Chapter 4 ✅

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Third person PoV:

Harry stood outside kings cross station for two hours before deciding that the Dursley's had conveniently 'forgotten' to pick him up from the station. He started the long four hour trudge back to number 4 Privet Drive.

By the time Harry arrived back at his relatives house it was eleven o'clock at night. The boy wanted nothing more than to collapse then and there but he tried the door. It didn't open. Harry knocked the door anyway despite his aching joints and clawing pain of his starving stomach. He stood there on the doorstep on a freezing cold July night. It hadn't yet started to warm up yet for the British summer. He was fighting the urge to collapse.

Ten minutes had passed and no one came to open the door. Harry sighed and dragged his trunk with the little strength he had left. He settled behind some rose bushes and lay down on the patio.

After trying to sleep for half an hour, but he simply couldn't. Harry gave up and opened his trunk and took out his potions summer homework. Unlike the popular belief that Harry hated potions and despised the teacher equally as much; he really didn't. Harry had grown to have some respect for the man who still degraded him for his 'abysmal' potion skills. The man looked out for Harry and gave help when he needed to, of course this was when no one was looking. A form of this help was giving him the dreamless sleep potions.

Harry wasn't as pathetic at potions as his classmates believed. He was just afraid of outshining Hermione. He wanted to keep his friends close to him but that didn't seem to be working at this point. 

Another hour later it was now 00:30 in the morning; Harry was checking over his potions essay that reviewed the potion ingredients that they had used this year.  What potions they were used for and the adverse effects of when the ingredients where used wrongly. He shuffled a bit trying to regain his comfort for the fifth time. When he heard a agitated hiss.

Harry looked round from where he was sitting he could see nothing out of the ordinary until he saw something move in the corner of his eye. Harry looked around him only to hear a voice. "Stupid humans they are meant to sleep in their dens not outside them." The snake hissed. It was clearly irritated.

"I apologise for waking you with my shuffling." I hissed back into the darkness of the rosebushes. Just then something slithered into view. It was a rosy boa constrictor.

"You're a speaker?" The snake asked curiously.

"Yes I am." I replied.

"I am sorry for my rudeness, young speaker. I have never met a speaker." The snake replied.

"It's okay and please call me Harry." Harry said to the snake. "What is your name?" Harry followed up with saying.

"My humans before named me Hydra although I prefer hydrath." The snake replied.

"Okay then hydrath." At the mention of his preferred name the snake looked at him and to what Harry guessed smiled at him.

"May I travel with you, Harry?" Hydrath asked. 

"Of course Hydrath, though I do ask you to go back to your den so I can finish my work." Harry said to the snake. Hydrath nodded and slithered back into his rose bush.

Harry then pulled out his charms work and finished it, correcting his errors and putting it away in his trunk. Harry then done his DADA assignments Before falling into a restless uncomfortable sleep around 4:30 am.

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