Chapter 23 ✅

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Harry slid down to sit on the floor, he'd just gotten back from the meeting. He used the time turner before he left the manor and port-keyed away back to the park that he'd departed from.

Harry could feel the dark magic twirling in his gut, it was overpowering. The euphoria of watching Tom torture someone had started getting to him, while he was slightly disturbed over how he felt he brushed it off. Tom was different and he couldn't help but feel like what he did was right. Lucius AKA the blond barbie had deserved Tom's relentless wrath. The man had denied his loyalty and had misplaced the diary, something that was particularly valuable to Tom.

It took about another 45 minutes before he finally snapped out of the daze he was in and got into bed before falling into an awfully light sleep.


Of course, the next few days went by like normal, Harry woke up incredibly early to make his relatives breakfast, clean and tidy around the house and garden. There was one beating, though if there was any serious damage caused any evidence of it was gone. His magic kept healing him and it was putting a serious drain on his magic stores.

Hydrath was there through all of it, he made sure that Harry was using his healing salves and pastes for the bruises, cuts, infections and burns, he was so glad that Hydrath had taught him these methods or else he believes he would be dead by now.

Anyway. Harry had received another summons and he was currently on his way out to the park, however, this one was earlier in the day. He didn't have to worry about sneaking out past his Aunt and Uncle, Vernon had gotten so fed up looking at his face that the whale had told him to get out of his sight and not to come back until a lot later that night. It was a wet day in Surrey so he decided to let the small snake chill out in his room, under his blanket.

So he set out, Harry sighed as he made his way into the local town, before slipping into an alleyway so he could slip his robes and disappeared with a quiet hiss.


When he managed to get there, only a couple of other death eaters were standing in the entrance hall waiting. One of which was his Potions Professor, Avery, Wormtail and Barty. Harry immediately made his way over to talk with his sandy-haired friend. "Barty."

The man gave him a slight smirk, "Hadrian. I didn't think you'd be able to make it."

Harry gave the man a glare before letting his features relax. After all, it was the middle of the day, which meant the muggles would be out and keeping him 'safe'. "They won't even realise I'm gone. Trust me." He replied, his voice cool.

Barty gave him a sceptical look, which Harry used to change the topic. "Where have you been hiding out then? I mean you're supposed to be dead." Barty just shrugged, though wasn't able to look him in the eyes.

"I've been sleeping around, haven't been able to find anything stable." Harry just nodded. The ministry had seized control of the Crouch properties and they had all went up for sale since his father had passed, not that Barty had regretted killing his terrible father.

Soon their attention was drawn to the main staircase, Harry could practically feel Voldemort's magic tingle around him, it was addictive like some sort of illegal drug, 'that's what it should be anyways'. He thought to himself as he started to bask in the intensity of the magic swirling around him.

Harry shook himself out of his trance and bowed to the dark lord, or rather Tom. But this wasn't Tom. This was Lord Voldemort. The snake faced bastard that ruined everyone's lives in the first wizarding war, killed and ruined many peoples families. Though Harry willingly helped bring him back, and to be honest the more he thought about it the more fucked up it sounded, but he liked it, plus this dark lord was nothing like the last one.

"Rise my fateful followers." Voldemort's raspy voice spoke out to the room full of death eaters, All of them rising in sync, "I do hope you have come prepared to be here quite a while, we are going to be breaking my loyal followers out of Askaban prison. Hadrian, come with me, we have rather important matters to discuss. As for the rest of you get ready because we will be attacking the prison tonight!" Many of the death eaters cheered and turned to talk to one another. Harry gave Barty a small nod before he left, following the dark lord.



A/n - It's short, I know and there most likely won't be a chapter next week unless I magically manage to get out of my exams this week coming, I honestly can't be bothered but if we get centre assessed grades so these count and I haven't really done much revision {:-|


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