Chapter 40 ✅

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Hadrian sighed as he got up for the second time this week. He'd forgotten what the early mornings done to him.

Fuck, he was tired.

The facade wasn't making his life any easier, if anything it was testing his patience. Mostly because the Gryffindors were always talking about him behind his back. Not that it really bothered him, but he could see that just because he changed his identity and background they thought differently of him.

Why didn't he see that before he because friends with them? Why was he so thick headed?

Ron and Hermione sneered at him any time he came into eye view of him. He couldn't even begin to imagine how naive he was in his first and second year.

Hadrian scowled as he heard his alarm go off for the fifth time that morning. He had to get up now, no matter how tired he was.


Hadrian walked in to breakfast with Draco and Theo by his side. He had became friends with Theo since Draco introduced them to each other.

Theodore Nott was a bookworm to say the least. He was a relatively short, lanky boy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes who preferred to have his nose in a book... Hadrian wondered how the boy wasn't a Ravenclaw, but his wondering was quenched after he saw just how manipulative the teenager could be.

They had made friends over a game of wizarding chess in the common room on Hadrian's second night in Slytherin house. Theo won of course, even though Hadrian came very close to winning.

After that, they were close friends always discussing stratagems for random things.

As the three Slytherins sat down at their table, Hadrian looked up as a familiar black owl landed on his head. It belonged to Tom.

He had already sent Aedan a letter earlier in the week, stating that he got into Slytherin and made friends with Draco and Theodore.

Hadrian was just glad that Aedan didn't outright  tell him that he couldn't be friends with the heirs to the Malfoy and the Nott lines.

Hadrian absentmindedly passed a piece of nomen to the bird who wolfed it down. Leaving Harry to open the missive before the bird flew off again.

My dear Hadrian.

You can trust that I have put sufficient charms on the paper, that way no one can read this except you.

You should clear your schedule for tomorrow as we are going on a raid in muggle London at 13:20. Make good use of your timeturner. It should come in useful.

See you at the manor tomorrow. Come prepared with your mask and robes.


Ktekt ktek
Hadrian quickly read over it before folding it and putting it in his pocket. He would take a better look at the letter tonight.

A/n - okay. This is a pathetically short chapter and im sorry for that. School's been rough this week and one way to describe my migraines is ruthless. I've spend more time in bed than I have awake.

How was your week?


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