding medical book, right now the chapter he was on was based on identifying and treating poisons. He had heard the door open and shut, but there was never a noise. Hadrian looked up from the notes he was making. Tom was leaning on the door, "I never thought you were going to look up from that piece of paper. I just wanted to know if you wanted me to let the owl in that has been trying to bypass the wards for the last couple of weeks? I believe it may be your father."

Hadrian looked at Tom, with an unreadable expression. "Are you sure it's not Dumbledore? You know what he's like."

Tom gave his lover a gentle smile as he came to stand behind him, massaging the younger's stiff shoulders. "Pet, you're stressed. Are you sure you're okay?" Tom felt his forehead too. "Merlin, you're awfully warm. Maybe you should head to bed, you've been working hard." Hadrian didn't bother pondering the subject. "No Tom, I'm perfectly fine." Hadrian went to pick up his quill when he knocked it and the ink bottle to the ground. Tom cleaned it up with a wave of his hand. "Hadrian love, you're running a fever. Bed. Now."

Hadrian looked up at Tom with tired eyes, "Fine." Tom helped him up and brought him to their shared bed chambers, in the end, practically carrying the teenager.

Tom gave him a soft look, as he lay Hadrian down on the bed, head propped up. "Love, I need you to take a potion for me. It'll run down your temperature." Hadrian, who was barely conscious opened his mouth enough to swallow the potion while Tom massaged his throat, trying to get it down easier. "Well done, Love." Tom went to set the vial down when Hadrian caught his hand, "Please-" he coughed "-Stay with me?"

Hadrian's voice was so fragile, it almost broke Tom. "Of course, Love." Tom crawled into bed beside the teenager who snuggled up into Tom's chest, breathing in the scent of his aftershave. "Aunt 'tunia would 'ever do this...when I was sick..." Those were Hadrian's last words as he fell asleep. Every time Hadrian brought something up to do with the muggles, it would break him just a little more. It had been clear to him that Hadrian was very touch starved, but to not even bother with a child when they were sick was just another thing. Every day he found something more out about the muggles he wanted to kill them in a very new, creative way.

'But that could wait', Tom inwardly said to himself as he brushed his hands through Hadrian's tawny hair, whispering sweet words to his boyfriend, kissing his forehead gently.



A/n - A bit of overdue fluff there at the end. Hopefully I will find out what is wrong with my ear on Tuesday, I can't tell if it's back to normal yet but I have a hearing test. Depending on what it says I'll find out if it's better, or if there's anymore complications.

Anyways, how's your week been? As always tell me in the comments, I love to hear from you all.


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