Chapter 20 ✅

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Harry heaved his trunk up onto the overhead storage rack and sat down alone in his compartment. Ron and Hermione hadn't bothered to join him, or rather, they were avoiding him and Malfoy. Yes, you heard right, Malfoy. Draco had started to come into the compartment Harry was in on the way to school and from school to talk. They didn't fight anymore and Harry had just put it down to standing up for him when he'd done nothing wrong, and Harry even felt himself start to enjoy Draco's company. He made sarcastic comments and talked about his parents an awful lot, not that Harry overly minded. If anything he was glad for the blond's distraction on the way home from Hogwarts, plus he had a witty sense of humour as well.

Harry gazed out the window as more students boarded the magnificent steam train, home. Most were excited to see their parents, and siblings but all Harry could think about was his Uncle's last threat and whether he would have to walk back to Private Drive like the last two years.

Soon enough Draco came in and sat down, to which Harry nodded and Draco sat down in the seat opposite him. "Excited about going home for the summer, Potter?" He asked, looking at him.

Harry smiled weakly, "Yeah, I am..." He couldn't ring himself to look Draco in the eyes so he just stared out the window, waiting until they arrived at the station which wouldn't be for at least another seven hours.

"So am I, Though I'm not sure what I'm going to do for the rest of the summer, maybe go to a town near me or go on a hack with one of my family's horses." Yes, If you didn't realise, most purebloods have horses and learn to ride from quite a young age, another way to show that you have class, Harry believed.

Harry had never really handled a horse or had riding lessons. Even though he was from a recently former pureblood family he never learned to ride but he supposed that he could find someone to teach him whenever he moved out of his relatives' house, that is if he didn't die there.

They stayed silent for quite a while, not saying anything. It only set Harry more on edge about going back to his Aunt and Uncle's house. Draco broke the deafening silence soon enough, "Potter, I was wondering if you would come round for the last week of the holidays, Mother really wants to meet you, we can go get our school stuff together as well."

Harry's ears perked up at the idea, he was even sure that his eyes lit up in excitement. He wasn't sure if he would even be able to get out of the house, but he'd done it in his second year, so perhaps he could do it again. He looked over gratefully at Draco, smiling "Yes, I think I'd like that."

Draco nodded approvingly and they sat in silence again, although this time it wasn't uncomfortable. Harry's thought now buzzing in ways that he could escape, ways that involved an untraceable time turner.


Soon enough Harry managed to bore himself to sleep and before he knew it Draco was shaking him awake. "Potter... Potter! Wake up. We're at Kings Cross." Harry quickly came around, he had been scared out of his wits at first, but he quickly got over it whenever he realised it was just Draco.

Harry thanked Draco for waking him, and Draco promised to owl him when they could meet up. Draco and Harry ended up leaving together when they got their trunks and owls. Draco patted Harry on the back before he headed to meet his parents who were waiting for him, Harry smiled sadly. Even if their conversation was short it was still nice to talk to someone who wasn't trying to fake a friendship. Someone who appreciates you.

With that Harry left the station through the exit, and this year, Uncle Vernon was waiting for him right outside the station. If Harry ever felt more scared, it was now.

A/n - So this weeks been eventful... I got injections on Friday and my arms hurt like hell, on Saturday I got knocked down by a Clydesdale horse and possibly broke a rib, not that I really care and today... on second thought, let's not even mention today. It's been stressful so please excuse the short, filler chapter before shit goes down next week. See you all next Sunday~


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