Chapter 25 ✅

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It had been a couple of weeks since the Azkaban breakout, all of the prisoners had woken up and Voldemort had made sure that their mental states were alright. He'd had concerns for Bellatrix but brushed them off saying that she'd always been a bit of the not so sane side.

Right now he'd managed to make relatively good friends with all of them. Barty seemed a lot happier to have his friends back, and all of them seemed very keen to start fighting for the cause. Of course, everyone apart from Voldemort and Barty knew him as Hadrian Max, a common pureblood name that had the last of its British line mixed in with the blacks during 1967. They all believed him to be from the Northern Irish line, which Harry wasn't going to argue against.

Harry, Bellatrix, Barty, Rodophus and Rabastian had all bonded over some muggle torturing, which had lead to a pretty neat friendship between the group. Most of them had mourned Regulus' loss, Harry, who had never even met the Black heir even mourned his loss quite a bit and had comforted the rest of them anytime that they were feeling slightly down over it. It was safe to say that Harry was spending more and more time at the death eater headquarters rather than at his stinking relatives' house. Even Hydrath had come with him a couple of times to see and play around with Nagini, it was all going rather well and Harry found himself enjoying this summer more than any of the others he'd ever had.

Voldemort had held a meeting of the inner circle again today, Bellatrix, Barty and Harry all sitting closest to him as his most trusted. Lucius had gotten over most of his disgust for the newest member of the inner circle considering Harry hadn't worked his way up to the same position that the rest of them had. However, a crucio from Lord Voldemort himself had shut him up pretty quickly.

Voldemort, or rather Tom, called Harry up to his study this afternoon straight after the meeting so they could spend a bit of time together since they had been neglecting each other rather recently. As Harry followed Voldemort up to his study the man's snake-like features fell from his face leaving a handsome looking teenager, or perhaps an adults face instead of the creepy old man with slits for nostrils, nubs for ears, or non-existent lips.

Tom allowed Harry through the door and closed it behind him, Harry took off his glamour and his real appearance took hold. He'd let his hair grow out longer over the summer, it was just reaching his shoulders.

He found it rather shocking that Tom would want to be around him in his human form considering he was less than comfortable with his followers seeing him like this. Tom beckoned Harry over to sit on the love set that took up a smaller corner of the room, where there were bookshelves and books piling on them. Harry sat down and the man with the blazing red eyes sat down beside him. "You know, Harry we haven't talked as much as we used to." Tom mused, causing Harry to look down, feeling guilty.

Tom must've been able to read sense his new emotion and used his thumb and index finger to lift up the raven-haired head up. Tom just looked at him and they didn't say anything, the older one of them found himself leaning towards the younger. And their lips met.

It was a long drawn out soft kiss, one that Tom nor Harry realised was actually happening. They just went with the flow. Tom was the one to break the kiss, feeling absolute shock that he'd kissed the fifteen-year-old.

"Harry... I'm so sorr-" he started but was cut off by the black haired-boys soft lips on his again. Tom was shocked and smirked inwards at the fact that he could tell that Harry hadn't had much experience.

Tom quickly took control of the kiss, dominating it with his soft yet forceful lips. He shifted Harry onto his lap, and Harry threw his arms around Tom's neck and straddled Tom's lap. Tom traced Harry's lips with his tongue asking for entrance to Harry's mouth, the younger obliged and let the hungry tongue probe his mouth, mapping out every crevice.

He could feel the green-eyed boy moan softly into his mouth, he smiled into the kiss and brought his hand up to grip the fifteen-year old's hair. Harry's eyes were heavy with desire and lust, and he moaned loudly as Tom gripped his hair tightly.

They pulled away to breathe, Tom was the first to look at Harry whose pupils were blown wide with elation. They were both breathing heavily but Tom was the first to recover, smirking down at the younger teen that was still straddling him. Tom gave the younger a look as if asking for permission to go further, Harry seemed to know what he meant and nodded, breathless.

Tom smirked as he leaned down and started kissing and sucking on the skin of Harry's neck. The sweetness of him was utterly delicious, Of course, Harry's keening and moans didn't help.

Tom reluctantly tore himself away from the teen's neck who whined in disappointment. Though they both knew that they didn't really want to take it any further, that just seemed a bit too early. They sat there in silence for a couple of hours, Harry and Tom both reading their separate books, Harry curled up beside Tom with his head resting on Tom's thigh, Tom lazily trailed his fingertips through Harry's head of thick, longish hair.

Tom finally said that Harry had better go so he could be back at home soon. Harry reluctantly agreed and Tom gave him a quick peck on the lips, before using the time turner and going back to his hellhole of a home, with his forsaken relatives.


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