Chapter 39 ✅

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Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at the newly placed Slytherin, even more so when the boy turned and started talking to the Malfoy heir. He had thought that Aedan would have educated his ward into believing that Slytherin was bad, and socialising with the Malfoy's and other known death eater children. It worries him greatly, he would have to send an owl to the man.

Severus Snape looked on at his new ward, he would admit that Aedan Cousland had never wronged him. If anything, the Ravenclaw had been the opposite of involved in their humiliation of him. Much like the wolf, except he was more likely to object to their hatred and humiliation. Even on occasions, dragging them away or helping him up afterwards.

Minerva McGonagall wasn't too surprised that the boy had ended up in Slytherin. She would have loved it if he was in Gryffindor, but she knew behind those bright green eyes that there was something sinister behind them. He wasn't cold like she remembered Tom Riddle to be, but he looked just as cunning. She hoped that this boy wouldn't be another dark lord. That would be the last thing that they all needed. Especially with Harry being missing. She would love to know where her precious lion was.

She refused to speak to Dumbledore after that. She had heard about the muggle trials, and went mental on the old man. It wouldn't be something that the old coot would live down, at least not from her anyways.

Filius Flitwick had been only slightly disappointed when Hadrian Max-Cousland hadn't ended up in his house, surprised too. Almost all the Couslands' had ending up in Ravenclaw, but not this one apparently.

Pomona Sprout on the other hand was just glad to see the boy talk to others in his new house. She hoped he felt welcome here.


Hadrian made his way back to the Slytherin common room, with Draco and a couple of his other year mates. They all seemed nice enough, though he kept to his facade.

They seemed to think it was cool to have him as a transfer student. If only he was.

Pansy Parkinson seemed very intrigued on how their houses were sorted. Hadrian happily explained all that he had found out, "Parkinson-San, we are sorted into houses derived from how we learn, as for me - inner strength and intuition. We are creative in approaching situations, even if it's somewhat devious."

The girl with the shoulder length brown hair listened eagerly, Hadrian smiled at her. "If I may, can we continue this conversation some other time? I am quite tired." The girl looked a tad crestfallen but nodded. They were at the common room anyways.

Draco said the password 'Bloodborn', Hadrian didn't say anything. He knew that the password was slightly racist, but then pureblood supremacy was a real thing in the wizarding world. Others had to work their way around that, but that didn't matter he found a way round it.

The common room wasn't as dreary as he remembered from his second year. The fact that the common room was under water really did sell the place for him, "Mr Max-Cousland? I presume." A dour voice echoed from behind. Hadrian knew that Snape was likely to do something like that.

Hadrian turned to face his new head of house, nodding, though he did bow his head a bit. "Yes. Welcome to Slytherin. We are the house of the snakes, my name is Professor Snape and I am Potions master and your head of house. Now while your here you should follow the rules of our house."

Hadrian nodded, "Of course Snape-Sensei."

The man just got on with his speech, not even seeming as surprised as the others did. "There are only a couple of main rules. Make sure you walk around in a group, so your not completely defenceless. Gryffindors tend to pick on people like us."

"Secondly, If you're doing something you shouldn't be doing, don't get caught. - if you do, pray that it is me that finds you."

"Lastly, inner house arguments should stay within the house walls. We show a united front outside the common room, the rest of the school may be against us, do not include yourselves. Do I make myself clear?"

Hadrian bowed his head, "Of course, Snape-Sensei. May I be excused? I really am tired."

The man nodded, "You may. Goodnight."

Hadrian smiled a bit and left, following Draco up to the rooms meant for the fifth years. The door was a dark oak colour, like most of the furniture in the common room. The beds were a dark green colour, much like the colour of their robes.

Hadrian flopped down on the bed that had his trunk at the end of it. It was so comfortable, even more so than the Gryffindor ones. Hydrath, was still snuggled into his new robes which were made more comfortable than the ones he had bought from Madame Malkins. Since these had been made to fit him they we're definitely better fitting than his other Gryffindor ones.

Aedan had paid for it to be specially handmade before he went back, he was sure to have that done again.

Hadrian heard an angry hiss from his pocket, he must've landed too hard on the bed and it disturbed his sleeping snake. "Sorry Hydrath." He hissed softly under his breath.

The snake gave back an angry hiss, but Hadrian couldn't work out what he said so he just left the reptile alone to sleep, he seemed pretty cosy after all.

Hadrian summoned a quill and parchment paper from his trunk, before he forgot. He promised to write to Tom and Aedan about which house he was sorted into.

He decided to start with Tom's first.

Snake-face (just kidding Tommy boy),

I was sorted into Slytherin, somehow I believe bestie Barty will be upset. Give him my regards will you?

I've made friends with the mini Malfoy, and a couple of your other... friends' children. They all seem decent enough, a lot better than when I was in my other placement. I have to admit that you done a great job with my leg, at least I don't have to go to any muggle physiotherapist.

Thank you for that by the way, I can't remember if I ever did thank you.

Would you send me an index of all the upcoming raids and meetings? I want to make myself available for as many of them as possible.

With love,

Your Hadrian.

He smiled at the letter, and spelled it to only open for Tom and sent it off to him. He didn't have an owl, but the spell was just as quick.

He looked on at the time and decided that he would write Aedan's letter tomorrow, the man would probably write to him first anyways.


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