Chapter 33 ✅

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Harry followed the older man that had just adopted him through his manor. The house elf, Cally, had been ordered to take his new bags of clothes that Aedan had just bought him up to his new bedroom. Harry knew it was wrong of him to use Aedan like he had, especially since he had bought him new clothes, robes, school textbooks for his fifth year and a new wand to replace his old one.

If anything he saw it as a bonus, now he would have a separate wand for the dark arts and the other for school. Speaking of which, Aedan had said that he would be contacting Dumbledore about him coming back. Harry had scowled at that from behind the elder man as they had the tour of the house. At least it would give him ample time to go down to Nocturn alley and hopefully spy a death eater to bring him to the manor.

"Well, this is your room. I'll leave you for the night, then. If you want something to eat just call Cally down. She'll sort you out." Harry nodded, and Aedan wished him a good night before turning to leave. "Can you tell me more about how you and my parents met? Please." The raven-haired boy called after him. Aedan smiled, "I suppose I could tell you before you go to bed. Come along then."

Harry opened the door to his spacious room, it was decorated in a dark blue colour, definitely different to the blazing and quite frankly fiery red he was used to. He could get used to it. "If you want to change the colour you can, just ask for a bit of help first." Aedan reassured, Harry shrugged, "I quite like the colour. It's different to the Gryffindor common room, more soothing."

Aedan hummed, "Funnily enough, so do I. I found that Red tends to fuel anger." Harry gave the man a funny look, "Are you some sort of mental health doctor or somethin'."

The man nodded, "Yes, I suppose I am. I'm a medi-wizard that specialises in the mental health of many people. Muggle call people like me psychologists." Harry nodded as they sat down on the bed, the duvet was decorated in a light blue, providing a contrast from the darker shades.

Aedan sat, while Harry waited patiently for him to begin. "I suppose it started in second year, we were all in the same year. Except I was a Ravenclaw."  Harry smiled, "That explains the blue."

Aedan nodded. "As I was saying, there were a couple of older Gryffindors. I believe they were fourth year, had cornered me on the train and were looking for me to tell them the answers to their summer homework that they hadn't done. After minutes of trying to stand my own ground and tell them no, one of them had gripped my throat, I don't think it was long before James, Sirius, Remus and a small pudgy boy, Peter confronted them and told them to leave me alone. It worked considering most didn't want to be on the Golden Gryffindor Crew. They helped me up and introduced themselves, and I introduced myself afterwards. Soon enough they adopted me into their group and the rest was history I suppose."

Harry nodded, "Thank you for telling me, I always believed that my dad was a good person." Harry tried to sound as jubilant as possible, Aedan's eyes, told him otherwise. "Your father nor Sirius Black were not who I would call great people, Remus and myself tended to stay out of their way whenever they were bullying the Slytherin's.

Harry sat in silent, eyes slightly widened, "I'll be gone from ten in the morning till just after seven at night. Harry nodded, he would have time then but he was well silent as Aedan wished him a good night and closed the door behind him.

He was just glad that he had managed to get a plain black hooded cloak while he was out. Hopefully this would all go to plan and he would have contact with Tom before he was sent off to Hogwarts in a couple of days time.


Aedan had just left and Harry was donning his cloak, he had pocketed his new wand, and fixed his appearance slightly - getting rid of his glasses and made his bone structure look better and removed the scar from his face. His hair had already grown out, but he changed his eye colour to what it would usually be during death eater meetings, a bluey green. A pain numbing charm on his, still broken leg that was in a cast and grabbed his crutches.

He was lucky about the magic blocking wards around Aedan's manor, checking himself over he apparated to the dingy Alley that he had accidental landed in when he was about to go into second year. Just after the Ron, Fred and George had rescued him from the Dursley's.

Harry sighed, he was being impatient. He knew that it may be some time before anyone he recognised came down the Alleyway. So he huffed and leaned up against the wall staring at the entrance to Diagonalley. He hoped someone would hurry up and come. It was chilly and this place still gave him the creeps. He believed it always would.


After half an hour of waiting, Harry finally noticed someone. Someone who would be better not being out in public, crazy black hair. Yup. Bellatrix. Harry smiled, and quickly set off behind the woman down the thin alleyway. It wasn't before long Harry had pulled out his wand to put up his own shield. Now. It was time to approach her. But how?

He really hadn't thought this through very well.

Harry decided just to take the defensive side, he knew this was going to be difficult, two spells at once. "Expecto Patronum." He whispered, summoning his Crow Patronus. Hopefully that should get her to stop when she recognised it. He was just thankful that this wand hadn't been bought at Ollivander's or else it would have the grace on it. "Hadrian Max. Didn't think we'd see you again after Barty reported that you had been snatched up. Do I want to know what happened your leg?"

Harry blinked, ignoring her question. "I didn't know how close you were to finding me, Bellatrix. I had a plan." Harry walked closer to the insane woman that he and Barty had rescued from Azkaban. "How's our lord?" They were now talking in low whispers, as they made their way down a nicknack beside a wall.

Bellatrix gave him a very serious look, "He's not doing too well at the moment. I'm bringing you to him right now before he actually blows something up."

Harry didn't say anything, but for Tom to loose control and nearly blow something up was... bad.

He gripped onto Bellatrix's arm and they were gone with a quiet pop.


They landed in the entrance hall, which was surprisingly filled with death eaters, 'Tom must have a meeting soon.'

He wouldn't lie when he got a couple of weird looks from the people he passed by as he used his crutches to try and get up the stairs. Bellatrix was following behind him, making sure he didn't fall.

He was surprisingly tired after getting up the stairs, as he arrived at the front door of the dark lord's office. Before knocking he turned to Bella, "Do you know where my other wand is? I kinda need it."

"I think our lord has it." Harry nodded and knocked the door, shifting his weight onto his other foot. The door opened with such a force that Harry almost jumped. He closed his eyes, before looking up at his lover, red eyes wide and filled with longing. "Thank you Bellatrix. Go. I want a couple of words with my second." Bellatrix bowed and left.

Once Tom was sure the female had left he stepped aside to let his Harry in. Only then noticing the metal sticks that he was using to lean on. Harry looked up as he heard a growl form in Tom's throat. "How dare they!" But Tom didn't waste anymore time, instead grabbing Harry's chin, pulling the shorter one towards him, while supporting his lower back and kissing him fast and desperate, all the anger left his being during that lip bruising snog.

A/n - Double upload!!! Omg. Don't expect it often though, this will probably be one of the only times it will happen.

It's only really because I'm so bored and have another ear infection in which I can't hear anything out of my ear from. No one is sure if it'll affect my hearing yet. Kinda hope I don't end up half death ngl.


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