Chapter 46 ✅

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"Excuse me?"

Aedan... well he was blank. His son wasn't actually missing and had just shown up at their house, came out as a death eater, not only that but had just admitted to being in a relationship with the most wanted man in the wizarding world.

To say that he was shocked was a tad bit of an understatement. Aedan ran a stressed hand through his hair, as he paced around the room back and forth, trying to make head or tail of what his son had just told him. "So you're telling me that, you've been a death eater since your third year, AND you're in a relationship with the dark lord!"

Hadrian nodded but quickly diverted his eyes to the ground. Merlin. He didn't know if he should be angry or calm. But he sucked in a breath and breathed it out again. "Hadrian. Are you happy?"

His son's eyes shot up to look his father in the eyes, Aedan didn't need anyone to tell him that he wasn't happy. The adoration shone in his eyes, "Yes. Of course, I'm happy."

Aedan smiled. "Good. Cause that is all that matters. I will say that the age gap is something that bothers me, but if you're happy, I'm happy." Aedan was tackled into a hug by his son, he smiled softly, "But if he does anything to hurt you. You tell me, and I will rip his head off his shoulders."

Hadrian laughed. "Of course dad."

Aedan summoned Cally, who's eyes watered as she saw Hadrian. "Would you mind making us some tea, with chocolate biscuits too, Cally."

The house elf bowed, "Of course, Master Aedan." She popped away quickly.

They both made their way to the dining room and sat down, Hadrian had gotten a piece of parchment paper, wrote on it to tell his pissed off lover that he was fine and at the Cousland manor, and if he could stop being so angry he would appreciate it. And spelled it to to land in Tom's hands.

His father gave a speculative look, "I didn't tell Tom that I was leaving to find you, he's been pissed off with me ever since." Aedan was nodding along, though didn't look quite reassured. "Merlin and Morgana dad, I didn't mean it like that. He won't beat me up over it. He's just protective over me, I mean when you adopted me he had Barty Crouch Jr come and get me only hours after I left with you." Hadrian smiled slightly at the story.

The tea Appeared in front of them, and they both took their mugs in their hands. Sipping it quietly as they sat in comfortable silence.


Hadrian didn't spend that long with his father, to be honest it almost felt wrong being in his presence. Perhaps it was the light magic that the house seemed saturated in. It felt stronger than usual.

Even though he liked running in his wolf form, he knew that he couldn't keep Tom waiting any longer. After hugging his father and a promise to visit another time and if he wanted he could meet Tom, he left with a quiet pop.

When he appeared in Tom's office he was face to face with a very pissed off, possessive dark lord. "Heyyyy soulmate."

Tom gave him a heavy, silent stare. One that made Hadrian want to cower in the dark lords presence. That was a feeling that he hadn't felt in a long time. "Don't 'hey' me Hadrian."

The younger heaved in a sigh. " 'm sorry Tom, I really am but I needed to visit my father and I knew you wouldn't let me go since I was sick. 'm really sorry." Hadrian's eyes drifted to his feet, as he shuffled them guiltily. Tom's face softened. "Of course, I wouldn't have let you go, you're sick and I don't want you getting worse. Besides that, what if someone had found you? What would you do after that? What would I do?" Tom took a deep breath, "I'm just glad you're here, safe."

When Hadrian didn't look up, Tom got increasingly worried. He had seen his lover breakdown before, and it seemed so stressful for him. Tom used his hand to bring Hadrian's head up so their eyes could meet. He was shocked by the amount of fear he saw in them. That was an emotion that he never wanted to see on his sweet puppy's face. "Hadrian love, I'm not mad at you. I could never stay mad at you." 'I will bloody reincarnate Vernon just to kill him again for every emotion that his love felt by his hand.'

The look of utter sadness in Hadrian's eyes almost burned his heart. "Pet, I'm not mad at you. I just wished you told me in person before you left." Before he knew it, Hadrian threw his arms around the elder man and cried. His little love wept like there would be no tomorrow.

Eventually, Hadrian cried himself into a lulling sleep. Tom supported the extra body weight that was still too light for his liking, to their bedroom.

Tom lay him on the bed, propping his head up against the pillows. Tom lay down beside him, watching the peacefully sleeping him for a few minutes. He was intent of waiting for Hadrian to wake up so they could talk. Hell, they really needed to have this talk with him, he was done beating around the bush. This time be wanted answers.

Tom growled inwardly as the thought of murdering the boys muggle guardians treat his beautiful Hadrian like this.

'Curse you Dursley's. You've destroyed my poor pet. The rest of you will die by mine or Hadrian's hand. That is a promise.'

A/n - Okay. So this chapter is two days late, I'm sorry. But it's the Halloween holidays... I hope you enjoy your week off. Or however long you get.


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