Chapter 56

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One hour later, Tom, Hadrian and the rest of the death eaters are standing at the other side of the bridge, they just needed to get across it to get to the Order of the Phoenix. Both Tom and Harry had managed to make contact with Lady Hogwarts; she agreed to keep the children in their common rooms and not allow them out. She also told them that she was thankful to be able to listen and talk to her children again. Tom and Hadrian just smiled and told her that it was the least they could do.

Tom and Hadrian stood at the front of the death eaters, like leaders leading their army into battle, which they basically were. Tom gave a speech on how we were going to triumph over the light, Hadrian must say that it was very inspirational and as the death eaters apparated across the bridge and into the Castle grounds. Tom brought Hadrian in for a kiss, a short yet sweet one. Well, as sweet as it could be with a slit tongue. "I love you, Tom." Hadrian sighed, "and I love you pet." Tom smiled at him, "we'll make it out alive, don't worry."

Hadrian grinned back, "I know we will."

Just then another red wolf joined them by their side, and transformed back, "Hadrian, are you coming or not? Aedan transformed back and took off for the bridge, Hadrian grinned at Tom before taking off after his father in his tawny wolf form.

⚠️Warning: Gory Violence, Read on at your own risk⚠️

The two wolves paws pounded on the wooden bridge, as they ran beside each other, growling and howling menacingly at their enemies. Aedan launched himself into the air at a powerful rate, crashing into some of the light members, tackling them to the ground like they were bowling pins. Hadrian grinned, which came out looking deranged since he was in his wolf form, he let his instincts take over as hurled into a burly man, the tawny wolf bit down hard on the man's arm, who let out a high pitched scream, one that nearly caused the wolf hearing loss.

Hadrian let go of the man's arm after hearing a sickening crunch, he was pleased with his handy work, but as the wizard went to lift his wand, Hadrian snarled before ripping into the man's throat tearing out vocal cords and all. He would say the man's dying scream would have been hilarious... if he had one that was.

⚠️over for now⚠️

Hadrian looked around quickly before charging after his next victim, who was also dead in a matter of seconds. He worked his way through fifteen light members before he changed back to his human form since he felt more protected that way. As he tried to look around for Tom, he was almost caught off guard by Tonks, an Order member. The last metamorphmagus of the Black family, she certainly had a firey spirit to her, Hadrian was sorry to kill her, it was such a waste, and he liked what he had heard about her bubbly personality from Draco that had seen his cousin when he was younger.

Hadrian slowly worked his way towards the school, closest to where Albus Dumbledore was fighting Voldemort, Bellatrix were almost there, killing whoever stepped in her way. Hadrian smirked, changing into his wolf form, running, ducking and jumping over the fighting and bodies. The amber tawny colour of his wolf coat was splashed with blood, everyone seemed to ignore the wolf-dog until they were on them, struggling against the painful grip that his canines held on with.

He killed a couple more people who looked like they were winning against the death eaters, helping out his cloaked friends. Hadrian, panted heavily as he saw Dumbledore was distracted, the wolf let out a soft growl, before stealthily making his way over to attack the old man, the blood coated wolf cast himself into the air, biting down on the old man's left arm, gripping it with such ferocity that Dumbledore couldn't get him off. When he let go he changed right back to his human form and started flicking his wand casting incantations that should have been too complicated for his age. First, a shield, then a spell that slowed down the healing process, Tom used Dumbledore's small moment that he needed to recover to cast a disarming spell against him. The wand fell out of Dumbledore's hand but he managed to catch it, casting a shield around himself.

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